Details of selected publications by staff of University of Nigeria for the year 2021

601 – 800

601. .Effect of post-infection vaccination on immune status of Newcastle disease-infected chicken
IE Ozioko, DC Eze, FO Abonyi, NS Nwankwo, EE Paul, PA Nnadi
Animal Research International 18 (1), 4020–4027-4020–4027

602. Pathology of Komarov vaccine in Hitchner B1 vaccinated and unvaccinated broilers
JN Omeke, RC Maxwell-Mkpado, NT Emejuo, I Onyema, HN Ikenna-Ezeh, …
Tropical Animal Health and Production 53 (6), 1-6

603. Library and Information Services Delivery and Researchers’ Scholarly Communication Outputs in Agricultural Research Institutes in North-Central, Nigeria
AJ AGOH, CO Omekwu
Ahemen Jessica AGOH and, Charles O. OMEKWU (2021) Library and Information …

604. Access to information for sustainable development in the digital age: Librarians’ perspectives in two Nigerian universities
CO Omekwu, FN Ugwu, AN Ejikeme
Information Development, 02666669211056292

CO Omekwu, JN Ekere, AN Ejikeme, P Igbokwe
Information Technologist 18 (2)

606. Authors’ Awareness of International Publishing Standards and Legal Deposit Obligations
JN Ekere, CO Omekwu, E Ken-Agbiriogu
Library and Information Science Digest 14, 25-43

607. Light and Electron Microscopic Studies of the Seminal Vesicular Glands of the African Straw-coloured Fruit Bat, Eidolon helvum
CN Abiaezute, IC Nwaogu, IR Obidike, UM Igwebuike
Agricultural Science Digest-A Research Journal 41 (3), 492-497

608. Modelling and Analysis of Concentrated and Distributed Winding Synchronous Reluctance Motors in Direct-Phase Variables and Finite Element Analysis.
A Epemu, P Obe, E Obe
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 97 (10)

609. Hazardous drinking and the dark triad: an antidote for manipulative behaviour among students
MU Nnam, JE Effiong, DO Iloma, IM Terfa, BO Ajah
Current Psychology, 1-7

610. Use of Noncustodial Measure and Independent Monitoring Body as Panacea to Awaiting-Trial Problems in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
GR Nnamani, KO Ilo, DC Onyejegbu, OB Ajah, ME Onwuama, …
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 16 (1), 51-6

611. Exploring the reasons for perennial attacks on churches in Nigeria through the victims’ perspective
EO Anthony, CO Obasi, DO Obi, BO Ajah, OS Okpan, CD Onyejegbu, …
HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 77 (1)

612. Religious fanaticism and changing patterns of violent Crime in Nigeria
OA Enweonwu, IP Ugwu, DC Onyejegbu, CE Areh, BO Ajah
International Journal 10, 1379

613. Special courts as Nigerian Criminal Justice response to the plight of awaiting trial inmates in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
CD Onyejegbu, EM Onwuama, CC ONAH, JT Okpa, BO Ajah
International Journal 10, 1173
OCP Ezeanya, BO Ajah
HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 77 (4)

614. Bacterial isolates of surfaces in the neonatal intensive care unit of Enugu State university teaching hospital, Parklane, Enugu, and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns
IN Asinobi, U Ekwochi, BO Edelu, CC Iheji, NN Onu, IK Ndu
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 30 (2), 171-175

615. Intussusception in children under five years of age in Enugu, Nigeria
BN Tagbo, UO Ezomike, OA Odetunde, BO Edelu, BC Eke, OF Amadi, …
The Pan African Medical Journal 39 (Suppl 1)

616. Prevalence and Pattern of Diabetic Ketoacidosis among Children an Enugu, Southeast Nigeria: a 10 Year Retrospective Study
IK Ndu, UN Chikani, BO Edelu, OC Nduagubam, AI Bisi-Onyemaechi, …
Tropical Health and Medical Research 3 (1), 36-43

617. Advanced diagnostic techniques for paediatric chronic kidney disease in a developing country: A narrative review
IK Ndu, SR Ohayi, BO Edelu
Ukrainian Journal of Nephrology and Dialysis, 67-75

618. A Comparison of the Performance of the Midarm Circumference and the Nelson Weight Estimation Formulas in Nigerian Children
OO Igbokwe, CDI Osuorah, IK Ndu, ON Iloh, KK Iloh, EI Nwaneli, …
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 30 (3), 225-231

619. Enhancement of the performance of ZnO based natural dye sensitized solar cells via PVA morphology controlled nanorods
SU Offiah, SN Agbo, CG Ezema, PE Ugwuoke, ABC Ekwealor, …
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 730 (1), 012033

620. Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Profile of Urinary Tract Infection in Adult Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital
I Nwafia, S Ebede, M Ohanu, U Ozumba, C Onyedum
Archive of Cl inical Microbiology 12 (3), 1-5

621. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use among Gynaecological Cancer Patients in Enugu, South-East Nigeria
LO Ajah, DT Ifezuoke, MI Ajah, TO Nwankwo, IV Ezeome, UA Umeh, …
Global Journal of Health Science 13 (9), 16

622. Synthesis, molecular docking and antimalarial activity of phenylalanine-glycine dipeptide bearing sulphonamide moiety
BS Aronimo, UC Okoro, R Ali, CU Ibeji, JA Ezugwu, DI Ugwu
Journal of Molecular Structure 1246, 131201

623. New antioxidant agents bearing carboxamide moiety: synthesis, molecular docking and in vitro studies of new benzenesulfonamide derivatives
FU Eze, UC Okoro, PO Ukoha, DI Ugwu, SN Okafor
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 40 (3), 853-865

624. Chemotherapeutic Importance of Oxepines
DI Ugwu, FU Eze, JA Ezugwu, SI Attah, MC Ugwu, OC Ekoh, IF Nyoyoko
Int. J. Chem. Sci 19, 401

625. New glycine derived peptides bearing benzenesulphonamide as an antiplasmodial agent
DI Ugwuja, U Okoro, S Soman, A Ibezim, D Ugwu, R Soni, B Obi, …
New Journal of Chemistry 45 (7), 3660-3674

626. Synthesis and In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Morpholine Derived Benzenesulphonamides
A Ahmed, DI Ugwu, OG Simon, HO Oluwasola
Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria 46 (5)

627. Effects of innovative pedagogy integration in electrical installation and maintenance works in Enugu and Lagos states technical colleges
CJ Olelewe, FV Doherty, CT Orji, I Aneyo
The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education
628. A critical view on blended learning improvement strategies in post-COVID 19
CT Orji, EAO Anaele, CJ Olelewe, CC Kanu, CA Chukwuone
IETE Journal of Education 62 (2), 80-88


630. Efficacy of Problem-Based Learning on Engagement and Practical Skills Acquisition among Electrical Electronic Technology Education Students in Universities in South-East Nigeria
CT Orji
(Doctoral Thesis, University of Nigeria, Nsukka)

631. Formulation, In vitro and In vivo Evaluation of Sustained released Artemether Lumefantrine-Loaded microstructured solid Lipid Microparticles (SLMs): doi. org/10.26538/tjnpr …
JDN Ogbonna, AC Echezona, CS Nwagwu, CP Agbo, AL Onugwu, …
Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) 5 (8), 1460-1469

632. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research
JDN Ogbonna, AC Echezona, CS Nwagwu, CP Agbo, AL Onugwu, …

633. Analysis of method of axillary crutch measurement
CJ Egbumike, C N Eze, CU Onwudiwe, CI Ezema, EI Obeagu, …
Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 33 (13), 117-123

- UPLC-PDA-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS fingerprint of purified flavonoid enriched fraction of Bryophyllum pinnatum; antioxidant properties, anticholinesterase activity and in silico studies
JO Ogidigo, CA Anosike, PE Joshua, CU Ibeji, DE Ekpo, BC Nwanguma, …
Pharmaceutical Biology 59 (1), 442-454

- Potential enhancement of metformin hydrochloride in lipid vesicles targeting therapeutic efficacy in diabetic treatment
EC Ossai, AC Madueke, BE Amadi, MO Ogugofor, AM Momoh, …
International journal of molecular sciences 22 (6), 2852

Experimental Animals 15, 16

- Development of the choices 5-level criteria to support multiple food system actions
G Tognon, B Beltramo, R Schilpzand, L Lissner, AJC Roodenburg, R Don, …
Nutrients 13 (12), 4509

- Prevalence of Malnutrition among Children Aged 6-59 Months in Kaduna State, Nigeria
E Okwori, NM Nnam, OR Onu
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences 42 (1), 114-121

I Okorie, RA Adesanmi, N Nnam
World J Pharma Res 10, 25-34

- Vitamin A, Iron and Iodine Status of Under Five Children in Kaduna State, Nigeria
NM Nnam, E Okwori
Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences 42 (1), 122-129

- The impact of succession management on small and medium enterprises’ sustainability in Lagos State, Nigeria
FE Monyei, WI Ukpere, EK Agbaeze, S Omonona, LE Kelvin-Iloafu, …
Sustainability 13 (23), 13489

