Focal Area: Southeastern Nigeria
Base Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture, Uiversity of Nigeria, Nsukka
The concept of land has been defined as the area of the earth’s surface the characteristics of which embrace all reasonably stable, or predictable cyclic attributes of the atmosphere vertically above and below this area including those of the atmosphere, the soil and underlying geology, the hydrology, the plant and animal populations, and the results of past and present human activity, to the extent that these attributes exert a significant influence on the present and future uses of the land by man (FAO, 1976). However, land use types differ from one location to another depending on the immediate needs of the government, community or individual concerned. According to (FDALR, 1996), in Nigeria, land is used for agriculture, urban development, industrial and commercial purposes in that order of decreasing importance.
Land is a natural resource and its components must be conserved if any nation must make any progress in any facet of its life be it agriculture, industry, health etc. Judicious land use and conservation require that research agenda be developed so as ensure sustainable use of the land resources.
Research Focus
- Identification and inventory of land degradational processes and conservation measures
- Identification of sustainable land use systems
- Soil management for sustainable agricultural production
- Industrial land use and impact on environment
- Increasing Crop and animal Production towards ensuring food security
Proposed Research Topics
- Environmental and Socio-economic Implications of Cattle Grazing in Southeastern Nigeria
Principal Investigator: Professor Charles L,A, Asadu
Consistent cattle grazing has been observed to constitute a source of quarrels between the resident farmers and the cattle owners (Fulani nomads) in most subhumid savannah areas of south-eastern Nigeria. A research proposal is here thus presented with the objective of assessing the impact of the practice of consistent grazing and the presence of the Fulanis on the environment, socio-cultural and health aspects of the people of the area with a view to formulating policy strategies for alleviating identified problems towards enhancing mutual co-existence of the people in the area.
The study which is expected to last for 25 months will cover soil studies including soil erosion; socio-cultural and health aspects of overgrazing or otherwise; land use and policy recommendations. The results of the studies are expected to benefit both the local farmers, the fulanis and other stakeholders in environmental issue as the government will use them to formulate appropriate policies that would enhance the cordial relationship among the people of the area. Such policies may also be extrapolated possibly with modification to other areas with similar environmental problems. The research results will also be presented at the end of the local authorities during a seminar planned to mark the end of the study. The study will also emphasise environmental education to enlighten the people on the dangers of environmental degradation.
Research Problems
Cattle grazing in some parts of South Eastern Nigeria have resulted in severe environmental degradation which has affected agricultural production, health standard and resulted to some security risks including socio-cultural conflicts between the original inhabitants of the area and the nomadic cattle rearers.
The people of South Eastern Nigeria are mainly farmers producing food crops such as rice, yams, cassava, beans etc in large scale due to the favourable biophysical conditions of the landscape. The land tenure system practiced in this part of the country empowers ownership of land by individuals and families for the purpose of food production. Each families or individual strives to conserve some portions of its/his land for cultivation and ensures the security of the farms from domestic animals. To this extent, during planting seasons, grazing of animals is restricted to certain agreed areas different from crop fields so as to avoid the damage of the latter by the animals. In most areas strict rules exist to check this practice.
The Fulanis of the Northern Nigeria, on the other hand are principally cattle reares, because of the unfavorable climate which does not favour availability of pastures during most parts of the year, those nomadic cattle rearers migrate down the southern and eastern part of the country for cattle grazing. In so doing, these cattle rearers often neglect the existing local rules governing the animal rearing to the extent that not only are the portions of land conserved for planting rendered infertile through overgrazing but the growing crops in the farms are damaged by cattle. This competing demand for land use in this part of the country has often resulted to:
- Conflicts which in some cases have led to bloodshed and often ended up in law courts;
- Unfavourable working environment on the part of both the cattle rearers and the native food growers in the areas;
- Environmental pollution through land degradation, river pollution and the attendant health hazards.
- Security risks
The research will therefore, address the following problems/issues
- Identification of areas covered by cattle grazing in South Eastern Nigeria and demarcating those areas or portions of land thought to have been overgrazed. This will enable a relative comparism between the findings in such areas. The selected areas in Isi-Uzo and Uzo-Uwani have been noted to be covered by cattle grazing usually herded by the Fulanis. However, the erosion problems, socio-cultural conflicts and some health problems observed had not been associated with cattle overgrazing in all the villages in the area. Thus the need to isolate or demarcate where such problems exist and also to assess their degrees.
- Inventory and study of soil erosion sites related to overgrazing. Some observed erosion sites on the area have been associated with cattle grazing. The likelihood of such overgrazed areas turning into non-productive lands in the future has been expressed by the farmers. This is because some of the areas now support scanty vegetative growth and only shrubs survive there.
- The sociocultural conflicts between the resident farmers and the Fulani nomads. The Fulanis migrated from the northern part of the country and have different sociocultural and religious backgrounds from the indigenes in the area. The indigenes belong to the Igbo speaking tribe in the country and seem to claim ownership of the land. There are problems associated with the differences in their ways of life.
- The problems of pollution of rivers and streams used by the people arising from the dungs (faeces) deposited by the cattle. During both the rainy and dry seasons, the cattle drink from the rivers and streams and in the course pollute the water. Again the cattle dungs are carried to the streams by surface runoff which is facilitated by virtually bare soil surface resulting from de-vegetation by overgrazing. This needs to be investigated because the people depend entirely on such rivers and streams for their domestic uses including drinking as there is no pipe-borne water in the area.
The presence bovine rotavirus which causes severe diarrhoea has been established in Adani which is one of the major towns in Uzo-Uwani area. According to health officials in Eha-Amufu and Ikem areas of Isi-Uzo local authority, the spread of cholera and gastroenteritis epidemics in those towns at the beginning of the rainy season in 1991 and 1992 during which about 500 people lost their lives and over 5,000 people were vaccinated was attributed to the water drawn from Abonyi River which was polluted by dungs from donkeys and cattle. Tse-tse flies which transmit (Trypanosome) the casual organism for sleeping sickness have also been observed to affect the inhabitants and this has been attributed to the presence of cattle.
- e) Crop damage by the cattle would need to be investigated and evaluated in the affected areas. Though this may be obvious where there is no controlled grazing, this has not been established and evaluated in the areas. The selected areas for the study are known for their food crops production potentials. It is therefore of interest to the government as inappropriate policy strategy would seriously affect the food supply level in the south-eastern part of Nigeria. Hence one of the major issues of concern is to forestall the eminent danger of drastic food shortages and environmental hazards that are likely if the grazing habit is not controlled. This is because cattle overgrazing tend to run counter to the government policy on agricultural, environment and health. The study areas form part of the food basket of the nation.
On how the information from the above will help contribute to the solution of the problems of consistent grazing in the area, policies based on them would be encouraged to be implemented by local authorities and the people concerned will be educated along the recommendations to be made.
- Assessing Impact of land Use Intensification on Soil productivity and Food Production in Southeastern Nigeria
Principal Investigator: Dr P.I. Ezeaku
Concept Note
Upsurge interest in the variability and dynamic change of soil properties and their relationship with soil productivity started at a macro-scale of tropical soils (Beckett and Webster, 1982) and inter-tropical areas (Lal, 1990). Currently, Southeastern Nigerian region has received much less attention in these areas of assessment under field level. Also, information on the key soil properties that impact on agronomic productivity and the extent of potential degradation (vulnerability) rates of the soil properties are pausive.
Thus, accurate quantitative information on the nexus between land use intensification effects on soil quality, productivity and environment of selected areas is desired so as to restore, sustain and enhance the productive and protective functions of the ecosystems, improve food and fibre production, the socio-economic wellbeing of the citizens for poverty reduction and social equity as well as preserve unique landscape and globally important biodiversity.
Against these backgrounds, the objectives of this study would be to: i) quantify the amount of soil fertility properties sequestered under different land uses on a hillslope over time, ii) identify key soil properties that impact on soil quality and agronomic productivity, ii) examine soil property-toposequence inter-relationships, iii) determine potential degradation rates for some measured soil properties under different land use types and slope position, and establish green soil conservation strategies compatible with climate change coping mechanisms .
- Impact of Climate Change on Soil resources and Crop Production in Southeastern Nigeria
Principal Investigator: Mr C. Jidere
Concept note
- Principal Investigator: Dr S. Obalum
- Crop Varietal selection suitable for different Agro-ecological Zones of Southeastern Nigeria
Principal Investigator: Dr S. Eze
Concept Note
Agricultural productivity of any zone or location is a function of the Climate of that zone or location. According to Mba (2009), climate refers to the condition of the atmosphere in a region or area over a long period of time. Because climate varies from place to place, it determines the distribution of plant and animal species, the soil and so the type of agriculture that can be practiced in different agro-ecological zones. Although, technology which refers to the use of science by man has made possible significant modifications, for example the use of irrigation and green house has affected the practice of agriculture in many aspects and zones. In southeastern Nigeria, facilities for adoption of these technologies are not always available and/or affordable to the resource poor farmers, therefore, the need for identification and selection of crops suitable for different agricultural zones.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO ,1976). A framework for land evaluation’, FAO Soil
Bulletin No 32, FAO, Rome.
Federal Department of Agricultural Land Resources (FDALR, 1996), ‘Assessment of Land and vegetation changes in Nigeria between 1976/78 and 1993/1995. Federal Department of Forestry Abuja, Nigeria.
Composition of the Research group
- Professor Charles L.A. Asadu ( Coordinator)
- Professor Charles A. Igwe
- Professor F.O.R. Akamigbo
- Dr. P.I. Ezeaku
- Mr C. Jidere
- Dr. S. Obalum
- Mr. J. Ene
- Ms Grace U. Chibuike
- Ms I.G. Ede
- Dr Hillary Eze (Environmental Scientist)
- Dr Mrs E Ezema ( Computer Scienntist)
- Dr S. Eze ( Crop Scientist)
- Dr Mrs A.N. Asadu ( Agric. Extentionist)
- Dr F.U. Agbo (Agric. Economist)
- Mr Charles Osita (Animal Scientist)
- Mr Fidelis Eze (Field Technologist)
- Mr C. Iwueze (Laboratory Tecnologist)
Curriculul Vitae of Researc Group Members
Ia Name: ASADU, Charles Livinus Anija
Ib Rank: Professor
II Specialization: Pedology/ Soil Survey/ Resource
Management & Agronomy
III Date Of Birth: June 22, 1957
IV Local Government Area: Nsukka
V State Of Origin: Enugu State
VI Marital Status: Married with six children (Aged ≤ 16 yrs)
VII Nationality: Nigerian
VIIIa Postal Address: Department of Soil Science,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
Phone: 07030617380
VIIIb E-mail:
VIIIc Permanent Home Address: 2A Amori-Edem,
Nru, Nsukka,
IX Languages:
- Mother tongue: Igbo (excellent)
ii Others: a. English (excellent)
- French (Fair)
X Educational Institutions Attended and Qualifications
From – to
1 Comm. Pri. School 1965-1967 First School Leaving Certificate
Nru-Nsukka 1970-1972 at Credit Level
2 Igbo-Etiti Sec. Schl. Jan-Sept Transferred to another School (C.S.S.) Adada, Nkpologu 1973-1973 before the Certificate year.
3 Community Sec. School 1973-1977 West African School Certificate
4 University of Nigeria, 1977-1982 Bachelor of Agriculture in Soil
Nsukka. (U.N.N.) Science (FIRST CLASS HONS.)
5 U.N.N. 1984-1986 M.Sc in Soil Science
6 U.N.N 1986-1989 Ph.D in Soil Agronomy
7 International April Training Certificate on Village and
Institute of Tropical 1989 Institutional Surveys.
Agriculture, Ibadan
- Dresden University of Tech.
Germany. Sept. 2000 Certificate of Proficiency in Soil Management
XI Professional Affiliation
1 Permanent Member Soil Science Society of Nigeria
2 Member Agricultural Society of Nigeria
3 Member Nigerian Society of Remote Sensing
4 Member International Soil/Tillage Research Organizations
5 Member International Society of Tropical Root Crops
6 Member Nigerian Meteorological Society
- Member New York Academy of Sciences, USA
- Member International Union of Soil Science
XII Community Services /Association Development Participation
- Public Office
- President Nigerian Assoc. of Agric. Students (1980/81)
- President CSSI Old Student’s Association, (1980/81)
iii. Secretary& later President Nsukka Undergraduate Association, 1979-1980/81)
- Pioneer Member World University Service etc
- Member former Anambra State Palms Development Committee involved in oil palm re-development in the state for three years from 1988. The committee worked out and participated in the programmes for oil palm re-development in the present Enugu and Anambra states.
- President of Nru Nsukka Development Union 1991-1997, during which period peace
rained and development projects eg electricity , water schemes were catalyzed
vii. Member and later leader (2007-2008) of Awareness club, Nsukka that saw to the
restoration of peace in Nsukka Town Union about 25 yrs ago.
- Public Utilities/Institutions
- Built and founded Hillview Unique Secondary School Edem-Nru to help raise the
standard of education in Nru community and beyond; academic activities commenced in September 2008/2009.
- Public Lectures/Conventions
- Organized the First Adada Lecture as the Secretary of Nsukka Professors (2011)
- Organized the First Home-Coming Convention of The Alumni/Alumnae of the
Department (2011)
iii. Organized the First Memorial lecture of Prof D.M. Ekpete (2011)
- Presented invited lecture on The Reality Of Man-Made Food Insecurity In Nigeria at Federal College of Land Resources Owerri, 2011.
Univ./ Fac./ Dept. Committees & Posts | Post Held | Date |
General Agriculture | Co-ordinator, | 1996-2000 |
Faculty Fourth year Programme | Co-ordinator | 2000 to 2006 |
University committee on environment | Member | 1994 |
Curriculum |
Member | 1994 |
Faculty Committee on examination | Member | 1995 till date |
Departmental undergraduate exams Committee | Chairman | 1995 till date |
Faculty Senate Research Committee | Chairman | 2004 |
Faculty Disciplinary Committee | Member, | 2002 till date |
School of Postgraduate studies Committee | Faculty Representative | 2004 |
Faculty | Associate Dean | 2004 to 2006 |
Faculty Board of Engineering. Biol. Sci, Vet. Med | Faculty Representative | 2004 to 2006 |
Univ. Committee on Academic Excellence | member | 2004 till date |
Univ. Committee on Student Work Aid | Chairman | 2004 -2007 |
Univ. Committee on Development | Senate Representative | 2005 -2009 |
Univ. Joint Senate/Council on Endowment | Senate Representative | 2005 – 2009 |
Global J. Agric. Sciences, Univ. Calabar | Assoc. Editor | 2003 till date |
Department of Soil Science | Head | 2005 till 2006 |
Ethanol Prod. Project Biochem. Dept UNN | Consultant | 2005 till date |
Department of Soil Science | Head | 2008 till date |
Production Agric., & Technology J. Nasarawa State University | Member Editorial Board | 2005 Till date |
University of Nigeria Consultancy Board | Member | 2007 -2009 |
XIV Awards/Fellowship
1 Federal Government of Nigeria Merit Award for Academic excellence 1977 – 1982. The value of the award covered my university undergraduate training
2 Research Fellow International Institute of Tropical Agricultural Ibadan Nigeria 1987
3 Nsukka Town Educationist of the year 1994.
- Regular Associateship Award, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy I999-2003.
- American Medal of Honour 2002
- Distinguished Alumnus Award by the University 2004
- Meritorious Award for Academic Excellence 2004 by Nobble Undergraduate Assoc.,
- UNN VC Research Leadership Award 2006/2007 (UNN highest award to Professors)
1. Faculty of Agriculture (UNN) Award for Innovativeness 2007
- Grand Patron Award by National Association of Agricultural Students (NAAS) 2010. (UNN President in 1981)
- Ezinna (good father) of Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish Nru Nsukka (2011)
- Fellow Soil Science Society of Nigeria (from 2013)
- A lion of High Achievement (ALOHA) by UNN Alumni Association, Nov.7 2014)
XV Professional Experiences
- Teaching/Administrative
1 Tutor Government Secondary School Garko, Kano State, 1982/83 under National Youth Service Programme.
- Graduate Assistant (1983) to Lecturer 11 (1987)
- Lecturer 1 (1990)
- Senior Lecturer (1993)
- Professor October 1, 1999.
