The socio-demographic characteristics of 142 depressive patients seen for the first time at the Psychiatric Hospital, Enugu, were studied. Females (55%) outnumbered males (45%). While depressive neurosis occurred more commonly in those under 30 years of age, manic-depressive psychosis (MDP) depression was commoner among those over 30. Married status was commoner among female MDP depressives, but there was no significant difference regarding marital status among those with depressive neurosis. MDP depression occurred more often among rural dwellers while depressive neurosis was diagnosed more often among urban dwellers. Although the majority of patients had a low level of education, there were a significant number of students and housewives among those with depressive neurosis. The probable socio-cultural factors responsible for the observed differences are discussed. A suggestion is made for a central control and monitoring of all available alternative forms of treatment (orthodox, novel, traditional and spiritual) for a better mental health delivery.