The extraction of Ni(II), Fe(II), Fe(III) and V(IV) with bis(4-hydroxypent-2-ylidene)-diaminoethane from various acids and buffer solutions has been studied. The golden yellow Fe(II) and wine-red Fe(III) complexes have maximum absorption at 445 and 435 nm respectively, and the yellow-green Ni(II) chelate shows two maxima, at 373 and 560 nm. The blue-green V(IV) chelate also has two maxima, at 580 and 660 nm. These characteristics can be used for the determination of these species. Iron, nickel and vanadium have been separated and determined in the presence of one another and of many other elements.
Talanta 04/1992; 39(3):273-80. DOI:10.1016/0039-9140(92)80032-9