- Job crafting, a bottom-up job characteristic of academics with an embeddedness potential
AE Arachie, EK Agbaeze, HN Nzewi, EO Agbasi
Management Research Review 44 (7), 949-969

- Influence of entrepreneurial innovation on sustainable solid: Waste recycling in Abuja, Nigeria
EK Agbaeze, SA Ofobruku, BI Chukwu
Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences 29 (1), 10-20

- Social media usage and competitive advantage of nascent agro-allied firms
I Eze, E Agbaeze, E Isichei, C Eke
Problems and Perspectives in Management 19 (4), 395-407

- Entrepreneurial Family Background and New Enterprise Creation in Ebonyi State
AA Udu, EK Agbaeze, F Okereke, S Eneh, AA Ameh, DC Nwachi
Nigerian Academy of Management Journal 16 (2), 39-52

International Journal of Management (IJM) 12 (4)

- Gender Diversity and Entrepreneurship Development: The Nigeria Perspective
ME Ogbeta, AI Otsupius, EK Agbaeze

- Isolation and anti-cancer evaluation of two anti-proliferative constituents from the chloroform fraction of leaves of Conyza Sumatrensis (Retz.) EH Walker, Asteraceae
EO Ikpefan, BA Ayinde, EO Omeje, M Azhar, AD Farooq, ZA Shah, …
Scientific African 13, e00854

- Bioactive Phytochemicals with Anti-Aging and Lifespan Extending Potentials in Caenorhabditis elegans
NO Okoro, AS Odiba, PO Osadebe, EO Omeje, G Liao, W Fang, C Jin, …
Molecules 26 (23), 7323

- Scientific African
EO Ikpefan, BA Ayinde, EO Omeje, M Azhar, AD Farooq, ZA Shah, …

- Critical review of the Withania somnifera(L.) Dunal: ethnobotany, pharmacological efficacy, and commercialization significance in Africa
HK Afewerky, AE Ayodeji, BB Tiamiyu, JI Orege, ES Okeke, AO Oyejobi, …
Bulletin of the National Research Centre 45, 1-16

- Metaproteomics insights into fermented fish and vegetable products and associated microbes
ES Okeke, RE Ita, EJ Egong, LE Udofia, CL Mgbechidinma, OD Akan
Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences 3, 100045

- Aquatic phlorotannins and human health: bioavailability, toxicity, and future prospects
ES Okeke, EJ Nweze, CC Chibuogwu, EG Anaduaka, KI Chukwudozie, …
Natural Product Communications 16 (12), 1934578X211056144

- Facile green synthesis of new chitosan-metal nanoparticles as nano-agrofungicide for the preservation of postharvest cherry fruits
O Ejeromedoghene, A Oladipo, O Oderinde, ES Okeke, SA Amolegbe, …
ACS Agricultural Science & Technology 1 (6), 664-673

- Phytochemical screening and in vitro evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potentials of leaf extracts of Sida linifolia L.(Malvaceae)
NE Nwankwo, ES Okeke, FN Nworah, EC Ezeako

- Haematological and Biochemical Examination of Pulcherrimin A isolated from Caesalpinia pulcherrima stem bark: doi. org/10.26538/tjnpr/v5i11. 19
MEU Dibua, J Ukomadu, ES Okeke, O Ejeromedoghene, SC Emencheta, …
Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) 5 (11), 2005-2010

- Does disrespect and abuse during childbirth differ between public and private hospitals in Southeast Nigeria
IN Okedo-Alex, IC Akamike, II Eze, CN Onwasigwe
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 21, 1-10

- Practices toward presumptive tuberculosis clients among patent medicine vendors in Ebonyi State Nigeria
CK Onah, BN Azuogu, EN Ossai, AP Agu, LU Ogbonnaya, C Onwasigwe
The International Journal of Mycobacteriology 10 (1), 71-78

- Knowledge and Utilization of PMTCT Services among Women accessing Antenatal Care in Private Health Facilities in Abakaliki, Nigeria.
BN Azuogu, EN Ossai, EC Aniwada, UC Madubueze, VC Azuogu, AP Agu, …
West African Journal of Medicine 38 (8), 713-718

- Determinants, reasons for choice and willingness to recommend birthing facility among mothers in public and private health facilities in Ebonyi, Nigeria
IN Okedo-Alex, IC Akamike, JI Nwafor, CN Onwasigwe
Pan African Medical Journal 38 (1)

- Knowledge and Practice of Childhood Immunization among Men with Infants in Enugu Metropolis
CO Anyanwu, L Agunwah, AM Ibekwe, CJ Okafor, CN Adike, UO Chijioke, …
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 33 (39B), 5-15

