The inseparable link between roads and agricultural development cannot be overlooked. Oil palm production has been intensified through the introduction of Smallholder Management Units (SMU) in Southern Nigeria to stem the increasing importation of palm oil. This study thus estimates the nature of the relationship between oil palm production and road development in Imo State.Using primary data obtained from personal interviews, a correlation analysis was carried out to dertermine the direction and magnitude of relationships between specified production characteristics and distances.The results of the analysis indicate that less than half of the smallholder oil palm farms are located within 600m of the nearest motorable road, farmer’s home and market. It was also established that some important management practices, such as harvesting and processing of fresh fruit bunches, declined as the distances increased. It was recommended that additional effective all-season roads be built to achieve the broader objective of an integrated rural development through the SMU project.
Agricultural Systems 02/1986; 19(2-19):141-152. DOI:10.1016/0308-521X(86)90004-1