- Courses taught/being taught in the Faculty
1 Ag 102: – Agricultural physics
2 SSC 242: – Climatology and Biogeography
3 SSCD 331: – Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
4 SSC 321: – Pedology
5 AG 402 -Farm Work Project and Report Writing
6 SSC 441 – Agric. Meteorology, Irrigation and Drainage
7 SSC 431 – Farm Survey, Design and Land Use Planning
8 AG 201: – Land/Soil resource Management under General Agriculture.
9 SSC 551: -Soil genesis and classification
- SSC 521: – Soil fertility and plant Nutrition
11 SSC 621: – Adv. Soil Fertility
- SSC 531: – Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
- SSC 541: -Soil Physics
- SSC 641: -Advanced soil Physics and Hydrlogy
- SSC 631: – Advanced Soil and Water Conservation
C Student project supervision
Have been involved in the successful supervision of over 100 undergraduate, 10 postgraduate diploma, 15 M.Sc. and 5 Ph.D. research projects. Currently (2010) I am supervising 4 undergraduates, 1 postgraduate diploma, 5 M.Sc. and 5Ph.D. research projects.
- Consulting/Review Editor for
- Discovery and Innovation (Kenya)
- Global Journal of Pure and Applies Sciences ( Nigeria)
- Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Nigeria)
- East African Agric. And Forestry J. (Kenya)
- African J. Root and Tuber Crops (IITA, Nigeria)
- Soil and Tillage Research (Europe)
- Aust. J. Of Soil Research
- Agro-Science (Nigeria)
- Nigeria J. Of Soil Research
- Nigerian J. Soil Sci.
- Production Agric., & Technology J. Nasarawa State
- Nigerian Agric Journal
- International Appointment
- Consultant to the African-wide study on cassava, -Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa (COSCA), carried out by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Nigeria, 1988-1993.
- Visiting Scientist, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Nigeria. Feb 1996 – Feb 1997
- External Examinations
- First degree- Federal University of Technology, Owerri (2011—-)
- Postgraduate degrees.
- Ebonyi State University (2005)
- University of Technology Owerri (2005)
- Michael Opara University of Ariculture, Umudike (2012)
iii. Professorial Assessment
- Ebonyi State University (2010)
- University of Technology Owerri (2010)
- University of Maiduguri (2010)
- Obafemi Awolo University (2011)
- Project Research Experiences
a Local Research works/Projects
1 Have been working on the soils of Southeastern Nigeria and root crop agronomy (see publications)
2 Collaborate with International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan, Nigeria Scientists. Assessment of performance and spread of improved cassava varieties from the Institute and long-term trials for evolving sustainable cassava-based systems in soils of eastern Nigeria have been on to date.
3 Worked on soil studies, village level surveys and field surveys as a consultant to the Project: Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa (COSCA) in different parts of Nigeria. These also involved land use and socio- economic surveys.
4 Environmental Impact Assessment Studies on Lower Anambra Irrigation Projects in Eastern Nigeria.
5 Land use, Demography and Infrastructure survey in Dasin Hausa Dam Project Adamawa State, Nigeria.
6 Land use, Demography and Infrastructure survey in Gashin Dam Project Taraba State, Nigeria.
- Evaluation of an integrated rural development project at Idah in Nigeria
- Evaluation of common crop mixtures in eastern Nigeria for sustainable
- Cassava varietal evaluation for cassava mosaic virus resistance with IITA 2004 till date
- Yam varietal trials for yield assessment with NRCRI, Umudike, 2004 till date
b International Research Works/Projects
1 Uganda: COSCA Project Phase II Part I involving Cassava field measurements, yield measurements and soil studies in selected villages across the country with nationals from 13th Jan – 16th March, 1990 and 31st May – 5th July, 1992.
2 Ghana: COSCA Project phase II: Soil studies, interviews on cropping systems, field and cassava yield measurements with the nationals from 20th Nov – 8th Dec. 1990.
3 Congo BR: COSCA Project: Trained nationals on village level survey techniques and conducted surveys on phases I and II of COSCA project in six villages from 6th August – 4th Sept. 1991.
4 Congo DR: Brief visit to Zaire between 20-28 Sept., 1991 on COSCA Project surveys.
5 Cameroon: COSCA Project: Trained nationals on village level interview techniques and cassava characterization and covered the survey of several villages from 13 Jan – 23 February, 1992.
- Conferences/Workshops/Training meetings attended
- Soil Science Society of Nigeria 12th Annual Conference 14th -19th October 1984 at River State University of Science and Technology Port- Harcourt.
Paper read: Toposequence Studies in Selected areas of Anambra State.
2.1985 Annual Conference of Nigerian Society of Remote Sensing (NISORS) at Cocoa Research Inst. of Nigeria Ibadan 7th – 9th November, 1985.
- Cropping Systems Research Network (Root Crop based) at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture Ibadan July 22 – 24 1986.
Paper read: Performance of six cultivars white yam in southeastern Nigeria (Preliminary results)
- 14th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria, Makurdi 19th -23rd October, 1986 at Makurdi.
Paper read: Comparative study and evaluation of yam-zone soils in S.E. Nigeria
- International Workshop and Colloquium on Soil Erosion and Land Clearing Techniques. February 2 – 12 1987 – University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Paper read: Variations in the physical and chemical properties of yam-mound soils in S.E. Nigeria.
- Workshop on Cassava-Based Cropping System Research Network at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan Nov. 16 – 19, 1987.
Paper read: Performance of six cultivars white yam in southeastern Nigeria
- Working Groups-Outreach Conference at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan Feb. 24 – 25, 1988.
Paper read: Variations in the nutrient composition of six cultivars of white yam grown in southeastern Nigeria
- Participated in a special Training on Collaborative Research on Cassava in Africa at IITA Ibadan. 3 – 15 April, 1989.
Topic presented: Methods of soil sampling for the Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa (COSCA).
- International Society of Tropical Root Crops AB Conference Kampala, Uganda 20 27 Nov. 1992.
Paper read: Attributes that Cassava producers Desire.
- Cassava Planning Workshop on IITA ESARN Collaboration in Kampala, Uganda 30 Nov – 2nd Dec. 1992.
- Cassava-based cropping systems workshop 1990 at Cape Coast Ghana
Paper read: A comparative assessment of IITA and local cassava varieties in crop mixtures in Nsukka S.E. Nigeria.
- Workshop on Pathogens of yam in storage at IITA on 25th May 1995.
Paper read: Traditional/Cultural practices intended to promote the shelf life of yam storage.
- College on soil physics at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste, Italy, 11 – 29 Sept 1995.
Paper read: Changes in soil physical properties as a result of irrigation and mechanical cultivation in eastern Nigeria.
- Annual Conference of the Geographical Association of Nigeria (GAN) in Benin Nigeria 28 – 31 May 1995.
Paper read: Land use studies for environmental protection,. The case of Benue River Basin area at Dasin Hausa, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
- Training workshop on Institutional and village surveys at Umudike, Nigeria 1991.
Discussions on Methods of household surveys in relation to cassava production systems in sub-Saharan Africa
16.Training workshop (as a resource person) on COSCA project phases I-III including soil sampling techniques in Kindaba, Congo 7th – 15th August, 1991.
- Training meeting (as a resource person) on COSCA Project phases I and II in Nkolbisson, Cameroon 5 – 15 January 1992.
- 1996 Bienniel Conference by IITA/Nigerian Meteorological Society at IITA Ibadan 24-25 October.
Papers read : 1. A comparison of the fertility status of soils grown to arable crops across different climatic zones in sub- Saharan Africa.
- Fluctuations in the variations of climatic elements during a minor tropical season ‘August Break’ in eastern Nigeria.
- Twentieth Short Course on Environmental Management- Sustainable Soil Management. Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany. 7- 28 September 2000
Paper read: Land use and soil management situation in Nigeria.
- International Symposium on Balanced Nutrient Management Systems for the
Moist Savanna and Humid Forest Zones of Africa, Cotonou, Republic of Benin October 9-12, 2000.
Paper read: Effects of NPK fertilizer mixture on the shelf life of yam tubers and the relationship with residual soil NPK.
- 26th Annual Conference Soil Science Society of Nigeria, Ibadan, October30- November 03, 2000.
Paper read: A comparison of the changes in properties of soils of virgin forest and previously cultivated land due to seven crop combinations.
23 African Crop Sci. Soc. Conf. 21-26 Oct. 2001 in Lagos Nigeria
Paper read: An Analysis Of Cassava Yield Variations In Cassava-Based Crop Mixtures In Eastern Nigeria
- International Society of Tropical Root and Tuber Crops African Branch (ISTRAC-
- AB) Symposium In Ibadan, 2001
Paper read: Combined Use of Soil Fertility Indicators and Crop Yields for Determining Appropriate Cassava-Based Crop Mixture for Soils of Eastern Nigeria
- Soil Sci. Soc. of Nigeria Conf., 4-8 Nov. 2001, Calabar, Nigeria
Paper read: Soil Characteristics along Extinct River Valley in Eastern Nigeria
- Soil Sci. Soc. of Nigeria Conf., 4-7 Nov. 2003.
Paper read: Comparative Study Of Soils Under Pockets Of Virgin Forests And Adjacent Grasslands On Slopes In Nsukka Area Of Eastern Nigeria
- Cassava Working Group Worshop 2005 at Onne Nigeria
Paper read : 1 CMD soils of Enugu of Enugu State
- 2 CMD soils of Anambra State
28 National One-week Intensive Training Course on Preparation of
Agricultural & Biological Samples for Laboratory Analysis at National Centre for Equipment Maintenance & Development, UNN 13-16 July 2010.
Paper Read Soil Analysis For Essential Parameters
- Soil Science Society of Nigeria Annual Conference 12th -19th March, 2011 Federal University of Technology, Mina, Nigeria
Paper read: Response of soil organic amendments by maize.
- Soil Science Society of Nigeria Annual Conference 12th -16th March, 2011 University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Paper read: Soil nutrient variations in a cleared forestland continuously cultivated for seven years in eastern Nigeria
37 Annual Conference of the African Technology Policy Studies in Ethiopia as Discussant, 19-22 November, 2012.
- 12th Triennial Symposium International Society for Tropical Root and Tuber
Crops African Branch at Accra, Ghana September 28- October 3, 201.
Papers Read: i: Asadu, C.LA. A.G.O. Dixon and R. Okechukwu
Comparison of cassava yield variations from five-year continuous cultivation
under sole and mixed cropping systems in an alfisol of Eastern Nigeria
- Asadu, C.L.A.; S.Hauser And G. Nnaji. Research Gaps In Cassava Production Environment: A Review
- First Global Yam Conference; Global Yam2013; Accra, Ghana’ October 03- 06, 2013. Asadu, C.L.A.; S.Hauser And B. O. Unagwu, Research Gaps In Yam Production Environment: A Review
- I. Summer/Winter Schools Attended
- College on Soil Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy October1995.
- Winter College on Spectroscopy, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. 6-26 Feb 1999.
- Winter College on Optics and Photonics International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy 7-25 Feb 2000
- Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology including an Introduction to Ecological Economics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy 2-24 March 2000
- Twentieth Short Course on Environmental Management- Sustainable Soil
Management. Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany. 7- 28
September 2000.
1.B. Agric. [Soil Sci.]: Research Topic: Soils in relation to their underlying geological materials in the derived savanna zone of Anambra state Nigeria: 1982. In the study the effects of parent materials developed from falsebedded sandstones, shales and upper coal measures were assessed and significant effects of parent materials on such soil properties as texture, exchangeable bases, acidity and cation exchange capacity were established. The study brought out the significant effects of parent materials derived from these geological materials on soil properties in the area.
- M.Sc. Soil Science: Research Topic: Pedological studies on six toposequences on three geological formations in eastern Nigeria. 1986. The toposequences were located on soils of uppercoal measures, Imo clay shales and falsebedded sandstones. The effects of topography and agricultural practices were evaluated and strong relationships established from the study.
3.Ph.D. Soil Agronomy: Research Topic: A comparative study and evaluation of yam-zone soils and the performance of six cultivars of white yam (D. rotundata) in southeastern Nigeria: 1989. The study involved a comprehensive characterization and classification of yam-growing soils in S.E. Nigeria. Field trials were conducted using six popular yam cultivars across the environments. Significant cultivar x environment effects were obtained and the prospects of introducing exogenous cultivars into new environments were inferred from the extensive study.
- International Journal and Conference Proceedings
- Akamigbo, F.O.R. and C.L.A. Asadu, 1983. Influence of parent material on the soils
of Southeastern Nigeria. East African Agric. and Forestry J. 48: 81-91. Kenya.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.O.R. Akamigbo, 1987. The use of abrupt changes in selected
soil properties to assess lithological discontinuities in soils of Eastern Nigeria.
Pedologie XXXVII-1:42-56. Belgium.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.O.R. Akamigbo, 1987. The predictive abilities of eleven soil
weathering indices on the sequence of soil occurrence on slopes in eastern
Nigeria. East Afri. Agric. and For J.53: 45-56. Kenya
- Asadu, C.L.A. 1990. A comparative characterization of two foot-slope soils in
Nsukka area of Eastern Nigeria. Soil Science 150: 527-534. USA
- Asadu, C.L.A. and H.C. Agudosi, 1994. A comparative study of soils inside and
outside Ogbunike cave in Eastern Nigeria. Discovery and Innovation 6:367-371.
- Asadu, C.L.A. 1995. The impact of an irrigated rice cultivation on soil
characteristics in eastern Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Science 27:
- Asadu, C.L.A. 1995. The variation in the shape index of yam tubers grown
across three Agro-Ecologies in South-Eastern Nigeria. Agricultural Systems in
Africa 5: 27 –32. Burkina Faso.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.O.R. Akamigbo 1996.Performance of whole-and cutt-
setts of white yam for ware yam production in southeastern Nigeria. African
Journal of Root and Tuber Crops 1(2):18-22. IITA.
- Asadu, C.L.A., F.O. R. Akamigbo, F.I. Nweke and H.C. Ezumah. 1996.
Evaluation of six cultivars of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) across three yam-
growing areas in southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science
(Cambridge) 127: 463-468. UK.
- Asadu, C.L.A. 1996. Soil management for conservation and sustainable rice
production in an irrigated area of eastern Nigeria. Outlook on Agriculture
25:151- 156. UK.
- Asadu, C.L.A.1996. Preference tests of three food forms of six popular white yam
cultivars grown across different ecologies in southeastern Nigeria. Agricultural
Systems in Africa 6(2): 27-32. Burkina Faso.
- Asadu, C.L.A. 1997. The optimum time of yam-mound remoulding for cassava
introduction in yam fields in eastern Nigeria. Tropical Agriculture
(Trinidad) 74(4):308-312
- Asadu, C.L.A.and A.A. Enete. 1997. Food crop yields and soil properties
under population pressure in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of cassava in
southeast Nigeria. Outlook on Agriculture 26(1): 29-34. UK.
- Asadu, C.L.A., J. Diels and B. Vanluawe. 1997. A comparison of the contributions
of clay, silt and organic matter to the effective CEC of soils in sub-Saharan
Africa. Soil Science 162: 785-794. USA.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.I. Nweke. 1998. Soil fertility status and cassava yield in
Tanzania. 1: Nutrient levels in cassava-growing soils. Outlook on Agriculture,
27: 165-171. UK
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.I. Nweke. 1998. Soil fertility status and cassava yield in
Tanzania. 11:Contrbutions of soil properties to cassava yield variations. Outlook
on Agriculture, 27: 173-176. UK
- Asadu, C.L.A., F.I.Nweke and I.J.Ekanayake. 1998. Factors affecting the fertility status of soils growing cassava in sub-Saharan Africa. Communications in Soil
Science and Plant Analysis 29 (1&2): 141-159. USA.
- Asadu, C.L.A., O.O. Ike and B.O. Ugwoke. 1999. Cattle grazing and environment in
eastern Nigeria: Impact on soil physical properties. Outlook on Agriculture .28:
87- 91. UK.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.I. Nweke. 1999. Estimation of the effects of cultural practices on soil properties based on farmers’ information on cassava-growing fields of sub-Saharan Africa. Applied Plant Science 2: 15-23. South Africa
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.I. Nweke. 2000. Impact of agroecology on soil fertility status and cassava yield in Nigeria: 1.Nutrient levels in cassava-growing soils.