- A comparative study of pattern of HIV status disclosure among people living with HIV in peer support and non-support groups in Enugu, Nigeria
IM Obionu, I Eke-Okoro, CC Okeke, EN Aguwa, CN Onwasigwe
Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 20 (2), 166-182

- Human immunodeficiency virus status disclosure among people living with human immunodeficiency virus receiving care in Enugu, Nigeria: A mixed method study
IM Obionu, CC Okeke, I Eke-Okoro, EN Aguwa, CN Onwasigwe
Indian Journal of Public Health 65 (2), 172-177

663. Prevalence of Helminthiasis and Worm Load among Pre-school Children in Rural Areas of Enugu State
F Aneke, E Aniwada, EN Aguwa, CN Onwasigwe, OC Ugwunna, NN Ude, …
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 42 (10), 27-33

- Haematological parameters as reliable stress indicators in fish
R Dinesh, N Daniel, JSS Kumar
Agric. Environ 2 (8), 48-52

- Trend analysis of cocoa industry productivity to selected macroeconomic variables in Nigeria
JC Onwumere, I Ubokudom, HC Eneh, RC Okeke, DC Nwachukwu
Journal of Community & Communication Research 6 (2), 130-139

- Electrocardiogram parameters in patients with hypertensive heart failure in Abakaliki, South-Eastern Nigeria
N Sunday, A Celestine, U Zona, O Adaobi, U Nnaemeka, A Pamela, …
Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research 11 (1), 1-8

- Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Nilavembu kudineer choornam: In vitro Evaluation
M Pakkirisamy, N Daniel, J Mani
Med Aromat Plants 10, p060

- Tobacco leaf dust as natural anaesthetic to GIFT tilapia
N Daniel, K Sathyaraj, E Suresh, AA Mercy, KK Marx, A Uma, …

- Estimating soil organic matter: A case study of soil physical properties for environment-related issues in Southeast Nigeria
KI Ofem, K John, M Pawlett, MO Eyong, CE Awaogu, P Umeugokwe, …
Earth Systems and Environment 5, 899-908

- Multivariate modeling of some metals concentrations in agrarian soils: distribution and soil fertility implications in the tropics
KI Ofem, M Pawlett, MO Eyong, J Kingsley, EC Umeobi, PI Ezeaku, …
Earth Systems and Environment, 1-13

- Prevalence and associated factors of dental caries among primary school children in South-East Nigeria
NK Onyejaka, OO Olatosi, NA Ndukwe, EO Amobi, LO Okoye, …
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 24 (9), 1300-1306

- Relationship between socio-demographic profile, parity and dental caries among a group of nursing mothers in South East, Nigeria
NK Onyejaka, OF Eboh, EO Amobi, NP Nwamba
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada 21, e0057-e0057

- The Knowledge, Perception and Practices regarding the Novel COVID-19 among Undergraduate Clinical Dental Students in Nigeria.
O Olatosi, CL Nzomiwu, A Oyapero, NK Onyejaka, TA Ejiegbu
West African Journal of Medicine 38 (8), 791-799

- Evaluation of Tooth Mortality Among Children Attending a Paediatric Dental Clinic in South East, Nigeria
Journal of Paediatric Dental Research and Practice 2 (1&2), 16-22

- Parametric effects on the performance of an industrial cooling tower
OT Bamimore, SO Enibe, PA Adedeji
Journal of Thermal Engineering 7 (4), 904-917

- Population dynamics and crude oil degrading ability of bacterial consortia of isolates from oil-contaminated sites in Nigeria
OO Nnabuife, JC Ogbonna, C Anyanwu, AC Ike
International Microbiology, 1-13

- Media representation of Nigerian women in the news: Evidence from selected newspapers
JA Aladi, N Okoro
Journal of International Women’s Studies 22 (5), 437-452

- Impact of interventional documentary on knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors among rural women in North-Central Nigeria
OF Agbana, N Okoro, MO Ukonu, BE Agbana
African Population Studies 35 (1)

M Mbamalu, NM Okoro
Electronic Green Journal 1 (45)

- Decomposition of socioeconomic inequalities in the uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Nigeria: evidence from Demographic Health Survey
CI Okoli, M Hajizadeh, MM Rahman, R Khanam
Malaria Journal 20 (1), 300

- Heavy metal content of rice meals sold in a Nigerian market population with a high prevalence of hypertension
RC Anakwue, ID Nnakenyi, AN Maduforo, EE Young, CI Okoli, …
Annals of African Medicine 20 (1), 37

- Intussusception in children under five years of age in Enugu, Nigeria
BN Tagbo, UO Ezomike, OA Odetunde, BO Edelu, BC Eke, OF Amadi, …
The Pan African Medical Journal 39 (Suppl 1)

