Call for Papers
To the Attention of:
- Chief Executives/Vice chancellors of higher institutions in Africa/globally,
- Scholars, Students, NGO and governmental representatives:
Dear All,
We are delighted to inform you that the Vice Chancellor, University of Nigeria, Professor Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba and the Office of Strategic Contacts, Ethics & Publications, is organizing an upscale 2016 International Conference on Ethics, Governance and Higher Education (EGHE2016) with the support of Globethics.net (organizer of the Global Ethics Forum), Geneva, Switzerland.
- Date: November 23rd-25th 2016. To the Attention of:
- Chief Executives/Vice chancellors of higher institutions in Africa/globally,
- Scholars, Students, NGO and governmental representatives:
Dear All,
We are delighted to inform you that the Vice Chancellor, University of Nigeria, Professor Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba and the Office of Strategic Contacts, Ethics & Publications, is organizing an upscale 2016 International Conference on Ethics, Governance and Higher Education (EGHE2016) with the support of Globethics.net (organizer of the Global Ethics Forum), Geneva, Switzerland.
- Date: November 23rd-25th 2016.
- Venue: Princess Alexandra Auditorium (PAA), University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria
- Contributors and Speakers: Over 30 chief executives/vice chancellors of tertiary institutions from Africa and all over the globe are expected to be in attendance.
- Participants: distinguished participants/scholars from over 40 countries worldwide, from academic, business, governmental and NGO realms.
- Languages: English and French
- Co-organizers: University of Nigeria / Globethics.net, Geneva, Switzerland
This highly exciting and challenging international Conference is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students and others interested in issues that surround ethics and leadership, innovation, strong ethical culture in, leadership, governance and value education. Kindly pre-register under the following links before September 15, 2016. More details on topics and target audience are included in our call for paper.
We look forward to hearing from you soon,
Dr Casimir Ani, Director,Strategic Contacts, Ethics and Publications Office of the Vice-Chancellor
150, route de Ferney – CH 1211 Geneva
Anh Tho Andres-Kammler.Program Executive Ethics Education Globethics.net – Head Office
International Conference on Ethics, Governance and Higher Education
Theme: The Power of Values Across Leadership and Higher Education
The International Conference on Ethics, Governance and Higher Education will provide unlimited resources and opportunities for all participants to interact with prominent leaders in the field of governance and higher education. It will also greatly expand the global network of scholars and professionals. Early submissions of abstracts are strongly encouraged due to limited space. The Sub-themes of the conference are listed but are not limited to:
- Philosophy, Ethics, Leadership and Higher Education
- Ethics, Peace Building, Inter-religious Dialogue, Diplomacy and Terrorism
- Ethics, ICT, Leadership and Energy Sector
- Ethics, Finance, Law, Business, Oil politics and Sustainable Environment
- Ethics, Gender, Civil Society and Media
- Ethics, State Governance, Diplomacy and Anti-corruption
- Ethics, Agriculture, Food security and Green Economy
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Ethics
- Ethics, Sustainable Development Goals(SDG), and United Nations
- Ethics, Culture, Music, the Diaspora and African Studies
- India and China in African Development: The Ethics of Promoting sustainable development of nations
The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is 29th October 2016. Paper proposals should include 250-300 words abstract and title as well as the Author’s Name, Address, Email Address, institutional affiliation and sent to egheconference@unn.edu.ng. Papers presented at the conference will be published in the dedicated international Journal of Globe ethics.net if they meet the required international impact factor and editorial review standards. The publication of the proceedings of the conference will be carried out by Globethics.net Publications at www.globethics.net.
29th October 2016: Deadline for Abstract submission (250-300 words)
September 30th, 2016: Confirmation of acceptance to present at the conference.
From 30th September, 2016: Letters to be sent for visa procurement when payment is received.
From October 7th, 2016: Completion of internal reviews and feedbacks on abstract.
October 30th, 2016: submission of full papers for external review (Single blind peer review).
November 23rd-25th, 2016: Conference on Ethics, governance and higher education begins
November 26th,2016: KAICIID/GLOBETHICS Certificate Workshop on peacebuilding and inter-religious dialogue for Nigerian youths at the University of Nigeria (For interested registered participants and others please see the workshop advert for details)
December 4th– December 14th, 2016: Completion of external review and feedback to the author.
Mid-March, 2017: Publication of the special conference edition by Globethics.net, Geneva at their website www.globethics.net and as a hard copy
Conference Fee/ Registration
Registration for the Conference -Please register at See registration link at Web: www.unn.edu.ng/eghe2016
Conference Fees:
All participants are expected to sponsor themselves or source for sponsorship from their institutions or organisations to cover registration fee, feeding, transportation and accommodation. The University of Nigeria does not provide participants with any form of support/sponsorship.
