The variation of radio luminosity with redshift and its effect on the analysis of the angular size-redshift ( –z) relation for a bright radio source sample (s 178 10Jy) has been investigated. By assuming a power law dependence of luminosity on redshift of the formP (1 +z), it was found that 4.4 (with correlation coefficientr 0.99) for at leastz 0.3. Correction for such a strongP – (1 +z) correlation when considering the –z data for the sample led to a steeper –z slope. This could be explained by assuming linear size evolution of the formD (1 +z)–n withn = 2.8 – 3.3 consistent with both theoretical results and those obtained for more homogeneous source samples.
Astrophysics and Space Science 09/1995; 232(1):23-25. DOI:10.1007/BF00627540