African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops 4(1): 14-19. IITA
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.I. Nweke. 2000. Impact of agroecology on soil fertility status and cassava yield in Nigeria: 11.Contributions of soil properties to
cassava yield. African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops 4(1): 20-24. IITA
- Asadu, C. L. A., A. U. Ekwo, and T. K. Udigwe. 2001. Soil characteristics around Lake
Opi in eastern Nigeria and land use recommendations. AgroScience Journal
2(1): 76-90. Nigeria
- Dixon, A.G.O. and C.L A. Asadu. 2001. Performance of seven crop combinations
in two soils of different land-use history in eastern Nigeria. Agro-Science Journal 2(2): 70-80. Nigeria
- Nnaji, G.U.,C.L.A. Asadu and J.S.C.Mbagwu. 2002. Evaluation of physico-chemical
properties of soils under selected agricultural land utilization types. Agro-
Science 3 : 27-33. Nigeria
- Asadu, C.L A. and A.G.O. Dixon 2002. Comparative effects of continuous cultivation of
seven crop combinations on soil physicochemical properties in two oils of
different land use history in eastern Nigeria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Vol 33(19&20): 3545-3566. USA
- Asadu, C.L.A, A.G.O. Dixon and R. Okechukwu 2002. Comparative evaluation of the
contributions of soil physicochemical properties to variations in the yields of four major staple food crops in eastern Nigeria. Soils & Tillage Research. 65 (2): 141-155. UK
- Asadu C.L.A 2002 . Fluctuations in the characteristics of an important short tropical
season, ‘august break’ in eastern Nigeria. Discovery and Innovation. 14 (1&2): 92-101. Kenya
- Asadu, C.L.A. and C.S. Bosah. 2003. A comparative study of the soils of the upper coal
measure residua under cropped-grass-forest land continuum in eastern Nigeria.
East African Agric. and Forestry J. 68: 205- 212. Kenya.
- Asadu, C. L. A., P. I. Ezeaku and G. U. Nnaji. 2004. Land use and soil management
situations in Nigeria: An analytical review of changes. Outlook on Agriculture 33:27-37. UK
30.. Asadu, C. L. A. and A.G. O. Dixon 2005. Soil nutrient and cassava yield variations
under continuous cultivation of three-crop mixtures in eastern Nigeria .Tropical Agric. 82 (1): 1-7
- Asadu, C. L. A. Nweke, F.I. and A.G. O. Dixon 2007. The contributions of soil
properties to cassava yield parameters in sub-Saharan Africa. Agro-Science 6 (1): 1-16. Nigeria.
- Asadu, C.L.A. , O.B. Egbobe and R. Asiedu. 2008. Storage life of eleven cultivars white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) grown with or without NPK fertilizer and the
relationship with residual soil NPK Agro-Sci.7:235-241. Nigeria.
33. Asadu, C.L.A. , A. Enete and F.I. Nweke. 2008. Soil properties and intensification of traditional farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Agro-Sci. 7:186-192.
- Asadu, C. L. A , C. Ucheonye-Oliobi, and C. Agada. 2008. Assessment of sewage
application in southeastern Nigeria 1: Impact on selected soil
morphological and physical properties. Outlook on Agriculture 37 (1) 57-62. UK
- Asadu, C. L. A., B. Ukadike and C. Agada 2008. Assessment of sewage application in
southeastern Nigeria II: Impact on soil chemical properties, trace and heavy metal accumulation in soil and underground water. Outlook on Agriculture 37 (1): 63- 69. UK
- Asadu, C. L. A.; S. C. Obasi, and A. G. O. Dixon. 2010 . Variations in Soil Physical
Properties in a Cleared Forestland Continuously Cultivated for Seven Years in
Eastern Nsukka, Nigeria Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,
41: 123 – 132. USA
- Asadu, C.L.A and Nwajiaku M. 2011 Effects of combination of organic and inorganic
manures on maize performance and soils properties. Agro- Science 10. 1-6
- Unagwu, B.O.; C.L.A. Asadu and P.I.Ezeaku. 2012. Maize Response to Organic and
Inorganic (Poultry manure) and Inorganic Fertilizers (NPK 15-15-15) at
Different Soil pH Levels. International Journal of Envi. Sci. 1(2):126-134.
- Chibuike, G.U., Agbim, N.N., and C.L.A. Asadu.2012. Microbial oxidation of elemental
sulphur as a means of increasing sulphate availability and combating alkalinity in soils. Nature and Science 10: 176-181.USA
- Asadu, C.L.A. and B.O. Unagwu 2012. Effect of combined poultry manure and inorganic
fertilizer on maize performance in an ultisol of southeastern Nigeria. Comm.
Soil and Plant Anal (in press). USA
- Asadu, C. L. A., Obasi, S. C., Dixon, A. G. O., Ugele, N. and Chibuike, G. U. 2013. Soil
Fertility Recovery in a Cleared Forestland Cultivated and Fallowed for Seven
Years. J. Bio. Agric. Research (JOL)
- Unagwu, B.O. and C.L.A. Asadu. 2013. Effect of NPK 15-15-15 and poultry manure on
yield of Maize in Nsukka, Southeastern Nigeria. J. of Natural Sci. Research
- Asadu C.L.A and C.R. Igboka, 2014. Effects Of Animal Faeces And Their Extracts On
Maize Yield In An Ultisol Of Eastern Nigeria. J. Agric and Sustainability5 (1): 1-3.
Proceedings (International)
- Asadu, C.L.A., H.C. Ezumah, F.I. Nweke and F.O.R. Akamigbo, 1987. The
performance of six cultivars of white yam derived from three sources and
evaluated across three zones in Southern Nigeria. In cassava-Based Cropping
systems Research 1:215-224. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
(IITA) Ibadan.
45 Asadu, C.L.A., F.O.R. Akamigbo, F.I. Nweke and H.C. Ezumah, 1987. An
outline of the investigation into a comparative study of yam cultivars and
evaluation of yam soils in Southeastern Nigeria. Proceedings 15th Annual
Conference of the Soil Science Soc. of Nigeria, Kaduna, 111-119.
- Asadu, C.L.A., H.C. Ezumah, F.O.R. Akamigbo and F.I. Nweke, 1988. Relative
changes in the Composition of Six Cultivars of White Yam Grown in Three
Ecozones of Southeastern Nigeria. In Cassava-Based Cropping System
Research 11: 126-137, IITA, Ibadan
- .Nweke, F.I., E.C. Okorji, B.O. Ugwu, C.L.A. Asadu and C.I. Ezedinma, 1989. Field
Area Measurement by Standard and by Alternative Traditional Methods in the
Small holder cropping systems of Southeastern Nigeria. In Cassava-Based
cropping Systems Research 11: 177-180, IITA, Ibadan.
- 48. Asadu, C.L.A. and B.O. Ugwu. 1997. Soil resource management with particular
reference to three arable crops in sub-Saharan Africa. In Advances in Crop
Engineering for the 21st Century, Proceedings of a Conference on New Genetic
Engineering, 23-27Feb 1997.AEARC,Tango jam Pakistan.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and A.G.O. Dixon. 2001. Combined Use of Soil Fertility Indicators and Crop
Yields for Determining Appropriate Cassava-Based Crop Mixture for Soils of
Eastern Nigeria. International Society of Tropical Root and Tuber Crops African
Branch (ISTRAC-AB) Symposium, Ibadan, 2001
- Asadu, C. L. A. and A.G. O. Dixon 2003. Response of Cassava To Soil Nutrient
Variations In Crop Mixtures Grown On An Alfisol By Continuous Cultivation In Eastern Nigeria In Proc. The 6th Conference of the African Crop Science Society, Nairobi, Kenya, 12 to 17 October 2003
- Asadu, C. L. A. and A.G. O. Dixon 2003 An analysis of cassava yield variations in crop
mixtures in Southeastern Nigeria. African Crop Science Proceedings Vol 5 pp
- Ezeaku, P.I., F.C. Iwuanyanwu, C.L.A. Asadu and L.C. Timm. 2012. Evaluating soil
physical fertility and soil degradation taes as influenced by land use change
and catenary sequence in northcentral Nigeria in Proceedings 2nd Workshop of
the ICTP Soil Pysics Associates. ICTP, Italy
- Ndor, E., S. M. Amana and C. L. A. Asadu. 2014. Effect of biochar on soil properties andorganic carbon sink in degraded soil of Southern Guinea Savanna Zone, Nigeria. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 4(3): 252-258,
- National Journals and Conference Proceedings
- Akamigbo, F.O.R. and C.L.A. Asadu, 1986. The influence of topography on some
soil parameters in selected areas of Anambra State Nigeria – Nigerian Journal of
Soil Science, 6:35-46.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.O.R. Akamigbo, 1990. Relative contributions of organic
matter and clay fractions to cation-exchange capacity (CEC) of soils in
Southeastern Nigeria. Samaru J. Agric. Res. 7:17-23. Nigeria.
- Asadu, C.L.A., F.O.R. Akamigbo, H.C. Ezumah and F.I. Nweke, 1990. The
characterization of selected yam-growing soils in Southeastern Nigeria I:
Physical and morphological properties, The Nigerian Agricultural Journal 24:
- Asadu, C.L.A., F.O.R. Akamigbo, H.C. Ezumah and F.I. Nweke, 1990. The characterization of selected yam-growing soils in Southeastern Nigeria II:
Chemical and mineralogical properties. The Nigerian Agricultural Journal 24:
- Asadu, C.L.A., F.O.R. Akamigbo, H.C. Ezumah and F.I. Nweke, 1994. The effects
of mound characteristics and season on the physical and chemical properties of
yam- mound soils in S.E. Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 6:
30-41. Nigeria
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.I. Nweke. 1997. A comparison of the fertility status of soils
grown to arable crops across different climatic zones in sub-Saharan Africa. The Meteorological Journal 2:11-28. Nigeria
- Asadu, C.L.A. , E.C. Okorji and F.O. Onah 1997. Edaphic, socio-economic and cultural changes due to irrigated rice cultivation in eastern Nigeria. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 3 (1): 3-11. Nigeria. .
- Asadu, C.L.A. 2000. Factors affecting the organoleptic characteristics of palm wine
grown in Nsukka area eastern Nigeria. Global Journal of Pure and Applied
Sciences. Vol. 16 : 623-629. Nigeria.
- Ezeaku, P.I., F.O.R. Akamigbo and C.L.A. Asadu. 2002. Use of computer modelling for
predicting crop performance at Abakaliki, Southeastern Nigeria. Savanna Journal of Sci. and Agric. (in press).
- Ezeaku, P.I. Akamigbo, F.O.R. and C.L.A. Asadu 2002. Maize Yield Predictions based
on soil fertility parameters in Southeastern Nigeria, Journal of Agro-
Technology and Extension. 2 (2): 30-38.
10.Asadu, C.L.A. 2002. State policies in agriculture. Journal of Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights 1(6) : 27-58.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and C. Agada. 2008 Impact of cement kiln dust on soil physico-chemical
properties at Gboko, East Central Nigeria. Nig. J. Soil and Envi Res. Vol 8
Proceedings (local)
- Asadu, C.L.A. 1995. Land use studies for environmental protection: the case of
Benue River Basin area at Dasin Hausa, Adamawa State. In Geography and
Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Proceedings 38th Nigerian Geography
Association Conference 28-31 May 1995 36-43.
- Asadu, C. L. A. and D. Essiet. 2001. Soil characteristics along extinct river valley in
Eastern Nigeria. In: pp 69-77. Proc. 27th Annual Conference of Soil Sci Soc. of Nigeria, University of Calabar, 5-9 Nov 2001.
- Ezeaku, P.I., F.O.R. Akamigbo and C.L.A. Asadu. 2001. Maize yield variation and soil
factor interaction in a hydromorphic soil type at Abakaliki, Eastern Nigeria. In: pp.188-195. Proc. 27th Annual Conference of Soil Sci Soc. of Nigeria, University of Calabar, 5-9 Nov 2001.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and E.O. Eze 2004. Comparative Study Of Soils Under Pockets Of Virgin
Forests And Adjacent Grasslands On Slopes In Nsukka Area Of Eastern Nigeria. In: pp 212-219. Proc. 28th Annual Conference of Soil Sci Soc. of Nigeria, NRCRI, Umudike 4-7 Nov 2003.
- Nnaji, G.U., C.L.A. Asadu and J.S.C . Mbagwu. 2005. Morphological and physical
characteristics of soil profile under cultivation and natural forest. Pages 374-377
Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of Farm Management Association of
Nigeria edts Ogisi, O.D., P.B. Okuneye and W.J. Oyaide.18-20 Oct 2005, Delta
State University, Asaba, Nigeria.
- Nnaji, G.U., J.S.C . Mbagwu and C.L.A. Asasdu. 2005. Changes physical properties of
soil under cassava mono cropping and organic waste managements. Pages 395-399 Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of Farm Management Association of Nigeria edts Ogisi, O.D., P.B. Okuneye and W.J. Oyaide.18-20 Oct 2005, Delta State University , Asaba, Nigeria.
- Ukaegbu, E.P.; F.O.R. Akamigbo and C.L.A. Asadu. 2012. Key soil attributes of Owerri
agricultural zone, Imo state Nigeria. In: pp 47-56. Proc. 36th Annual Conference
of Soil Sci Soc. of Nigeria, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, March 12-16, 2012.
- Asadu C.L.A.,, S.C. Obasi and A.G.O.Dixon. 2013. Soil nutrient variations in a cleared
forestland continuously cultivated for seven years in eastern Nigeria.. In: pp
92-105. Proc. 36th Annual Conference of Soil Sci Soc. of Nigeria, University of
Nigeria, Nsukka, March 12-16, 2012.
- Nwajiaku I. M. and C. L. A. Asadu. 2012. Response of two sunflower (Helianthus
annuus) varieties to organic and inorganic fertilizers in Nsukka, Nigeria In:
pp106-117. Proc. 36th Annual Conference of Soil Sci Soc. of Nigeria, University
of Nigeria, Nsukka, March 12-16, 2012.
- Book Chapters
- Asadu, C.L.A. 1990. Soil resource management: A critical factor in national
development. In Challenges in Agricultural Production in Nigeria (A.I. Ikeme,
edt.) Fac. of Agric. UNN, Publication.pp142-155
- Orkwor, G.C. and C.L.A. Asadu. 1999. Agronomy In Food Yams: Advances in
Research, G. Orkwor, R. Asiedu and I. Ekanayake (eds) National Root Crops
Research Institute(NRCRI)/International Institute of Tropical Agriculture,
Ibadan, Publication pp 105-139.
- Asadu, C.L.A., P.I. Ezeaku and G.U. Nnaji. 2004. The Soils of SSA and
management Needs for Sustainable Farming. In.Strategies and Tactics of
Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics (M.A. Badejo and A.O. Togun, edts.).
College Press Ltd.,27 are Avenue, New Bodija secretariat, Ibadan, Nigeria, in
collaboration with Emproct Consultants, 7 Adeiaye St. Off Tejuso St. Surulere,
- Asadu, C.L.A. 2009. Soil Resources Management and Agricultural Sustainability, In General
Agriculture (E. Echozona, edt.) Fac. of Agric. UNN, Publication.pp123-153.
- Asadu, C.L.A. 2010. Reverence for Food Yam in Igbo Culture: In G.E.K. Ofomata
(ed), A Survey of The Igbo Nation Vol 2: African First Publishers.
- Ezeaku, P.I., C.L.A. Asadu and S.C. Eze. 2014. Integrating Agriculture, Land Use and
Climate Action Programme to Reduce Green House Emission and Enhance Food Security at National and Local Landscape Levels in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Water Resources and Agriculture (edts, Pawan K.B. and Ezeaku P.I.). Discovery Publishing House PVT. LTD, New Delhi -110 002, India. Pp 75-102.
- Books
- Asadu, C.L.A. and J.S.C. Mbagwu. 2000. Essentials of Agricultural Physics AP
Publishers, Obollo Rd. Nsukka. 160pp.
- Are, L.A., Igbokwe, E. M and C.L.A. Asadu and G.S. Bawa. 2010. Comprehensive
Certificate Agricultural Science, for Senior Secondary Schools. University Press
Plc, Ibadan, 753pp
3. Asadu, C.L.A., G.U. Nnaji and P.I. Ezeaku . 2012. Conceptual Issues in Pedology. University of Nigeria Press Ltd. 178pp.