Participant whose papers are accepted will also be responsible for their traveling expenses to University of Nigeria, Nsukka including the payment of a non-refundable registration fee of $150 only for foreign participants and N30,000 Naira only for participants from Nigeria. All payments should be made on the Remita platform in the registration form.
BOOKS AND OTHER PRODUCT EXHBITORS ARE WELCOME (For interest to exhibit your books and other products contact: egheconference@unn.edu.ng)
Enquiries: EGHE2016 Organizing Committee
Email: enquiries.egheconference@unn.edu.ng
Phones: +234-(0)7032712275 and +234-(0)8138605952
- Venue: Princess Alexandra Auditorium (PAA), University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria
- Contributors and Speakers: Over 30 chief executives/vice chancellors of tertiary institutions from Africa and all over the globe are expected to be in attendance.
- Participants: distinguished participants/scholars from over 40 countries worldwide, from academic, business, governmental and NGO realms.
- Languages: English and French
- Co-organizers: University of Nigeria / Globethics.net, Geneva, Switzerland
This highly exciting and challenging international Conference is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students and others interested in issues that surround ethics and leadership, innovation, strong ethical culture in, leadership, governance and value education. Kindly pre-register under the following links before November 10, 2016. More details on topics and target audience are included in our call for paper.
We look forward to hearing from you soon,
Dr Casimir Ani, Director,Strategic Contacts, Ethics and Publications
Office of the Vice-Chancellor 150, route de Ferney – CH 1211 Geneva |
Anh Tho Andres-Kammler.Program Executive Ethics Education
Globethics.net – Head Office Switzerland |
International Conference on Ethics, Governance and Higher Education
Theme: The Power of Values Across Leadership and Higher Education
The International Conference on Ethics, Governance and Higher Education will provide unlimited resources and opportunities for all participants to interact with prominent leaders in the field of governance and higher education. It will also greatly expand the global network of scholars and professionals. Early submissions of abstracts are strongly encouraged due to limited space. The Sub-themes of the conference are listed but are not limited to:
- Philosophy, Ethics, Leadership and Higher Education
- Ethics, Peace Building, Inter-religious Dialogue, Diplomacy and Terrorism
- Ethics, ICT, Leadership and Energy Sector
- Ethics, Finance, Law, Business, Oil politics and Sustainable Environment
- Ethics, Gender, Civil Society and Media
- Ethics, State Governance, Diplomacy and Anti-corruption
- Ethics, Agriculture, Food security and Green Economy
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Ethics
- Ethics, Sustainable Development Goals(SDG), and United Nations
- Ethics, Culture, Music, the Diaspora and African Studies
- India and China in African Development: The Ethics of Promoting sustainable development of nations
The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is 29th October 2016. Paper proposals should include 250-300 words abstract and title as well as the Author’s Name, Address, Email Address, institutional affiliation and sent to egheconference@unn.edu.ng. Papers presented at the conference will be published in the dedicated international Journal of Globe ethics.net if they meet the required international impact factor and editorial review standards. The publication of the proceedings of the conference will be carried out by Globethics.net Publications at www.globethics.net.
29th October 2016: Deadline for Abstract submission (250-300 words)
From 9th October, 2016: Confirmation of acceptance to present at the conference.
From 30th September, 2016: Letters to be sent for visa procurement when payment is received.
November 7th, 2016: Completion of internal reviews and feedbacks on full paper.
November 15th, 2016: Re-submission of revised full papers for external review (Single blind peer review).
November 23rd-25th, 2016: Conference on Ethics, governance and higher education begins
November 26th,2016: KAICIID/GLOBETHICS Workshop on peacebuilding and inter-religious dialogue for Nigerian youths at the University of Nigeria (For interested registered participants and others please see the workshop advert for details)
December 4th– December 14th, 2016: Completion of external review and feedback to the author.
Mid-February, 2017: Publication of the special conference edition by Globethics.net, Geneva at their website www.globethics.net and as a hard copy
Conference Fee/ Registration
Registration for the Conference -Please register at See registration link at Web: www.unn.edu.ng/eghe2016
Conference Fees:
All participants are expected to sponsor themselves or source for sponsorship from their institutions or organisations to cover registration fee, feeding, transportation and accommodation. The University of Nigeria does not provide participants with any form of support/sponsorship.
Participant whose papers are accepted will also be responsible for their traveling expenses to University of Nigeria, Nsukka including the payment of a non-refundable registration fee of $150 only for foreign participants and N25,000 Naira only for participants from Nigeria. All payments should be made on the Remita platform in the registration form.
BOOKS AND OTHER PRODUCT EXHBITORS ARE WELCOME (For interest to exhibit your books and other products contact: egheconference@unn.edu.ng)
Enquiries: EGHE2016 Organizing Committee
Email: enquiries.egheconference@unn.edu.ng
Phones: +234-(0)7032712275 and +234-(0)81386059522