Albino mice (8-10 wks) weighing between 14 and 25 g were divided into 2 groups and dosed orally once per week with 2 doses (7 mg/kg and 21 mg/kg) of the gut-stimulating principle in Croton penduliflorus seeds (CP crystals) for 12 weeks. Some mice (3-4) from each group were killed at 10 days intervals for the first 6 wks of the experiment and at 20 days intervals for the last 6 weeks. Gross and histopathological changes in the brain, heart, liver, kidney, adrenal, spleen, testis, lung and various segments of the gastrointestinal tract including the stomach, duodenum, ileum and colon were observed. The relative weights of the visceral organs were also recorded. Significant weight change in the spleen was evident. The congestion of the lung was the most common gross pathological observation made. Other observations were splenomegaly, enlarged heart, swollen uterine horns, etc. Histopathological changes observed included haemorrhages in the lungs, myocardium, liver, kidney, testis, brain etc. Goblet cell hyperplasia with mucin present in the lumen were observed in the jejunum, ileum and colon. In conclusion, CP crystals produced severe lesions in the visceral organs and the brain after chronic oral administration at low and high dosage levels which should indicate caution in administering the extract to humans.
Drug and Chemical Toxicology 04/1989; 12(1):85-93. DOI:10.3109/01480548908999146