- Asadu, C.L.A., H. Ucheagwu and A.N Asadu. 2012. The reality of man-made food
insecurity in Nigeria: A comprehensive analysis. University of Nigeria Press Ltd. 78pp.
- Monograph
- Nweke, F.I., B.O. Ugwu, C.L.A. Asadu, and P. Ay, 1991. Cost Constraints on the
Productivity of Root and Tuber Crops in Yam-Based Cropping System of Southern Nigeria:. Intern. Inst. of Trop. Agric. (R.C.M.P.) Research
Monograph, No. 6. 29pp
- Working Papers
- Nweke, F.I., R.E. Kapinga, B.O. Ugwu, O. Ajobo, C.L.A. Asadu, and A.G.O.
Dixon, 1998. Cassava Production in Tanzania. COSCA Working Paper No.16.
Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Asadu, C.L.A. and F.I. Nweke. 1999. The soils of cassava-growing areas in sub-
Saharan Africa. COSCA Working Paper No 18. Collaborative Study of Cassava
in Africa. RCMD, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA),Ibadan,
- Nweke, F.I., B.O.Ugwu, A.G.O. Dixon, C.L.A. Asadu and O. Ajobo. 1999. Cassava Production in Nigeria: A function of Farmer Access to Markets and to Improved Production and Processing Technologies. COSCA Working Paper No.20.Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria
- Nweke, F.I., C.L.A. Asadu, G.W. Otim-Nape, A. Bua, O. Ajobo, B.O.Ugwu, Y. Baguma , and H. Masembe-Kajubi. 1999. Cassava Production in Uganda: A function of Farmer Access to Markets and to Improved Production and Processing Technologies. COSCA Working Paper No.17.Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria.
F. Technical/ Project Reports
- Environmental Impact Assessment Studies on Lower Anambra Irrigation Projects in Eastern Nigeria (1995).
- Land use, Demography and Infrastructure survey in Dasin Hausa Dam Project Adamawa State, Nigeria (1995).
- Land use, Demography and Infrastructure survey in Gashin Dam Project Taraba State, Nigeria (1995).
- Evaluation of an integrated rural development project at Idah in Nigeria ( 1997)
- Evaluation of The availability of organic residues for the production of Compost manure
in Ebonyi, Enugu and Anambra States of Nigeria (2003)
- Detailed Soil Survey of three SPFS sites in Benue State (2004)
- Detailed Soil Survey of three SPFS sites in Anambra State (2005)
- Survey of Soils Cassava Mosaic Disease areas of Enugu State Nigeria (2005)
- Survey of Soils Cassava Mosaic Disease areas of Anambra State Nigeria (2005)
- Editorship
- Asadu C.L.A. and P.I. Ezeaku 2011. (edts) Soil: The Base of Agriculture & Life, Professor
D.M. First Memorial Lecture, Department of Soil Science, University of Nigeria,
Nsukka. October, 2011 62pp.
- Asadu C.L.A.; P.I. Ezeaku and C. Jidere: 2012 (edts.) Proceedings 36th Annual Conference of Science Society of Nigeria, March 12-16, 2012, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- Prof. F.O.R. Akamigbo. Department of Soil Sci, Fac. of Agric. University of
Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. E-mail:
- Dr. R. Asiedu, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan Nsukka, Nigeria e-meil:
iii. Professor F.I. Nweke, Michigan State University, New Lasing USA e-mail: :
- Biodata
Date and Place of Birth: 30th September, 1967; Ikem, Isi-Uzo L.G.A.
L.G.A./State Origin: Nsukka East/ Enugu
Nationality: Nigerian
Marital Status: Married
Present Office Address: Department of Soil Science,
Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Nigeria Nsukka,
Enugu State,
Correspondence e-mail addresses:;;
- Academic Qualifications
- University/College/School attended with dates:
- University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Nigeria – 1995-2000
- Enugu State University of Science & Technology, Abakaliki Campus – 1991-1993
iii. University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Nigeria – 1990-1991
b. Certificates obtained with dates:
i. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Soil Survey/Land Use Planning) – 2000
- Degree of Master of Science (MSc) (Soil Fertility Management) – 1993
iii. Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) (Land and Water Resource Management) – 1991
- Other Certificates:
- 1999: Certificate of Participation in Young Students Research Programme in Soil Physics.
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
- ii) 2008: Certificate of Merit and Participation by Unity University College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in recognition as well as an appreciation for paper presented at the 7th Annual National Multidisciplinary Conference held from June 26-27, 2008.
iii) 2009: Fellowship Certificate (United Nations Systems: Pressing Issues and Sustainable Solutions & Global Climate Change and Sustainability; B Grade)(11th-19th June). United Nations University, UNU House, Tokyo, Japan
- 2010: College on Soil Physics: Soil Physical Properties and Processes under Climate Change.
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. 30 August – 10th September, 2010.
v). 2012: Targeted Training Activity (TTA) on ‘ENSO Mooson in the Current and Future Climate’, July30-August 10, 2012. Including the workshop on ‘Framing Climate Change Discussions on the Looming Environmental Crisis and Sustainability’ August 6-7, 2012. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
- vi) 2012: First CLIM-Run Workshop on Climate Services.
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
15 – 19th October, 2012 (Smr 2429)
Areas of Research: Soil Survey & Land Use Planning, Land Evaluation & Land Capability Classification; Soil Fertility Assessment and Management, Soil/Agronomy, Climate smart Agriculture, People-Land interactions and Natural Resources Conservation and Management.
- Work Experiences/ Extra Curricular Activities
- i) Present employment: Department of Soil Science,
Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Nigeria Nsukka
Enugu State, Nigeria
Status: Senior Lecturer (CONUASS 5/3)
Periods: 24th June, 2009 to date
University Community Services @ UNN
- Acting Head, Department of Soil Science (Substantive from February 14, 2013)
(Previously on acting capacity between 2010 and January, 2012)
- Member, Faculty of Agriculture Postgraduate School Board (5th April, 2011 to date)
- Member, Faculty of Agriculture 4th Year SIWES Programme (10th August 2009 to date)
- Chairman, Board of Department of Soil Science Print Shop (July 10, 2012 to date)
- Chairman, Faculty of Agriculture Committee on Borehole Rehabilitation (January, 2013 to date)
- Member, Faculty of Agriculture Golden Jubilee Committee & Chairman Committee on Publicity (January, 2013 to date).
- Previous employment:
- a) Enugu State University of Science and Technology; Department of Soil & Ecological Mgt. Status/Period: Lecturer II; 2000 – 2004; Part Time
- b) Department of Soil Science
Kogi State University
P.M.B. 1008, Anyigba
Kogi State, Nigeria.
Status/Periods: Lecturer II; Nov. 2002-August 2004, full-time
- c) Nasarawa State University (NSU), Keffi
Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Agronomy
P.M.B. 135, Lafia; Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
Status/Periods: (i) Lecturer I (UASS 4/3); August 2004 – September, 2006.
(ii) Senior Lecturer (UASS 5/1); October 1st 2005-2009.
University Community Services @ NSU:
- Co-ordinator, Faculty of Agriculture Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) programme
(August 24th 2006 to April 3rd, 2007).
- Faculty of Agriculture Representative on the Board of School of Post-Graduate Studies,
(August 24th 2006 to April 3rd, 2007).
- Member, Faculty of Agriculture Management Board (January- April, 2007)
- Managing Editor: Journal of Production Agriculture and Technology, a bi-annual publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, Nasarawa State University, Lafia Campus (2005-2007).
- Chairman, Faculty of Agriculture Book Publication Committee ( 2006 to 2007 )
- Member, Faculty of Agriculture National University Commission Accreditation Committee
(2006 to 2007)
- Member, Faculty of Agriculture Welfare Committee (2005 to 2006 )
- Acting Head, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Nasarawa State University, Lafia Campus (Several times on acting capacity between 2005 to 2007).
- Contract Employment: Urban Management Masters Program Land and Real Estate Management Unit Ethiopian Civil Service University (ECSU); P.O.Box 5648, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (World Bank/UNDP/Ethiopian Government Capacity Development Program)
Status: Assistant Professor: Land Use Planning
Periods: 10th April, 2007 to 4th June, 2009
Community Services @ ECSU:
* Coordinator: Land and Real Estate Management Unit
* Member: Management Committee
* Member: Academic Commission
* Chairman: Sub-Committee on Draft of Standard Masters Degree Theses
* Editorial Board Member: African Journal of Development Studies
(February, 2008 to April, 2009).
- Fellowships/Associateship
- Young Students Research Fellowship in Soil Physics for PhD. Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Trieste, Italy (1999).
- Fellow of the United Nations University International Courses (UNU-IC) on: (a) United Nations Systems: Pressing Issues and Sustainable Solutions, and (b) Global Climate Change and Sustainability (11th-19th June, 2009). United Nations University, UNU House, Tokyo, Japan.
- Regular Associate member (Fellow) of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy (2009 to date).
- Visiting Senior Research Fellow: United Nations University/Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU/INRA). Second Floor, International House, Annie Jiagge Road, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, GHANA (5th February- 5th June, 2013).
- Professional membership
- i) Soil Science Society of Nigeria (SSSN)
- ii) International Union of Soil Science (IUSS)
- Names and Addresses of Referees:
- a) Professor C.L.A. Asadu, b) Prof. C.A. Igwe
Dept. of Soil Science, Dept. of Soil Science,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Enugu State, Nigeria. Enugu State, Nigeria
Phone: + 2347030617380 Phone: +2348077771620
- c) Prof. S.O.C. Ugwu
Department of Animal Science
University of Nigeria Nsukka
Enugu State, Nigeria
Phone: +2347036473347
8) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (starting from the most current year)
- Books
- Asadu, C.L.A., Nnaji, G.U and P.I. Ezeaku, 2012. Conceptual Issues in Pedology. Published and printed by University of Nigeria Press Ltd. Bookshop/Bank Building Complex, Enugu State, Nigeria. Pp 195 (ISBN: 978-978-8446-002)
- 2. Ezeaku, P.I. Methodologies for Agricultural Land Use Planning: Sustainable Soil Management and Productivity. Published by Great AP Express Publishers Ltd, Nsukka- Nigeria (ISBN 978-08045-1-0). 248pp
- Chapter in Edited Books:
- 3. Ezeaku P.I. and B.O. Unagwu, 2013. Sustainable agricultural development strategies in increasing sub-Saharan Africa food production and export. Chapter 2, pp 16-52. In: Bharti, PKR, Chauhan, A and P.I. Ezeaku (eds) Advances in Agriculture and Ecology. Published by Discovery Publishing House PVT. Ltd, New Delhi – 110 002, India. Pp 317
- Ezeaku P.I. and V.O. Ugwuaneke, 2013. Agricultural land use planning and development by indigenous forecast approach in north southeastern Nigeria: Implications for climate change to monitoring, mitigation, adaptation and policy. Chapter 4, pp 68-86. In: Bharti, PKR, Chauhan, A and P.I. Ezeaku (eds) Advances in Agriculture and Ecology. Published by Discovery Publishing House PVT. Ltd, New Delhi – 110 002, India. Pp 317
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2012. Soil conservation and management options for adaptation to climate change in the 21st century. Pages 85-113. In: Enete, A.A and M.I.Uguru (eds) Critical Issues in Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Nigeria, 212 pp. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Printed by Chenglo Ltd. #6 Plot 123 ECA Moneke Crescent Corridor Layout, Enugu (
- Ezeaku P.I. 2012. Indigenous knowledge systems’ linkage with climate change, soil and crop: Implications for agricultural land use planning and development. Chapter 6, Pages 83-98. In: Machebe, N.S (Ed) Faculty of Agriculture Lecture Series (2010-2012) and Research Output. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Printed by Chenglo Ltd. #6 Plot 123 ECA Moneke Crescent Corridor Layout, Enugu (
- Ezeaku, P.I. and C.M. Jidere, 2012. Soil Survey, Farm Design and Land Use Planning. Pages 59-81. In: Eze, S.C., Onyeonagu, C.C., Ezeaku P.I. and Machebe, N.S. (eds) HandBook of Practical Agriculture. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Printed by Chenglo Ltd. #6 Plot 123 ECA Moneke Crescent Corridor Layout, Enugu (
- Ezeaku, P.I. and I.M. Uzoh, 2012. Soil fertility assessment and water management methods for agricultural land use planning and crop production in an era of climate change. Pages 82-100. In: Eze, S.C., Onyeonagu, C.C., Ezeaku P.I. and Machebe, N.S. (eds) HandBook of Practical Agriculture. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Printed by Chenglo Ltd. #6 Plot 123 ECA Moneke Crescent Corridor Layout, Enugu (
- Ezeaku, P.I., Uzoh, I.M., Eneh, J. and F.U. Eze, 2012. Meteorology, Irrigation and Drainage: Imperatives for planning agricultural land use. Pages 101-109. In: Eze, S.C., Onyeonagu, C.C., Ezeaku P.I. and Machebe, N.S. (eds) HandBook of Practical Agriculture. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Printed by Chenglo Ltd. #6 Plot 123 ECA Moneke Crescent Corridor Layout, Enugu (
- Davidson, A and P.I. Ezeaku, 2008. “Solid waste management: Practice and Economic Potential in Addis Ababa”. Part 4, Pp. 132-145. In: M.P.Van Dijk and J. Fransen (eds Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanization”. Published by Eburon Academic Publishers, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Smaila, K.I and P.I. Ezeaku, 2007. Soils and Erosion. In: Akwa, V.L; Binbol, N.L; Smaila, K.I and Marcus, N.D (eds) Geographical Perspective of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Pp 43- 52. Published by Department of Geography, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.
- Asadu, C.L.A., Ezeaku, P.I. and G.U. Nnaji, 2004. “The soils of sub-Saharan A and Management needs for sustainable farming”. Chapter 1 in: Strategies and Tactics of Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics – STASAT. (Badejo M.A. and Togun A.O., eds). Published by College Press and Publishers Ltd, Ibadan in collaboration wit ENPROCT CONSULTANTS, Lagos. Vol. 2 Pages 1-27.
- Memorial Lecture
- Asadu C.L.A and P.I. Ezeaku, 2011. Professor D.M. Ekpete First Memorial Lecture on Soil: The Base of Agriculture and Life (eds). Presented during the First Home-Coming Convention of the Alumni/Alumnae of Department of Soil Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. October 14, 2011. 61pp
- Journal articles
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2012. Evaluating the influence of open cast mining of solid minerals on soil, landuse and livelihood systems in selected areas of Nasarawa State, North-Central Nigeria. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment, 4(3): 62-70. Available online at
- P.O. Umeugochukwu, V.O. Chude and P.I. Ezeaku, 2012. Degradation effect of palm oil mill effluent (POME) on physical and chemical properties of the soils of Uga, Southeastern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science, 22 (1): 18-25
- P.O. Umeugochukwu, P.I. Ezeaku, V.O. Chude and G.U. Nnaji, 2012. Impact of soil erosion on land degradation in Uga, southeastern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science, 22(1): 26- 36.
- Unagwu, B.O., C.L.A. Asadu and P.I. Ezeaku, 2012. Maize response to organic (poultry manure) and inorganic fertilizers (NPK 15-15-15) at different soil pH levels. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1(2): 126-134 (
- Ezeaku P.I. and J.A. Shehu, 2012. Salt affected soils evaluation and reclamative approaches for crop production in Keana, Northcentral Nigeria. International Journal of Life Science, 1(2): 35-42. (
- Ndubaku N.E, Ezeaku P.I and U.M. Ndubaku, 2012. Contributions of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) tree foliage to enrichment of plant nutrients in soils of Nsukka, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology and Ecology, 5(3), 34-44
- Ezeaku P.I. 2011. Soil quality as influenced by land use and management in the guinea savanna of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Soil & Environmental Research, 9: 1-11
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2010. Influence of soil type and fertilizer rate on the yield and yield stability of maize in three locations of southeastern Nigeria. Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, 9 (2):70-75
- C.N.Mbah and P.I. Ezeaku, 2010. Physicochemical characterization of farmland affected by automobile wastes in relation to heavy metal. Nature and Science, 8 (10): 134-138
- Ezeaku P.I 2009. Quantitative difference method for estimation of fertilizer nitrogen balance and uptake by zea mays on an orthic oxisol of Northcentral Nigeria. Bio- Research, 7(1): 417-420.
