A socio-economic assessment of the World Bank Rice Project in Imo State of Nigeria has been undertaken in this study. Using a structured research questionnaire, data were collected from 100 co-operative farmers in six project locations from March through July, 1984. The results of analysis of data reveal an overall significant increase in rice yield per hectare, whilst 5% of the farmers had improved their living conditions as a result of participation in the project. This suggests that the project has been effective in promoting farmers’ welfare. Even though the recorded project yield of 1446 kg paddy per hectare for rice was still far below the average research yield of 2500 kg/ha; it is recommended, in the light of the project constraints highlighted, that a more rigorous replication of the project be undertaken in more rice-growing areas of the state in order to embrace more farmers, given the current emphasis in the country’s fifth National Development Plan of self-sufficiency in staple food production as a means of enhancing rural development.
Agricultural Systems 02/1988; 27(2-27):99-115. DOI:10.1016/0308-521X(88)90024-8