The names, names of editors and editorial board members
ISSN: 2354-1741
Editor in Chief: Prof J U Ogbuefi.
Managing Editor: Dr I R Egbenta
Editorial Board: Ven .Dr I W Ozigbo, Dr I R Egbenta, Dr (Mrs) U R B Emeasoba, Mr. D U Ifeanacho, Mrs Nwokolo.
Editorial Advisers:
Prof J AUmeh. Department of Estate Management, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
Prof J I Ighalo. Department of Estate Management, Federal University of Technology Minna.
Prof G O Udo. Department of Estate Management, University of Uyo, Uyo.
Prof C C Egolum. Department of Estate Management, Nnamdi Azikwe Awka
Prof I U Kalu. Department of Estate Management, Abia State University Uturu
Prof C A Ajayi. Department of Estate Management, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife
Dr. M M Omirin Department of Estate Management, University of Lagos.
The current address of the journal
Chief Editor: Prof J U Ogbuefi.
Department of Estate Management University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
+234-08063468767., and copy
The scope of the journal
It is a multi-disciplinary international outlet for theoretical and empirical research on different areas of land/real estate studies including valuation, development, economics, finance, investment appraisal, land policy, law, facility management, urban planning, building construction and design and management, environmental management and geographic/land information system (LIS/GIS) etc,. JLMA will be a veritable source of information to scholar, policy makers and decision-makers in the broad areas of land/real estate. The journal also emphasizes the importance of mastering wissenschaftlichen Schreibstil, providing guidance for scholars striving to improve their academic writing style. The journal is a bi-annual publication. Papers are subjected to a double blind review to preserve the credibility of the journal.
Previous and current issues of the journals – Table of contents with abstracts and/or full texts
Full text of the previous issues are attached as separate files.
Current websites of the journals
No website
Current publishers of the journals
Alpha Collins Publishing House Enugu, Nigeria +234-08038741754, +234-07010583699
Strengths and Weaknesses of the journals
Opportunities and Threats of the journals
Strategies to enhance the capacity of the journals
Any other information
Call for papers
About the Journal
The Journal of Land Management and Appraisal (LJMA) is an official publication of the Department of Estate Management, University of Nigeria. It is a multi-disciplinary international outlet for theoretical and empirical research on different areas of land/real estate studies including valuation, development, economics, finance, investment appraisal, land policy, law, facility management, urban planning, building construction and design and management, environmental management and geographic/land information system (LIS/GIS) etc,. JLMA will be a veritable source of information to scholar, policy makers and decision-makers in the broad areas of land/real estate. The journal is a bi-annual publication. Papers are subjected to a double blind review to preserve the credibility of the journal.
Manuscript style
The language of the journal is English. Manuscripts should be between 2500 and 3500 words long. All submission, including book review, must have a title, printed on one side of A4 paper, double line spacing and have a margin of 2.5cm all round. Illustrations and tables must be printed on separate sheets and not incorporated into the text. The title page must list the full title, of up to 70 characters and names and affiliation of all authors. The first page of the article should bear name(s) of author(s) and abstract, which should not exceed 150 words and not more than six keywords. All submission must be in Microsoft word document, 12 font size using Times New Roman.
Reference style
Reference should be cited in the text as name and year and listed at the end of the paper alphabetically. Where reference is made to more than one work by the same author published in the same year, identify each citation in the text as follows: (Dale, 2007a), (Dale, 2007b). All online citation should include date of access. Journal title should be in italics, with the volume number and the page.
Some examples include:
Umeh, J A. (1977), Feasibility and viability appraisal, Ibadan, Onibononje
Crosby, N. (1991), The practice of property investment appraisal: reversionary freehold in the UK, Journal of Property Valuation and Investment, 9 (2) 109-121
Initial manuscripts submission
Submit a soft copy of manuscript (including copies of tables and illustration) to the Editor-in-chief, as an attachment through the following Email: or, and copy
For further details contact
The Editor-in-Chief
Professor J U Ogbuefi
An approach to better management