- Ezeaku, P.I and D. Alaci 2008. Analytical situations of land degradation and sustainable management strategies in Africa. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences. 4: 42-52 (
- 25. Ezeaku, P.I. and C.N. Mbah, 2008. Integrating land evaluation and farming systems analysis into a database for land use planning and management in Nigerian guinea savanna agroecology. East African Agriculture and Forestry Journal, 74(3): 159-168.
- Anikwe, M.A.N., Mba, G.N., Ezeaku, P.I. and Onyia, V.N. 2007. Tillage and plastic mulch effects on soil properties and growth and yield of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) on an Ultisol in South Eastern Nigeria. Soil and Tillage Research, 93:264-272
- Ezeaku P.I. 2006. Evaluation of crop water requirement from climate and soil data for field maize production in southeastern Nigeria locations. Journal of Sustainable Tropical Agricultural Res, 17: 91-96.
- Ahmaklian, S.O., Isitkhale, H.H. and Ezeaku, P.I. 2006. Assessment of soil structure under different land uses in Anyigba, Northcentral Nigeria. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal. 2(2): 60-66.
- Jayeoba, O.J; Ezeaku, P.I. and F.A. Ajayi, 2006. Simulation Modeling: A decision support tool for Nigeria agricultural production environment. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal,2(2): 118 – 129.
- Ezeaku, P.I. and F.O. Onah. 2006. Agricultural practices at the grass root level and environmental Protection. Journal of Social Research, 1 (2): 137-148.
- 31. Ezeaku P.I. and M.A.N. Anikwe, 2005. A model for description of water and solute movement in soil-water restrictive horizons across two landscapes in South-East Nigeria. Journal of Soil Science 171(6):492-500
- Ezeaku, P.I. and O.O. Agbede, 2005. The use of data modeling methods to improve land evaluation and land use planning in Nigerian agro-ecological systems. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal. 1(1):43-53.
- Ezeaku P.I. and E.S. Salau 2005. Indigenous and scientific soil classification systems: A case of differences in criteria in some soils of North-central Nigeria. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal, 1(1):54-66.
- Ezeaku P.I., 2005. Land suitability classification by weight matrix (index) system for rainfed maize assessment in some moist savanna soils, South East Nigeria. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal. 1(1):76-86.
- Chukwu, G.O., Ezeaku, P.I. and M.A.N. Anikwe, 2005. Geophagy: Linking Soil and Human Nutrition. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment, 7(2): 199-205.
- Ezeaku P.I. 2005. Application of statistical methods in parametric land evaluation of a cereal cropping system in two soil types in north central Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Food Technology and the Environment. 6:46-52.
- Ezeaku P.I., Anikwe, M.A.N. and Chukwu G.O., 2004. Evaluation of Landscape position influence on the Productivity of a southeastern Nigerian soil. International Journal of Environmental issues, 2 (1 & 2):161-172.
- Asadu, C.L.A., P.I. Ezeaku and G.U. Nnaji. 2004. Land use and soil management situations in Nigeria: An analytical review of changes. Journal of Outlook on Agriculture. 33(1): 27-37.
- Ezeaku, P.I. and M.A.N. Anikwe, 2004. Physical land evaluation using parametric and limitation methods: An application to maize cultivation in a typic Haplustult soil in southeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Technology, 10:58-64
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2003. Determination of efficacy of parametric and limitation methods of land evaluation for suitability classification of some soils of Southeastern Nigeria. Savannah Journal of Science and Agriculture 2: 91-102.
- Ezeaku, P.I., O.O. Agbede and S.O. Amhakhian, 2003. The deleterious effect of soil erosion on farmers’ crop field. A brief review for Agriculturists. Savannah Journal of Science and Agriculture. 3: 1 – 13.
- Ezeaku, P.I, O.O. Agbede and J.A. Olimah, 2003. Nutritional aspects of plant production in an acrisol (acidic) soil. A review. Savannah Journal of Science and Agriculture, 3:23–33.
- Ezeaku, P.I. Akamigbo, F.O.R. and C.L.A. Asadu 2002. Maize yield predictions based on soil fertility parameters in Southeastern Nigeria, Journal of Agro-Technology and Extension, 2 (2): 30-38.
- Anikwe, M.A.N., P.I. Ezeaku and V.N. Onyia 2002. Using organic matter stratification ratio as an indicator of soil quality across spatial scales. Journal of Agro-Technology and Extension. 2(2):8-14.
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2001. Evaluation of legume crops as alternative source of fertilizer for maize production in Abakaliki, Southeastern Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture, Technology and Extension, 1(3):1-10.
- Conferences Proceedings
- Timm, L.C., Parfitt, J.M.B., Reichardt, K., Ezeaku, P.I., Lima, C.L.R. de and E.A. Pauletto, 2012. Impacts of land leveling on the spatial distribution of lowland soil physical attributes. Pp. 9-22. In: Timm, L.C, Gabriels, D and Lobo, D.L (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the ICTP Soil Physics Associates, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. ICTP-ICE Special Pre-Publication No. 2. September, 2012. 58 p.
- Ezeaku, P.I., Iwuanyanwu, F.C., Asadu, C.L.A. and L.C. Timm, 2012. Evaluating soil physical fertility and soil degradation rates as influenced by land use change and catenary sequence in northcentral Nigeria. Pp. 23-38. In: Timm, L.C, Gabriels, D and Lobo, D.L (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the ICTP Soil Physics Associates, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. ICTP-ICE Special Pre-Publication No. 2. September, 2012. 58 p.
- Nwite, J.N., Okolo, C.C and P.I. Ezeaku, 2012. Evaluation of soil amended with different animal wastes in an acid ultisolat Abakaliki, Southeast Nigeria. Pp. 184-194. In: C.L.A. Asadu, P.I. Ezeaku, M.I. Uzoh and B. Unagwu (eds) Soil Resources Management, Global Climate Change and Food Security. Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria. March 12th-16th, 2012. 367 p.
- Ndubaku, N.E., P.I. Ezeaku and U.M. Ndubaku, 2012. Contributions of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) tree foliage to enrichment of soil nutrient status. Pp.201-221. In: C.L.A. Asadu, P.I. Ezeaku, M.I. Uzoh and B. Unagwu (eds) Soil Resources Management, Global Climate Change and Food Security. Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria. March 12th-16th, 2012. 367 p.
- Ezeaku, P.I., Unagwu, B.O. and C. Okebalama. 2012. Biodiversity Development: The roles of restoration ecology and sustainable land management. Pp. 235-241. In: C.L.A. Asadu, P.I. Ezeaku, M.I. Uzoh and B. Unagwu (eds) Soil Resources Management, Global Climate Change and Food Security. Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria. March 12th-16th, 2012. 367p
- Ahmaklian, S.O., Isitkhale, H.H. and Ezeaku, P.I. 2006. Influence of land uses on structural stability of some Guinea Savanna soils in Anyigba, Kogi State. Proceedings of 28th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria. pp 308 -314.
- Anikwe M.A.N., Mbah, C.N. Ezeaku, P.I. and Ude, B. 2005. Physico chemical properties and soil carbon storage in forested and cultivated paleudult in southeastern Nigeria.Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria, pp 99 -109.
- Agbede, O.O., Ezeaku P.I and Ali, A. 2005. Nitrogen requirements of soyabean – maize intercrop system on a typic ustrocepts. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria. Pp 171 -176
- Ezeaku P. I., O. O. Agbede and J. A. Olimah, 2004. Appropriate Agricultural Growth: An overview. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria. pp 78-86.
- Amhakhian, S.O., P.I. Ezeaku and J.A. Olimah, 2003. Effect of heavy metals on Amaranthus grown on the municipal wastes disposal site at Anyigba, Kogi State. Proceedings of 28th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria. pp 208-211
- Ezeaku, P.I., J.A. Olimah and S.O. Amhakhian, 2003. Significance of soil characteristics to Urban Wastes on Agricultural Lands of Anyigba, North Central Nigeria. Proceedings of 28th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria. pp 220-227.
- Ezeaku, P.I., F.O.R. Akamigbo and C.L.A. Asadu, 2001. Maize yield variants and soil factors interaction in a hydromorphic soil type at Abakaliki, Southeastern Nigeria. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria, p. 188-195.
Other Publications
- 58. Ezeaku, P.I. 2011. Decentralization and devolution for effective implementation of natural land use strategies, plans, programmes and policies in Nigeria. PEDOVISION. A publication of Soil Science Students’ Association, University of Nigeria Nsukka Chapter. Pp.44
- Ezeaku, P.I and Onah, Fab, 2011. Wealth creation and poverty reduction: Imperatives of local economic development strategies in the 21st century. Proceedings of the workshop organized by Department of Public Administration, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in collaboration with Local Government Service Commission Ebonyi State at Women Development Centre (WDC), Abakaliki, 9th-15th August, 2011, pp 1-21.
- Ezeaku, P.I. and Samson Kassahun, 2008. Poverty and development paradigm: Contemporary issues at cross road in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of African Development Studies (AJDS) Vol. 1 No.1 pp 31-59 (Ethiopia).
- Ozigbo, N.C and Ezeaku, P.I, 2009. Adoption of information and communication technologies to the development of small and medium scale enterprises in Africa. Journal of Business and Administrative Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Vol. 1, 1: 1-20.
- Ozigbo, N.C and Ezeaku, P.I, 2009. Promoting women and minority owned enterprises in African countries. Journal of Business Studies and Administrative Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Vol. 1, 1: 48-69.
- Technical Papers
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2011. Report on Agronomy and Farming Systems component of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of National Programme for Food Security in nine states (Ekiti, Osun, Ogun, Edo, Bayelsa, Cross River, Abia, Enugu and Anambra) of Nigeria. 57 pp. Report submitted as a Consultant to National Programme for Food Security Office, Abuja, Nigeria
- Publicad Konsult (Resource Person on Land Use) 2002 “Environmental Impact Assessment of Gurara Water Transfer Project to Abuja” Draft Final Project Submitted to water and Dam Services Company (WADSCO) Plots 347, Bamako Street, Wuse Zone 1, Abuja, Nigeria, 420pp.
- Ezeaku P.I. 2005. Basic requirement and preparation of compost making using root and tuber peels. Being a resource paper presented at the Monthly Technology Review Meeting (MTRM) of Nasarawa state Agricultural Development Programme (NADF) held at Keffi Local Government Council Hall, Keffi, Nigeria. 23rd-24th February, 2005. pp 1-10.
- Conference/Seminars/Workshops attended (Papers presented and read)
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2013. Agricultural intensification and climate effects on soil productivity: A case study of Southeastern Nigeria. A paper presented at the ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH SEMINAR SERIES, May-June Edition at the United Nations University/Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU/INRA). University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, GHANA on 29th May, 2013.
- Ezeaku, P.I., Tyav, C., Asadu, C.L.A. and D. Gabriels, 2012. Application of spatially based models to evaluation for rice production along the Katsina-Ala flood plains in central region of Nigeria. Paper presented at the ICTP Soil Physics Associate Workshop held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy. 5th -14th September, 2012
- Okoye, C.C andI. Ezeaku. 2012. Assessment of the effects of land use change on soil quality indicators in Obosi, Idemilli North Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 12-15 March 2012.
- Iwuanyanwu, C.F. andI. Ezeaku, 2012. Influence of physiography on soils and their potential land uses: A case study of the Ikwuoka-Obimo land strip, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 12-15 March, 2012.
- Okeke, C., Anikwe, M.A.N and I. Ezeaku, 2012. Phytoremediation capabilities of selected crop species in a soil contaminated with diesel oil. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 12-15 March 2012.
- Eze, S.C., Onah, N., Ezeaku, P.I., Asadu, C.L.A. and Ofoefula, N. 2012. Use of biogass digestion wastes (slurry and sludges) as source of soil amendment for sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) production. Paper presented at the 16th Trennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Crops (ISTRAC) held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, 23rd to 28th September, 2012.
- Ezeaku, P.I. 2011. Soil conservation and management options for proper adaptation to climate change. Paper delivered at a 4-day National workshop on Climate Change and Adaptation and Sustainable Agricultural Management in Nigeria at Modotel Hotels Ltd, Okpara Avenue, Enugu. Tuesday 9th-Friday 12th August, 2011.
- Ezeaku P.I. 2010. An evaluation of the spatial variability of soils of similar lithology under different land use types and degradation risks in a savanna agro-ecology of Nigeria. Paper presented at the College on soil Physics: Soil Physical Properties and Processes under Climate Change. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. 30 August – 10th September, 2010 (smr 2163- Presentation )
- Ezeaku, P.I and Salih Abdalla, 2009. Urban land market dynamics: A case of informal land occupation, land management challenges and land use options in Adama city, Ethiopia. A paper on a National Conference on Informalization of Ethiopian cities. Jointly organized by Ethiopian Civil Service College, Addis Ababa and Institute for Housing Development, Rotherdam, The Netherlands between 31st March and April 1, 2009.
xii Ezeaku, P.I., Sackey, A and J. Akola, 2009. Urban open space management and informality: Reality and Challenges in Addis Ababa. A paper on a National Conference on Informalization of Ethiopian cities. Jointly organized by Ethiopian Civil Service College, Addis Ababa and Institute for Housing Development, Rotherdam, The Netherlands between 31st March and April 1, 2009. Pp. 57
xiii. Ezeaku, P.I 2008. Sustainable agricultural development strategies in increasing Sub-Saharan African food production and export. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Multidisciplinary Conference Sustaining Development in Ethiopia, National and Global Considerations, Policy Issues and Strategies” Held at the Main Conference Hall, Unity University College, Gerji Campus, Bole Road, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26-27thth June, 2008
xiv. Ezeaku, P.I 2006. Crop yield response to some environmental factors in south eastern Nigeria. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of SSSN held at National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria, 8th – 9th Dec., 2006.
- Anikwe, M.A.N., Ngwu, O.E., Mbah, C.N., Onoh, C.E and Ezeaku, P.I. 2005. Effects of
ground cover by different crops on soil loss and soil physic-chemical properties of an ultisol in Southeastern Nigeria. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of SSSN held at Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, 4th – 7th Dec., 2005.
xvi. Olimah, J.A., P.I. Ezeaku and S.O. Ahmakhian, 2003. Effect of heavy metals from urban wastes on soil properties of Anyigba, southern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria.
xvii. Ezeaku, P.I., F.O.R Akamigbo and C.L.A. Asadu, 2000. Optimum rates of NPK fertilizer from soil data for assessment of the performance and yield stability of two cultivars of maize (Zea mays) in three locations of southeastern Nigeria. A paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of Nigeria held at University of Ibadan. October 30-November 3, 2000.
(j) Academic Research Projects Successfully Supervised.
- i) Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric) Project in Soil Science
- Iwuanyanwu, F.C. Influence of physiography on soils and their potential land uses: A case study of Ikwuoka Obimo land strip, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria (Completed 2010)
- Okoye, Chike C. Assessment of the effects of land use change on soil quality indicators in Obosi, Anambra State, Nigeria (Completed 2010).
- Ityav Charles M. (REG NO: 07/151739): The suitability of a selected flood plain along River Katsina-Ala for Rice production. (Completed 2012)
- Egbemba, Beatrix Oneke (2007/150240): Effects of automobile wastes on soil properties of some soils in Enugu State, Nigeria. (Completed 2012)
- Ugwuanyi Vitalis O. (2007/149866): Characterization and evaluation of selected soils for arable crop production in Igbo-Eze LGA of Enugu State, Nigeria. (Completed 2012)
- ii) BA Degree in Urban/Development Management (Ethiopia).
3) Zeleke Samuel, 2008. Assessment of major land acquisition systems and their impact on sustainable urban development: The case of Gambella city, Ethiopia. (Urban Management)
4) Tegegne Work Amare, 2008. The impact of rapid population growth on food security efforts: The case of Amhara region, Ethiopia. (Development Management)
iii) Postgraduate Diploma in Soil/Agronomy (Nigeria)
- Isa, A.I, 2007. Agricultural land use and adopted conservation measures in Lafia Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
- Shehu, J.A, 2007. Evaluation of saline soils in Keana, Nasarawa State, North Central Nigeria.
- iv) MA Degrees in Urban Management with bias in Land and Real Estate Management, Ethiopian Civil Service University, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
7) Alemayehu Alemu Achomo, 2008. An assessment of land registration and tenure security in Masha town of Ethiopia.
8) Dimire Dibeta, 2008. Assessing land delivery for residential development in Arbaminch town, Ethiopia.
