The objective of this project is to design, develop, facilitate access and build capacity on use of digitized learning objects on difficult/abstract concepts on technical and vocational education (TVE) subjects for teachers and students in Nigeria.
Specifically the project will accomplish the following:
Conduct secondary data analysis of students results/literature to determine difficult concepts in different TVE subjects namely: industrial technical (auto-mechanics, metal work, wood work, electricity, electronics etc), business education (accounting/bookkeeping, office practice, secretarial studies), computer education (computer appreciation, basic programming, computer maintenance etc), home economics (clothing, food and nutrition, home management, child development), Agricultural education (poultry, crop production, farm management etc)
Develop the blue-print on the content, logic and development of the learning objects on different TVE subjects
Develop prototypes of the digitalized learning objects in formats that can be downloaded on smart cell phones and stand alone versions
Training TVE teacher/student from south eastern states’ institutions on how to develop and use the learning objects for instruction
Develop the web page on the Center for Vocational Technical Education Training and Research (CETVETAR) website, hosted by the University of Nigeria, to upload the digitalized learning objects (LOs)