Centre for Igbo Studies

The question, “why Igbo Studies”?, has often been asked, particularly when viewed in the context of the existing Institute of African Studies. But one point of departure which most people have failed to acknowledge is that the present Institute of African Studies, which holistically presents Africa as its focus of study is not well equipped to undertake a strictly Igbo-based programme of research and study without the danger of extraneous intellectual interference.

The establishment of the Centre for Igbo Studies in relation to the Institute of African Studies is therefore likened to the relationship between the Ofo and Ikenga in Igbo cosmology. In this case, the Centre for Igbo Studies assumes the status of the Ofo, while the Institute of African Studies plays the role of the Ikenga. (https://edit.um.es/) In other words, while Centre for Igbo Studies guides the home-front, the Institute of African Studies is expected to look beyond the homestead of Igbo research.  Read More…


The Centre for Igbo Studies (CIS) was conceived by the administration of Professor Bartho Okolo in line with his intellectual-centred transformation of the University to address specific questions, Igbo identity national question and emerging global trends in economic and socio- political developments. The Centre officially took off with the appointment of Dr. N. T. Nwaezeigwe, a historian, as Acting Director on January 6, 2014. Temporarily housed presently at the Hansberry Institute of African Studies the Centre wall to eventually re- locate to its permanent building presently under construction when completed.


Dedicated to a re-modeled collaborative and interdisciplinary research objectives, the Centre for Igbo Studies provides an innovative approach in the inclusion of an exclusive perspective in the public relevant academic disciplines. It intends to assume leadership role in educating the on the fundamental importance on the history, language and culture from antiquity to the present, particularly as they relate to the present global and national trends of event.


To remain and advance as an intellectual resource Centre for the study of Igbo history, language, Culture and allied disciplines for students, scholars and the public, through critical research, teaching, conferences, seminars symposia, workshops, occasional public lectures and any other form of knowledge delivery.


The Igbo are by far the most articulate economic engine- workshop of the Nigerian nation who refused to be ignored even in the arena of national power- politics by both friends and foes alike. The Mission of the Centre for Igbo studies is to inform the people about the centrality of the Igbo in Nigeria’s history, culture and politics as well as in science and technology.


In addition to a structured pattern of research programme, the Centre for igbo Studies will begin with a summer certificate programme in Igbo Studies within the core disciplines of history, linguistics and anthropology with ancillaries in archaeology, religion and the performing arts (Theatre Arts and Music). The Centre hopes to advance further to degree awarding programmes once the necessary infrastructural needs are put in place.


Occasional Conferences Workshops, particular Seminars and Symposia form part of the routine intellectual activities of the Centre aiming to forster the sharing of ideas and knowledge as well as connection with intellectuals outside the University.


The Centre will equally establish a special historical unit dedicated to harnessing the fast- disappearing first land data on the Nigerian Civil. The programme will primarily track down the mainly unsung foot- soldiers of the Civil war who did the real battle but have not been able to put down their accounts in the form of written records.


In addition to occasional paper to be published in form of monographs, the centre will be publishing two academic Journals- one dedicated to the general subject of Igbo Studies and the offer to the accounts of the Nigerian Civil War.