9) Ketema Legesse, 2008. The impact of land delivery system on private sector land investment performance in Dukam town, Ethiopia.
10) Getachew Erieso, 2008. The causes and impact of squatter settlement in Yeka sub-city, Addis Ababa.
11) Cherinet Filate Dansamo, 2008. Land tenure security and poverty reduction: The case of Misrak sub-city, Hawassa, Ethiopia.
12) Erkehun W/Giorgis, 2008. Socio-economic impact assessment of outward urban growth on agricultural land in Dilla town, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
13) Geremew Worku, 2008. Inefficient land delivery system and the proliferation of squatter settlements: The case of Ambo town, Ethiopia.
14) Degu Bekele, 2008. Assessment of land delivery system for housing development in Holeta town, Ethiopia.
15) Demissie Ayalew, 2008. Effect of inefficient land administration on Robe town development Ethiopia.
16) Anmaw Mekonnen, 2008. Implementation challenges, policy gaps and opportunities of the urban land lease system: The case of Bahir Dar city, Ethiopia.
17) Zeki Esmail, 2008. Challenges of urban land management and policy implementation in Harar city, Ethiopia.
Signature………………………………………… Date………………………………….
- NAME Simon Chinedu Eze (Tel 08036419427)
2 SEX Male
- DATE OF BIRTH 26th Nov. 1963
5 PRESENT POSTAL ADDRESS Department of Crop Science,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
8 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AND AGES 4 children of 10, 8, 6 and 2 years old.
(i) Community Primary School Ihe Obukpa, Nsukka 1970-1976
(ii) Nsukka High School, Nsukka 1977-1981
(iii) Federal School of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia 1982-1793 for OND
(iv) University of Nigeria, Nsukka 1985-1987 for HND
(v) University of Nigeria, Nsukka 1993-1994 for PGD
(vi) University of Nigeria, Nsukka 1995-1998 for M. Sc
(vii) International Institute of Tropical Agric. Ibadan 2001-2003 as Graduate
Research Fellow on European Union (EU) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) scholarships
(i) First School Leaving Certificate (Distinction) 1976
(ii) West African School Certificate (WASC) 1981
(iii) Ordinary National Diploma in Gen Agric., Dec. 1983
(iv) Higher National Diploma in Crop Production Dec. 1987
(v) Postgraduate Diploma in Agric Econs. (Farm Mgt & Ext. option) Oct. 1990
(vi) Postgraduate Diploma in Soil Science (Land & Water Res. Mgt) Jun.1995
(vii) M. Sc. Soil Science (Soil Genesis) April 1998
(viii) Ph. D Crop Science (Agronomy/Post-harvest physiology) August 2005.
1988 – Appointed Extension Agent (EA) under Anambra State Agricultural Development Project. I was in charge of extension services in Uzo-uwani Local Govt. Area
- Appointed Agric Officer 1 by The Enugu State Local Government Service Commission and posted to Ezeagu Local Govt. Council, Aguobu-Owa. I was in charge of Local Government Farm Project. Organized Young Farmers Club in Schools and Colleges.
1996 – .Promoted to Senior Agric Officer. Assisted the Head of Department and supervised all agric. activities including extension service
- Promoted to Principal Agric Officer. Now, Head of Agric and Vet Department, I was in charge of human and material resources in the Local Government Council Area. I was also in charge, Local Government Farm Projects (Animal and Crops). Supervisor of all agricultural activities including extension services. I was also Chairman, Farmers’ Council
- 2001. Promoted to Assistant Chief Agric Officer. Duties and responsibilities remained as in Senior Agric Officer
- Promoted to Chief Agric Officer. Duties and responsibilities remained as in Senior Agric Officer
2008– date Appointed Lecturer 1, Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. As a lecturer, I teach students in different fields of Agriculture, supervise students’ projects in areas of Crop production and Postharvest technology. My research focus is on Crop production, Crop protection and Post-harvest technologies.
Special duties: 1. Editor-in-Chief: Departmental Newsletter “CropNews”
- Coordinator: Fac. Of Agric. 4th Year Programme
- i) Agricultural management training course organised by INCHOSON NIGERIA LIMITED in collaboration with Enugu State local Government Service Commission (LGSC) October – 1994 Certificate of participation
- ii) Effective approach to productive Agricultural ventures organised by the Enugu State Service Commission April 2000 – Certificate of Participation.
iii) Statistics and Statistical Computing with Statistical Analysis System (SAS) at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan, July –2002
- iv) Workshop on HOW TO WRITE AND PUBLISH A SCIENTIFIC PAPER held at IITA, Ibadan April – 2003.
- v) Workshop on IITA Cassava project – Training on baseline Survey, at IITA Onne Station, Port Harcourt, Jan. 19, 2004 – Certificate of participation
- vi) Workshop on cassava production for local industries utilization and export organised by Palglobe Humanity Foundation in collaboration with National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike, at Umudike Conference hall, May, 2006 – Certificate of participation
- Papers read in Scientific Conferences/Workshops
Eze, S. C., S. I Umeh., E. I. Eze., K. I. Ugwuoke, P. I. Ezeaku (2013). Pre-storage Curing and Nanobiotechnology treatments on Fresh Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) tuber in Storage. The 6th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC).
Eze, S. C.,Umeh S. I., Eze E. I., Ugwuoke K. I. and Asadu C. L. A (2012). Studies on Nanobiotechnology Control of Postharvest Rot in Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) The 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, African Branch (ISTRC-AB). Accra, Ghana
Eze S. C. (2010). Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) tuber yield and post-harvest characteristics under barn storage as influenced by field manuring treatments. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of Agricultural Society of Nigeria, “LAUTECH 2010, Ogbomoso
Eze S.C. Asiegbu J. E., Oko-Ibom G. O, Orkwor G. C. (2009). Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Tuber Weight Loss and Sprouting Responses of Five Yam Cultivars to Treatment with Agrobotanicals under Barn Storage. 1st International Conference on Polymer Development and Applications, University of Nigeria, Nsukka March 18-21, 2009.
Okoro, F. O., Ugwuoke K. I. and Eze S. C. (2009). The effect of Seed Treatment with Synthetic and Agrobotanical Pesticide on the Field performance of Nsukka Yellow Pepper (Capsicum annum). 1st International Conference on Polymer Development and Applications, University of Nigeria, Nsukka March 18-21, 2009.
Eze, S. C. and I. U Obi (2008). Response of UNN popcorn variety to N. P.K fertilizer and Lime. Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN) Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Agricultural Development in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges held at the Ebonyi State University, Oct. 19-23, 2008.
Eze S. C., Asiegbu J. E., Mbah. B. N., Orkwor. G. C., and Asiedu R. (2003). Effects of the yam cultivar and manuring on the storage life of yam (D.rotundata) workshop of the IFAD/WECARD/IITA sub-regional project on yams, held at Parakou, Republic of Benin , Feb. 17 to 21, 2003.
Eze S. C., Asiegbu J. E., Mbah. B. N., Orkwor. G. C., and Asiedu R.(2003). Evaluation of four botanical extracts and three types of storage bags for yam chip storage. International workshop on Post–harvest and consumption of yam: Loss reduction and improvement of product quality for African market, held at Cotonou, Republic of Benin, June 17-19, 2003.
Eze S. C., Asiegbu J. E., Mbah. B. N., Orkwor. G. C., and Asiedu R. (2001). The effects of mineral fertilizer, organic manure and yam cultivars on yield and storability of yam tubers. Progress Report and workshop of the International cooperation with the developing countries [INCO-DC] yam project held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Oct.31st-Nov.3rd 2001.
- Scientific Publications in Scholarly Journals
1.Ofoefule A.U., Eze S.C., Ibeto C.N and Onah R. N (2014). The Use of some bio-fertilizers as sources of soil amendment for sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) production. Basic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Review ISSN 2315-6880 Vol. 3(4) pp. 23-28.
- C.C. Onyeke, C.O. Akueshi, K.I. Ugwuoke, C.C. Onyeonagu and S.C. Eze (2013) Varietal response of African yam bean, Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst Ex. A. Rich) Harms to infection with Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood under field conditions. African Journal of Microbiology Research. Vol. 7(30) pp 3968- 3975
Chukwurah, N. F., Eze, S. C., Chiejina, N. V., Onyenonagu, C. C., Okezie, C. E. A., Ugwuoke, K. I., Ugwu, F. S. O.,. Akobueze, E. U., Arua, C. B. and nkwonta C. G. (2013). Correlation of Stipe length, pilus width and stipe girth of oyster mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus) grown in different farm substrates. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and sustainable Develoment. Vol. 5(3) pp54-60.
Ameh, G. I., Eze, S. C. and Omeje, F. U. (2013). Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial studies on the methanolic bulb extract of Allium sativum L.
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(14), pp. 1665-1668, 3 April, 2013
Bonaventure Chukwujindu Echezona1, Chinedu Felix Amuji1, Simon Eze (2013)
1.Eze, S. C. and Echezona B. C. (2012). Agricultural pest Control Programmes, Food Security and Safety. African Journal of Food, Nutrition and Development Vol 12 N0. 5
- Eze, S. C., K. P. Baiyeri1 and C. U. Agbo1, G. I. Ameh and E. S. Osahele (2012).
Sensory evaluation response as a selection tool in African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum) production and breeding. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(37), pp. 5247-5251, 25 September, 2012
- Chukwurah, N. F., Eze, S. C., Chiejina, N. V., Onyenonagu, C. C., Ugwuoke, K. I., S. O. Okwonta, C. G. Akobueze, E. U., Arua, C. B. and Onwuelugasi, C. U. (2012). Performance of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in different local agricultural waste materials. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol 11(37), pp. 8979-8955, 8 may 2012
- Umeh, S. I. , Eze, S. C., Eze, E. I. and Ameh, G. I.(2012). Nitrogen fertilization and use efficiency in an Intercrop system of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and soybean (Glycine max (L). African Journal of Biotechnology Vol 12(37), pp. 8979-8955
- Adjatin, A., A. Dansi, S. C. Eze, P Asogba, I. Dossou-Aminon, K Akpagana, A. Akoegnino,
and A. Sanni (2012). Ethnobotanical investigation and diversity of Gbolo (Crassocephalum crepidioides (benth.) S. Moore), a traditional leafy vegetable under domestication in Benin. Genet Resour Crop Evol. DOI 10.1007/s10722-012-9901-z Springer
Baiyeri, k. P.,Eze, S. C. and Onu, E. O. (2012). Evaluation of Cassava (Manihot esculentum Crantz) Genotypes in Nsukka Agro-ecology of Southeastern Nigeria. Agro-Science Journal of Agriculture, Food, environment and Extension, Volume 11(1) pp64 – 70
Eze, S. C. (2011).Effects of Cultivar, Botanical and gibberellic acid Treatment on physic- Chemical Changes of Yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) tuber in Storage. Nig J. Biotech. Vol. 22 (2011) 47-52
Eze S. C. and. Ugwuoke K. I (2010). Evaluation of different Stem portions of cassava (Manihot esculentus ) in the management of its establishment and yield. Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 6(2): 181-185, INSInet Publication
Eze S. C. and G. C Orkwor (2010). Studies on effects of mineral fertilizer, organic manure and cultivar on the yield and storability of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir). African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Vol. 10 N0.6, pp2755 – 2771
Onyeke C. C., Eze, S. C. and K. I. Ugwuoke (2010). Studies on the Fungal Flora of garri, processed cassava (Manihot esculentus Crantz) in Nsuuka area of Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, Volume 9 Number 1 January, 2010 pp64-69
Eze S. C. and Ugwuoke K. I (2010) Effects of Species of Yam (Dioscorea Species) and Fungal
Pathogens on the Postharvest Behaviour of Yam Tuber in Nsukka Area of South Eastern Nigeria. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 6(6): 942-945
Ugwuoke, K. I. and S. C. Eze (2010). The Effect of Mycorrhiza (Glomus Geosporum), Rhizobium and Meloidogyne Incognita on Growth and Development of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L. Walp). Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 6(6) 937-941
Eze S. C. and Eze E. I. (2010). In-Vitro Study of Biofungicidal Effects of Cassia alata leaf Extracts on Some Pathogenic Organisms of White Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Tuber in Storage.Bio-Research , 8(2): 703 – 706.
Eze S. C, G. O. Oko-Ibom, R Asiedu.( 2009) Effects of Cultivar and Agrobotanical storage treatment on organolepetic quality of Yam (Dioscorea rotundata). African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Vol. 9 N0. 8, pp1683 – 1696.
Eze S. C., J. E. Asiegbu., B. N Mbah., G. C. Orkwor and R. Asiedu (2006). Effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of four agrobotanicals and gibberellic acid (GA3) on the shelf life of the white Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata). Bio-Research, 4(1): 67-73
Eze S. C., J. E. Asiegbu., B. N Mbah., G. C. Orkwor and R. Asiedu (2006). Effects of four agrobotanical extracts and three types of bags on the control of insect pests and moulds of stored yam chips. Journal of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension 5(1) pp8 – 12
Orkwor G. C., D. Surma., S . C. Eze, B. O. Ugwu and T. O. Ezulike (2005). Studies on identification of (Dioscorea rotundata) foods and factors that determine choice criteria for consumption in Nigeria. Niger Agric J. 36 (2005) 145 -153.
Published books
Eze S. C., Onyeonagu C. C. , Ezeaku P. I. and Machebe N. S (2012) eds. Handbook of Practical Agriculture. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Chenglo Limited publishing company, No. 6 Plot 1123 ECA Moneke Cresent Corridor Layout, Off Maryland estate, Enugu, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-8128-90-4
Eze, S. C. and Ogbonna P. E. (2012). Introduction to Crop Science. St. Anthony’s Publishers, No. 36, Enugu Road, Nsukka, ISBN: 978-2894-92-6
Eze S. C and Orkwor G. C. (2010). The field and storage problems of yam (Dioscorea rotundata).LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmgH & Co.KG Dudweller Landstr.99,66123 Saarbruữcken, Germany: INSB 978-3-8433-7071-4
Book chapters
Ezeaku P.I., Asadu, C.L.A and S.C.Eze, 2014. Integrating agriculture, land use and climate action programmes to reduce greenhouse emission and enhance food security at National and Local landscape levels in sub-Saharan Africa. Chapter 5, pp 75-102. In: Bharti, P.Kr, and P.I. Ezeaku (eds) Water Resources and Agriculture. Published by Discovery Publishing House PVT. Ltd, New Delhi – 110 002, India. p. 214
Eze, S. C. (2012). Post-harvest physiology and product storage of selected Crops. Pages 138 – 154. In: Eze S. C., Onyeonagu C. C. , Ezeaku P. I. and Machebe N. S (2012) eds. Handbook of Practical Agriculture. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Chenglo Limited publishing company, No. 6 Plot 1123 ECA Moneke Cresent Corridor Layout, Off Maryland estate, Enugu, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-8128-90-4ee,
Mbadianya, J. I. and Eze, S. C. (2012). Concept of Crop pest. Pages 155 -186. In: Eze S. C., Onyeonagu C. C. , Ezeaku P. I. and Machebe N. S (2012) eds. Handbook of Practical Agriculture. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Chenglo Limited publishing company, No. 6 Plot 1123 ECA Moneke Cresent Corridor Layout, Off Maryland estate, Enugu, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-8128-90-4
Kanu, C. A., Epundu, M and Eze, S. C. (2012). Mechanization in Agriculture. Pages 296 – 310. In: Eze S. C., Onyeonagu C. C. , Ezeaku P. I. and Machebe N. S (2012) eds. Handbook of Practical Agriculture. A publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. henglo Limited publishing company, No. 6 Plot 1123 ECA Moneke Cresent Corridor Layout, Off Maryland estate, Enugu, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-8128-90-4
- Technical report
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013). Maize production and land use management. Advisory service training delivered to Umuabi Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Eze, S.C., Asogwa, I.S. Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013). Cassava production and Agro Processing. Advisory service training delivered to Udi Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013). Oil Palm Processing and Bee Keeping. Advisory service training delivered to Amokwe Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013). Yam Miniset Technique. Advisory service training delivered to Ede-Enu Ede Obala Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ezeaku, P.I., Ugwu, S.O.C. Ugwuoke, K.I. and S.C. Eze (2013) Sustainable land management and pig production.Advisory service training delivered to Ikem Oka Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013). Rice production and Agro processing. Advisory service training delivered to Agbaogugu Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Fish farming.Capacity Building to Ezi Ukehe Fadama Community Association (FCA), July 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwu, S.O.C, Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku and S.C. Eze (2013.) Different poultry farming techniques.Capacity Building to Opi Nsukka Fadama Community Association (FCA), July 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Cassava and yam production strategies. Capacity Building to Amufie Fadama Community Association (FCA), July 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Eze, S.C., P.I. Ezeaku, Ugwoke, K.I and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Cassava processing. Capacity Building to Ede Enu Ede Obala Fadama Community Association (FCA), August 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwu, S.O.C., P.I. Ezeaku, Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Bee keeping. Capacity Building to Ikem Oka Fadama Community Association (FCA), September 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Banana and Plantain production.
