Abstract – Radiographic investigation of dystocia…


Lateral and ventrodorsal radiographs were obtained from 30 West African dwarf goats with dystocia. The pelvic size was estimated from the ventrodorsal radiographs as the product of the transverse and conjugate diameters of the pelvic inlet. Radiography clearly showed the number of fetuses present, their presentation and position. The posture was clearly defined in singletons but not in twins and triplets. The commonest abnormal fetal disposition was bilateral flexion of the forelimbs with the head in the pelvic canal. The major maternal abnormality was small pelvic area. Of 19 dead fetuses, 13 showed radiographic signs of intrauterine death including free intracavity gas, tissue emphysema, abnormal fetal disposition and overlapping cranial bones. It was concluded that radiography is useful during examination of goats with dystocia especially small sized goats that cannot be manipulated easily.