Capacity Building to Umu Alor Fadama Community Association (FCA), September 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Banana and Plantain production.Capacity Building to Agbaogugu Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Eze, S.C., Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Banana and Plantain production.Capacity Building to Alo Uno Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Banana and Plantain production.Capacity Building to Nara Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ezeaku, P.I. Eze, S.C. Ugwuoke, K.I. and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Susutainable land management.Capacity Building to Nara Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Ugwuoke, K.I., P.I. Ezeaku, S.C. Eze and S.O.C. Ugwu (2013) Banana and Plantain production.Capacity Building to Neke Fadama Community Association (FCA), December 2013 Final Report submitted to Enugu State FADAMA III
Orkwor G. C., B. O.Ugwu and S. C. Eze (1997).Yam valorization: Yam chips for Urban Market (YCUM) Final Report. National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike, Umuahia, Nigeria, August 1997.
- Membership of professional bodies
- Member, International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows, Ibadan
- Member, Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN)
- Member, International Society for Tropical Root Crops
17 COMPUTER LITERACY – Proficient in
- Microsoft word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft power point
- Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
- Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
- Genstat for Windows.
Prof. K. P. Baiyeri – Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Prof. C. A. Igwe–Department of Soil Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Dr. R Asiedu – International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan.
Name: EZE Hilary Igwebuike
Place and Date of Birth: Maiduguri,Bornu State October 19, 1953
National: Nigerian
Current Postal Address: Centre for Environmental Management & Control (CEMAC), University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
Permanent Home Address: C/o H.U. Ezeogbene’s Compound, Umundu
Umundu Postal Agency, Udenu L.G.A, Enugu State
Local Government Area Udenu
State of Origin Enugu State.
Marital Status: Married
No and Ages of Children 4 Children; Ages 30,28, 25 and 22years
Phone No: 08067590834
Present Status and Salary Snr Lecturer CONUASS 5 N2,174,578
E- Mail Address:
- Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos 1975 – 1977
- Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu 1978 – 1980
- Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu 1992 – 1993
- Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu 1993 – 1995
- Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu 1996 – 2002
- O.N.D. (Building) 1977
- H.N.D. (Building Technology) 1980
- PGD (Environmental Management) (Advanced and
Converted to M.Sc Admission) 1993
- M.Sc (Environmental Management) 1995
- Ph.D (Environmental Management) 2002
- Industrial Works Experience (M.O.W.), Enugu 1977 – 1978
- National Youth Service Corp (NYSC)
Taught Building Construction in the United Technical School,
Odomola, Epe, Lagos State. 1980-1981
- Technical Instructor II- Chief Technical Instructor (Civil
Engineering Department, UNN) Took 3rd and 4th year students in
Surveying ,Soil Mechanics and Building Drawning 1982-2006
- Research Fellow I, Centre for Environmental Management
and Control (CEMAC), University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus 2006 – 2009
- Senior Research Fellow/ Senior Lecturer, Centre for Environmental Management & Control (CEMAC), University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus 2009 – Date
- Takes M.Sc students of Environmental Management in Remote Sensing & Environmental Analysis (ENV 718) Department of Environmental Management, ESUT
- Took Senior Staff of Petroleum Refinery, Port-Harcourt in Environmental Management and Pollution Control in the Environmental Energy & Engineering Management for Industries (E.E.E.I) Workshop June, 2004.
Gully Erosion Control at the Obollo Afor-Eha Amufu Road Isi-Uzo Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Impact of Soil Erosion on Bio-Physical and Socio-Economic Resources in the Upper Ebonyi River Basin of Enugu State, Nigeria.
- Soil Erosion Management and Control
- Soil Degradation and Pollution Management
- Flood and Hazard Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- General Environmental Management Issues.
- Soil Conservation Studies
- Land Degradation and Management
- Social Aspects of Environmental Awareness
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Table Tennis and Nature Sightseeing
- Prof J. C. Agunwamba
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Nigeria
- Arc. Prof. C. B. Chukwuali
Centre for Environmental Management
and Control (CEMAC), University of Nigeria
Enugu Campus.
- Prof. A. Nnamigwe Agu
Dept. of Geography & Meteorology
Enugu State University of Science and
Technology (ESUT), Enugu
- Herbert Macualay Memorial Biannual Lectures Committee Member, July,, 1993 in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
- Member of the High Temperature Furnace Facilities Committee, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, November, 1996.
- Consultant for the Preparation of Bills of Quality/Material Estimate for the High-Temp Furnace Facilities Committee, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, December, 1996.
- Monitoring/Faculty of Engineering Representative for the Construction of High-Temp Furnace Facilities Extension Building, January, 1997.
- Participated in the Environmental Protection Authority/UNDP Environmental Public Awareness Seminar/Workshop January 10, 1997.
- Participated in the Grassroots Environmental Action Team (GEAT) Nsukka Inaugural Meeting/Workshop at Nsukka, February 10, 1997.
- Member of the Grassroots Environmental Action Team Nsukka.
- Attended the Hydrology for Tropical Watershed Seminar Organized by the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, March, 17-19, 1997
- Designed and did the Costing of the Environmental Pollution Control Device of a Cupola for the High Temp Furnace in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, March 1997.
- Member Nigeria Environmental Societies 2001-date.
- Member/Secretary University In-House Training Structuring of Programmed for Technicians 2000-2001
- Resource Personnel for University In-House Training Program May 2002-date.
- Faculty Member Computer Application/Appreciation Training Literacy Program for Technical/Administration Staff Committee 2002-date.
- Member/Secretary Faculty Affirmative Action Committee for Clean Environment (FACE) Nov. 14, 2003 to date
- Member/Secretary University Committee on Erosion/Flood Control, July 2003-date
- Member University Biosafety Committee for Federal Ministry of Environment 2003-date.
- In-Charge of the Civil Engineering Workshop and Laboratories 2003- 2006.
18 Chairman CEMAC Welfare Activities 2010-date .
- Eze,H.I.; Ogbuene, E.B. and Nwachukwu,U.L.(2012): Microcatchment Sediment Yield Characteristics from Soil Erosion at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University,Awka,Nigeria. Sacha Journal of Environmental Studies, Britain Vol. 2 No 1, 2012 pp 178-188.
- Ogbuene, E.B.; Eze,H.I and Nwachukwu, U.L. (2013): Assessment of Solid Waste Leachate Output and Rainfall Variation in Ugwuaji,Enugu,Nigeria.Indian Journal of Marine Sciences. (Accepted for Publication)
- Ogbuene,E.B.; Eze,H.I. and Agusiegbe, U. M. (2013): The Impact of Open Solid Waste Dumpsite on Soil Quality: A Case Study of Ugwuaji in Enugu.British Journal of Advanced Academic Research, London. Vol.2 No.1 pp 43-53.
- Okeji, M.C., Ogboi, K.C., Eze, H. I. and Ogbuene, E.B. (2013): Potential Radiological Impact of Phosphogypsum Wastes From Phosphate Fertilizer Plant in Nigeria. Wulfenia Journal Klagenfurt, Austria Vol.20 No.20 Issue 6.
- Eze, H.I., Ogbuene, E.B. and Nwachukwu, U.L. (2013): Application of Landscaping Approach in Environmental Management of Roads in Enugu. Sacha Journal of Environmental Studies, Meridian Centre Kingsland London, UK. Vol.3 No.1 pp.59-64.
- Eze, H.I. (2004): “Globalization and the Environment” Journal of the Home Economics Research Association of Nigeria (HERAN) Vol.5, No.3 January, 2004 pp. 67-71.
- Eze, H.I. (2004): “Social and Economic Implications of Soil Erosion in the Northeastern Area of Enugu State, Nigeria” Journal of Environmental Analysis. Environmental System Club Incorporated, Nigeria No. 10, December, 2004. pp. 1195-1210.
- Eze, H.I. (2006): “Model Applications for Soil Erosion and Other Natural Hazard Studies” Journal of Environmental Analysis. Department of Geography, Environmental System Club Incorporated, Nigeria. No 11. December, 2006. pp. 1302-1316.
- Eze, H.I. (2007): “Effects of Rainfall Intensities and Energy on Gully Development in Northeastern Enugu State, Nigeria” Nigerian Journal of Technology. Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Vol. 26, No. 1. pp. 91-96.
- Eze, H.I. (2007): “Causes of Soil Erosion in Upper Ebonyi River Basin of Enugu State Nigeria” Journal of Environmental Conservation and Research . Environmental Conservation Research Team (ECRT), Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. Vol.1 No.1and 2.June and December,2007.pp.152-165.
- Eze, H.I. (2008): “The Erosional Effects of Ebonyi River Flood in Aboh, Eha-Amufu, Isi-Uzo L.G.A. of Enugu State Nigeria” Nigerian Journal of Geography and the Environment.Department of Geography University of Nigeria,Nsukka. Vol. 1, May 2008, pp. 101-108.
- Eze, H.I.(2010): “The Relationship Between Rainfall Intensities and Rilling at the Amalla and Mbu Erosion Experimental Sites, Enugu State, Nigeria” Journal of Geography and Development, Benue State University, Makurdi.Vol.2, No.2 May 2010. pp. 242 -251.
- Eze, H.I. (2010): “The Ecological Consequences of the Seasonal Transportation of the Harmattan Haze Across West Africa in the Dry Season” Journal of Environmental Research and Policies. Duncan Sciences Publ, Nigeria. Vol.5, No.4 August,2010, pp.24 – 28.
- Eze, H. I.(2011): “The Consequences of Biodiversity Loss From Soil Erosion in the Northeastern Enugu State, Nigeria” Journal of African Research and Development Network , Duncan Sciences Publ, Nigeria. Vol. 6 No.3 pp. 51 – 60.
- Eze, H. I (2010) : “Effects of Soil Erosion on Water Sources in the Northeastern Enugu State, Nigeria: A Review” International Journal of Water and Soil Resources Research, International Center for Integrated Dev Research (ICIDR), Nigeria. Vol. 1 Nos.1-3, 2010, pp. 116-129.
- Eze, H.I.(2012): “Environmental Impact of Soil Erosion in the Upper Ebonyi River Basin of Enugu State, Nigeria” CEMAC Journal of Environmental Management and Control. Centre for Environmental Management and Control, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. (Accepted for Publication) September, 2012.
- Eze, H. I. (2011) : “Effects of the Proliferation of Cottage Vegetable Oil Factories to the Rural Environment of Southeastern Nigeria” International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment, International Center for Integrated Dev Research (ICIDR), Nigeria. Vo l.2 , No 1. April , 2011. pp.11-20.
- Eze, H. I. (2011): “Soil Pollution From Vehicular Lead Emission in Enugu South Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria” International Journal of Water and Soil Resource Research, International Center for Integrated Dev Research (ICIDR), Nigeria. Vol.3 No.3 pp. 76 – 83.
- Ogbuene,E.B.,Eze,H. I.;and Adinna,E.N.(2012): “The Impact of Overgrazing and Deforestation on Rainfall Variability in Northern Fringes of Nigeria” Journal of Environmental Management and Safety(JEMS) Enugu, Nigeria. Vol.3, No.3, September, 2012. pp.21-36. (17)
- Eze,H.I. (2003): “Surface Water Pollution From Farming Activities – Induced Soil Erosion in the Upper Ebonyi River Basin of Enugu State, Nigeria” In: Environmental Pollution and Management in the Tropics.(eds) E.N. Adinna, O.B. Elop, and V.I. Atta . SNAAP Publ, Nigeria. pp. 110-124.
- Eze, H.I. (2005): “Soil Erosion Management in Nigeria: A Tool for Soil and Land Conservation” In: Environmental Sustainability and Conservation in Nigeria.(eds) E. Okoko, V.A. Adekunle, and S.A. Adeduntan Environmental Conservation Research Team (ECRT), Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. pp. 153-158.
- Eze, H.I. (2008): “Environmental Impact Assessment Report of the Proposed Star Vegetable Oil Industry, Eha-Amufu Urban, Isi-Uzo L.G.A. Enugu State, Nigeria” Proceeding of The Two-Day National Conference on Urban Planning and Environmental Issues in Nigeria Context: From Theory to Practice. Held at the Main Hall, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. Organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.10-11th September,2008.pp.35-51.
- Eze, H.I.(2010): “Gully Degradation of the Obollo Afor–Eha Amufu Road in Enugu State Nigeria” Proceeding of The International Workshop on Land Slides and Other Natural Disasters Organised by the Department of Geology, University Of Nigeria, Nsukka and Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan.22nd-26th March2010 . (Accepted for Publication).
- Eze,H.I. (2010): “An Investigation Into the Soil Properties of Two Soil Erosion Ravaged Localities in Enugu State, Nigeria” Proceedings of CEMAC 1st International Conference on Environmental Degradation and Protection in a Developing Economy. Organized by the Centre for Environmental Management and Control University of Nigeria Enugu Campus. Held at the Main Hall University of Nigeria,Enugu Campus. Vol.1, No.1 26-28th September, 2010.pp.202-211.
- Eze, H. I.and Eze, C. N. (2011): “The Relationship Between Slope Angles and Runoff Water Velocities in Soil Erosional Activities in the Upper Ebonyi River Basin, Enugu State, Nigeria” Proceeding of CEMAC 2nd International Conference on Environmental Disaster andUniversity of Nigeria, Enugu Campus in Collaboration With National Emergency Management Agency, Held at the Main Hall, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. 26 th-28th September, 2011. (Accepted for Publication).
- Eneh, O.C.; Eze,H.I.and E.B.Ogbene(2012):An Appraisal of Handler Awareness of Electrical and Elecronic Equipment Toxicity in Nigeria:Proceeding of the Five-Day 13th Annual International Conference on African Business and Development in a Changing Global Political Economy: Issues, Challengies and Opportunities. Held at Mazagam Beach Resort 2400 El Jadida, Casablanca, Morocco. May 15-19th 2012 pp112-119.
I. | Name: | ASADU, Anthonia Ngozi
II | Date of Birth: | 9th November, 1964 | ||
III | Local Government Area: | Nsukka | ||
IV | State of Origin: | Enugu State | ||
V. | Marital Status | Married | ||
VI. | Nationality: | Nigerian | ||
VII | Postal Address: | Dept. of Agricultural Extension,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
VIII | E-mail Address | | ||
Ix | Permanent Home Address: | 2a Amori Edem, Nru Nsukka | ||
i) Mother tongue Igbo (Excellent) ii) English (Excellent)
Institution | Date
From – To |
Qualification Obtained | ||
1. | Owerre Eze-Orba Primary School | 1970 – 1976 | First School Leaving Certificate
2. | Community Secondary School, Isienu, Nsukka | 1977 – 1981 | West African School Certificate
3. | University of Nigeria, Nsukka (U.N.N.) | 1984 – 1988 | Bachelor of Science in Education Biology (21)
4. | UNN. | 1998 – 1999 | Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension
5. | UNN | 1999-2006 | M.Sc. (rural Sociology) Agricultural Extension | |
1. | B. Sc. Project Topic: Attitude of Secondary School Students Towards Science Club
2. | PGD Project Topic: Traditional Methods of Storage Processing and Utilization of Cocoyam in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.
3. | M.Sc. Project Topic: Causes of Decline In Cocoyam Production Among Farmers in Enugu State
1. | 1989 – 1990 Taught at Federal Government College Ikot Ekpene During My NYSC.
2. | 1991 – 2000 Worked in Enugu State Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Enugu.
3. | 2001 – 2007 Worked with Enugu State Ministry of Education as Assistant Chief Inspector of Education
4. | 2008 – Date Working as Lecturer II in Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Member of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON)
1. | Asadu, A. N. and E. M. Igbokwe (2010). Challenges of Crop cultivation on urban health and environment in Enugu urban: Farmers’ Perception. Proceedings of the 15th Annual National Conference of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON) (10 – 14 May, 2010) pp. 93 – 100
2 | Chah, J. M., E. A. Onwubuya and A. N. Asadu (2010). An assessment of the contribution of urban crop agriculture in Nigerian cities: A case study of Enugu Metropolis, Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information 11: 233 – 247.
3 | Ifejika, P. I.; G. O. Nwabueze, J. O. Ayanda and A. N. Asadu (2009). Utilization of mobile phones as a communication channel in fish marketing enterprise among fish mangers in Western Nigeria’s Kainji Lake Basin. Journal of Information Technology Impact. Vol. 9 (2) pp. 107 – 114.
4 | Ifejika, P. I., O. I. Oladosa, I. Nwosu, J. O. Ayanda, A. N. Asadu and T. Olowosegun (2009). Influence of information sources on Aquaculture Technologies utilization among fish farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Fisheries Vol. 6 ( 1 and 2) pp. 116 – 122. |
PHONE 08066592181
NSUKKA (Agricultural Cooperatives) 2006
NSUKKA (Agricultural Cooperatives) 1992
UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, B.Agric. (Hons) Agric. 1981
NSUKKA Economics
FEDERAL COOPERATIVE Professional Diploma in
COLLEGE, IBADAN Cooperative Studies 1983
ISI-ENU, NSUKKA Certificate 1975
FEDERAL MINISTRY OF LABOUR & Registrar of Cooperative
PRODUCTIVITY Societies Grade II 1982-1987
FEDERAL MINISTRY OF LABOUR & Registrar of Cooperative
PRODUCTIVITY Societies Grade I 1987-1990
PRODUCTIVITY Cooperative Societies 1990-1994
AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Cooperative Societies 1994-1998
AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT of Cooperative Societies 1999
NSUKKA Fellow I 2004-2007
UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA. Senior Lecturer 2007-tilldate
OJI-RIVER (1984-1999) – Agricultural Cooperatives
– Cooperative Development
– Methods of Social Research
– Economics
– Statistics
– Business Administration
– Production Economics
UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA – Cooperative Field Administration
NSUKKA (1999 till date) – Comparative Cooperation
– Cooperative in Nigeria
– Cooperative Extension Techniques
– Agricultural Cooperatives
– Agribusiness and Finance
– Project planning and Appraisal
– Cooperative and Commercial Law
– Communication and Personnel Management in Cooperatives
– Macroeconomic Theory
– Basic Principles of Agricultural Economics
– Economics of Agriculture
– Agricultural Marketing
- Induction into Material and Techniques for Cooperative Management (MATCOM) for Lecturers in Federal Cooperative Colleges, 24 – 28 April 1988.
- Cooperative Management Course for Members of the Cooperative Movement in the Eastern States 4-8th August, 1988.
- National Seminar on Workers Cooperative Formation and Management Abeokuta, Ogun State 24-28 April, 1989.
- National Seminar on Workers Cooperatives Formation and Management, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, 11 – 15 August, 1989.
- National Seminar on Workers Cooperative Formation and Management, Akure, Ondo State 11 – 15th September, 1989.
- Induction Course for Lecturers of Imo State Cooperative College, Umuowa, Orlu, 12-13 March, 1990.
- Induction Course for Lecturers of Bendel State Cooperative College, Benin City, 12-15 March, 1990.
- National Seminar on Workers Cooperative Formation and Management, NLC Headquarters, Lagos, 17 -21 April, 1990.
- National Seminar on Workers Cooperative Formation and Management, Owerri, Imo State, 20-24 August, 1990.
- ILO/UNDP Cooperative Training for Rural Women Cooperative Leaders in the South East, Oji-River, 8 -12 February, 1988.
- Joint ILO/FDA/Anambra State Cooperative Division Workshop for Cooperative Movement Staff, Oji-River, 12-15 August, 1987.
- The FDC Cooperative Revitalization Programme 2007 to date.
- Consultant to Federal Department of Cooperatives (FDC) Abuja on the Cooperative Revitalization Programme (CRP).
- Consultant to FDC on the Drafting of the New Cooperative Policy for Nigeria.
- Consultant to Fadama III Abuja for the drafting of Training Manual for Fadama III Co-operative Societies in Nigeria.
Mainline Books
Agbo, F.U. (1999). Elements of Agriculture for Cooperative Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities, Phoenix Press, Oji-River.
Agbo, F.U. (2010). Introduction to Cooperative Studies. Kawuritz & Manilas Publishers Ltd. 45A Okosi Road, Onitsha.
Book Chapters
Agbo, F.U. (2009). Economics of Agricultural Policy and Planning in B.C. Echezona (ed) A Publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Agbo, F.U. (2011). Cooperatives: In Chuks Ezedum & O.G. Odigbo (eds). Business Creation and Growth: A publication of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Development Research, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Agbo F.U. (2011). Social Entrepreneurship. In: C. Ezedum, F.U. Agbo & G.O. Odigbo (eds). Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Publication of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Development Research, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Agbo, F.U. (2011). Cooperative As A Vehicle for Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: In Baiyeri P.K. and A.A. Enete (eds). Reading in climate change and Agricultural Adaptation, Publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Journal Articles
Agbo, F.U. (1987). Agricultural Productive Societies: The Shortest Course to Agricultural Development. The Cooperative Monitor. No. 6, pp. 12-13.
Agbo, F.U. (2001). Cooperative Studies in Cooperative Colleges in Nigeria: A Case Study of the Federal Cooperative College, Oji-River, Enugu State. The Nigerian Journal of Cooperative Studies, vol. 1, No. 1, Pp. 24-37.
Agbo, F.U. (2002). Increasing the Output of Cassava through Women Cooperative Societies. Nigerian Journal of Cooperative studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, Pp.31-47.
Agbo, F.U. (2008). Blueprint for the participation of Microfinance NGOs in Thrift Collection Business in Nigeria. Ikenga International Journal of Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Vol. 10, Nos. 1&2, Pp. 114-127.
Agbo, F.U. (2009). Farmers’ Preception of Cooperatives societies in Enugu State, Nigeria. Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, Vol. 8, No. 3, Pp. 169-174.
Agbo, F.U., and S.A.N.D. Chidebelu (2010). Socio-economic determinants of cooperative societies’ access to the services of the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank. Field Actions Science Reports, Vol. 4,
Agbo, F.U., N.J. Nweze & E.M. Igbokwe (2011). Community-Level Institutes in Good Governance and Sustainable Exploitation of Palm Forest Resources in South East, Nigeria, Journal of Good Governance in Africa, Vol. 12, No. 1. Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Agbo, F.U. and Odo, C.O. (2011). The New National Cooperatives Development Policy for Nigeria; Matters Arising, Neglected options and the Way Forward, Journal of Good Governance in Africa. Vol.12, No 1, Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ezedum, C.E., F.U. Agbo & G.O. Odigbo (2011). Assessment of Entrepreneurship knowledge of Female Undergraduates in Nigerian Universities. African Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 1, No. 1.
Agbo, F.U. (2011). Entrepreneurship Approach to Cooperative Revitalization in Nigeria. African Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 1, No. 1. Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Research, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Agbo, F.U. (2012). Determinant of Access of Farmers’ Cooperative Societies to Cooperative Training Programmes in Nigeria, Canadian Journal of Contemporary Management, July 2012 Issue, pp 96-103 available at
Agbo, F.U. and Onah, O.G. (2013). Economic Analysis of Farmers’ Access to the Services of Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative Societies (FMCS) in Enugu North Agricultural Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR). Vol. 3. No. 1, pp. 250-258.
Agbo, F.U. (2013). Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. International Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 150-161.
Asogwa, U.G. and Agbo, F.U. (2013). Migration, Remittances and Livelihood Systems of Farm Households in Enugu State, Nigeria. International Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 95-105.
Scientific Conference Papers
Nweze, N.J., Igbokwe, E.M. & Agbo, F.U. (2005). “Community level Institution in Sustainable Exploitation of palm Forest Resources in South-East, Nigeria”. Proceedings of the Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN) 19th Annual Conference, DELSU, Asaba, 18th -20th October, pp. 168-171.
Agbo, F.U.(2005). “Extensive System of Goat Production: A Strategy for Tackling Poverty Among Rural Women Farmers in Oshimili North L.G.A. of Delta State”. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal production, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 20-245.
Agbo, F.U., (2006). Towards a Collaborative Approach to HIV/AIDS Control: The Role of Community Based Organizations. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN), Federal School of Forestry, Jos.
Agbo, F.U. (2011). Public – Private Partnership in Cooperative Promotion in Nigeria. Proceedings of the International Conference on Public Private Partnership hosted by the Faculty of Management Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nov. 29- Dec. 1.
Agbo, F.U. (2011). Repositioning Cooperatives for the Achievement of the Vision 20-2020: The Cooperative Entrepreneurship Perspective. Proceedings of the Second National Conference of the Institute of Cooperative Professionals of Nigeria (ICOPRON) held in Bauchi, Dec. 8-9.
Agbo, F.U. and Ojo, O.O. (2012). Estimation of Farm Level Technical Efficiency Among Fadama Crop Farmers in Ibadan/Ibarapa Agricultural Zone of Oyo State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN) held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.
Agbo, F.U. (2001). Agriculture as a Career. Paper Presented at Career Seminar for Students in Nsukka Educational Zone of Enugu State, March 8.
Agbo, F.U. (2002). A Blueprint for the Involvement of Microfinance NGOs in Thrift Collection in Nigeria. Paper Presented at the CRDC-LMS National Workshop on Microcredit in Family Livelihood Systems, 3-5 April.
– Member, Farm Management Association of Nigeria, FAMAN
– Member, National Association of Agricultural Economists, NAAE.
– Member, National Association for Cooperative Education, NACE.
– Management Development Course at the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Topo, Badagry (4 Weeks), 1991.
– Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship Course at Maizube-Abu Turab International Training Centre, Minna, Nigeria (2 Weeks), 2007.
– Winner of Provost’s Productivity Award for 1990/91 and 1991/92 Sessions, Federal Cooperative College, Oji-River.
– Departmental Nominee for National Productivity Merit Award, 1992.
– Co-founder, Lions Microcredit Society (LMS), University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
– Initiator of the University Staff (Nsukka), Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd.,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
- Prof. S.A.N.D Chidebelu
Department of Agric Economics
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
- Prof. D.C.N. Onah
Department of Veterinary Parasitology
University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
NAME: Ezema, Modesta Ero (nee Asadu)
DATE OF BIRTH: 19th January,1972
MARITAL STATUS: Married with five children
SEX: Female
TOWN: Ihe-Owerre
STATE: Enugu
- Ebonyi State University Abakalikki2002- 2007
- Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu 1998-2001
3 University Of Nigeria Nsukka 1990-1997
4 Queen Of Rosary Secondary School Nsukka 1982-1988
5 Community Primary School Nru- Nukka 1977-1982
- P.hD (computer Science) 2007
- M. Sc ( Computer Science) 2001
- B. Sc Computer Science 1997
- Senior School Certificate (SSC) 1988
- First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) 1982
FROM | TO | |||
UNN | Lecturer I | Nov 2005 | Date | See pages down |
Department |
Analyst |
Jan, 99 | October 2005 | See pages down |
Technnix Nig.Ltd | Instructor | April, 98 | June , 98 | See pages down |
Microproducts | Instructor | Sept ,98
Nov, 98 |
Same as above | |
IDC ESUT Enugu | Instructor | July’97 | June’98 | Trainee |
OSISATECH poly | Lecturer | Nov98 | Dec’98 | Head of Department |
- Prof H.C. Iyiama
Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka
Anambra State Nigeria
- Engr Dr. C.N. Mba
MME Department ESUT Enugu
- Engr Prof. F.S. Bakpo
Computer Science Department University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Reading the bible
Specific responsibilities
University of Nigeria Nsukka
Taught the following courses
- Numerical methods
- Introduction to file processing
- Introduction to computer science
- Computer Applications
- Expert System
- Switching Algebra
- Computer Programming
Supervises undergraduate projects
Computes students result
Co co ordinator of all borrowed courses in the department.
Chairperson Departmental Malpractice Committee
Computer Engineering Department ESUT
- Software Instllation and Maintenance
- Programming with the following languages:C++,Visual Basic, Qbasic,
- Fortran 77
Courses taught:
- Data processing
- Software Design and Management
- Management Information System
- Switching Algebra
- Coordinator Anambra State Civil Servant Training Workshop(April to May 1998)
Trainer Union Bank of Nigeria Emene Branch on the use of the following:
- Micro Soft Excel
- Micro Soft Word
- Micro Soft Corel Draw
Courses taught:
- Database Programming
- Introduction to file Processing
Head of Department Computer Science
Combined Administrative work with Academic work
Dr .(Mrs.) M.E. Ezema
G.A.M . Ikekeonwu, and A.H .Eneh (edited ) Modesta .E. Ezema ,Monica .N. Agu, F.S Bakpo, O.E. Chinwuko, S.C. Echezona, G.A.M Ikekeonwu, O.E. Oguike, G.E. Okereke, M. .C.Okoronkwo , C.N.Udeanor, C. Ugwuishiwu Introduction to Computer Science (2013) Immaculate Publications no 4 Aku Street, Ogui New Layout ,Enugu pg 65-91.
- Ezema, M.E. (2004) Computational Technique for Engineers Iyke Venture Production 15 Oji Street Uwani Enugu.
- A.M. I kekeonwu, F.S. Bakbo, M.C. Okoronkwo,O.E.Oguike, S.C. Echezona, G.E. Okereke, Monica N.Agu, Deborah. U Ebem and Modesta E Ezema(2012).Introduction to Computer Science Course Manual Second Edition , Immaculate Publications no 4 Aku Street, Ogui New Layout ,Enugu .
- Ugwuishiwu C.H. , Inyiama. H.C ,Ezema , M.E. (2012) A Model of NAFDAC-Real-Time Crime Information. Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) . ISSN 2231-2307, Vol-2 Issue-5,Nov 2012, pg 1-4 , impact factor 1.0 (ISI Indexed)
- Ezema , M.E. , Inyiama H.C. (2012), An Assessment of Internet Abuse in Nigeria. West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Research ISSN:2276-9129,Vol -4No1, pg186-191.,
- E Ezema , H.C. Inyiama.,(2013) Contemporary Malicious Code Detection-Techniques International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278- 0181, Vol 2 ,Issue 10, page 2894-2904 Impact Factor 1.76 (indexed in Google Scholar, Arxiv, ResearchGate, Scirus, getCITED and many more.)
- Paul .U. Chine and Modesta .E. Ezema,(2013) Digital Signature Reality in Modern Businesses: African Journal of Computing & ICT Vol 6 No 4,pg 173-178, Impact factor 09 (Index Copernicus)
- H. Ugwuishiwu, M.E. Ezema and N.G. Ugwuegbu(2013) Design and Implementation of ATM Emulator: African Journal of Computing & ICT Vol 6, No 4 , page 159-166 Impact factor 5.09 (Index Copernicus)
- Ezema ,M.E, Arinze, N.I. and Ugwuishiwu C.H. (2013) Deploying E-Commerce and its Security Challenges: The Nigerian Situation .International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology ISSN 2278-0181 , Vol 2 , Issue11, page 1582-1587 Impact factor 76 (indexed in Google Scholar, Arxiv, ResearchGate, Scirus, getCITED and many more.)
- Ezema, M. E, Ugwuishiwu , C.H. and Chine, P.U (2014) The Challenges of Mobile Unauthorized Access Point International Journal of Engineering Research and Software Engineering ISSN2277 128X, vol 4, Issue 8, August , 2014 page 460-466 Impact factor 2.08 ( indexed by GIF)
- Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Workshop at Hostel Presidential Enugu Approaches to Y2k Problem in developing countries 1999.
- Three days training workshop for youth .Organized by Economic Empowerment and Development Initiative (EEDI)
- Nigeria Computer Society “Aligning Information Technology with Business and Governmental Processes” December ,2013 , Development Education Center (DEC) Enugu.
- Nigeria Computer Society National Conference “ Building a Knowledge based Economy in Nigeria” July 23rd – 25th 2014 , Nike Lake Resort, Enugu – Enugu State
Local Organizing Committee Chairman of Events and Venue.
Contact Address
No 59 Eze Street
Uwani Enugu