- Modelling and mapping hydrocarbon saturated sand reservoir using Poisson’s impedance (PI) inversion: a case study of Bonna field, Niger Delta swamp depobelt, Nigeria
AS Akpan, FN Okeke, DN Obiora, NJ George
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production 11, 117-132

- Estimating geohydrodynamic parameters and their implications on aquifer repositories: a case study of University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State
JC Ibuot, DN Obiora
Water Practice & Technology 16 (1), 162-181

- Geophysical evaluation of geohydrokinetic properties of aquifer units in parts of Enugu state, Nigeria
JC Ibuot, ET Omeje, DN Obiora
Water Practice & Technology 16 (4), 1397-1409

- Environmental assessment of gully erosion in parts of Enugu north, Southeastern Nigeria
OU Ekwueme, DN Obiora, FN Okeke, C Ibuot
Indian J. Sci. Technol 14, 2400-2409

- Mapping of subsurface structural features in some parts of Anambra Basin, Nigeria, using aeromagnetic data
BE Oguama, FN Okeke, DN Obiora
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 7, 1623-1637

- Estimating the energy in current signals during electrical sounding: a novel approach
NJ George, AM Ekanem, DN Obiora, JC Ibuot, AS Akpan
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-14

- Structural Interpretation and Depth to the Magnetic Basement, Using Aeromagnetic Data of Nkalagu and Abakaliki Areas, Southeastern, Nigeria
EK Nnaemeka, DN Obiora, JC Ibuot
Int J Earth Sci Geophys 7, 054

- Assessment of geothermal potential of parts of Sokoto Basin, Northwest Nigeria using aero-radiometric data
S Taufiq, FN Okeke, DN Obiora, JC Ibuot
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 7, 1217-1224

- Corrected Proof
JC Ibuot, ET Omeje, DN Obiora

- Ecological and human health risk evaluation of potential toxic metals in paddy soil, rice plants, and rice grains (Oryza sativa) of Omor Rice Field, Nigeria
JN Ihedioha, HO Abugu, OT Ujam, NR Ekere
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 1-17

- Hydrochemical evaluation of river Ajali water for irrigational application in agricultural farmland
HO Abugu, PF Egwuonwu, JN Ihedioha, NR Ekere
Applied water science 11, 1-14

- Impact of some beverage industries on the physicochemical characteristics of Ajali River in Enugu, Nigeria
PF Egwuonwu, JN Ihedioha, HO Abugu, NR Ekere
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 1-20

- Impacts of sunspot number and Geomagnetic aa-index on climate of Wet Zone West Africa during solar cycles 22–24
EA Hanson, FN Okeke
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11500

- Investigating Contributions of Total Column Ozone Variation on Some Meteorological Parameters in Nigeria
EC Okoro, FN Okeke, LC Omeje
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 12 (1), 132-149

- Spectral Analysis of High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data for Geothermal Energy Reconnaissance across Sokoto Basin, Northwest, Nigeria
T Suleiman, FN Okeke, ND Obiora
Journal of the Earth and Space Physics 46 (4), 147-158

- Latitudinal ionospheric responses to full halo CMEs induced geomagnetic storm
DC Obiegbuna, FN Okeke, KC Okpala, SW Tafon, OP Orji
Communication in Physical Sciences 7 (4)

EC Okoro, DI Okoh, FN Okeke, CM Anoruo
British Journal of Earth Sciences Research 9 (2), 1-15

- Comparative Study of the Influence of Full and Partial Halo Geomagnetic Storms on High Latitude Ionosphere
DC Obiegbuna, FN Okeke, KC Okpala, OP Orji, GI Egba, JO Ugonabo
International Journal of Education, Science, Technology, and Engineering

- The gender gap among scientists in Africa: results from the global survey and recommendations for future work
IMA Gledhill, FN Okeke, MF Ouedraogo, M Potgieter
Pure and Applied Chemistry 93 (8), 889-897

- Assessment of geothermal potential of parts of Sokoto Basin, Northwest Nigeria using aero-radiometric data
S Taufiq, FN Okeke, DN Obiora, JC Ibuot
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 7, 1217-1224

- Does economic growth, international trade and urbanization uphold environmental sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa? insights from quantile and causality procedures
CO Iheonu, CO Anyanwu, KO Odo, SP Nathaniel
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 28222-28233

- Household-level poverty, consumption poverty thresholds, income inequality and quality of lives in sub-Saharan Africa
DO Ekeocha, CO Iheonu
African Development Review, 1-15
- Terrorism and economic growth in Africa: understanding the role of military expenditure
CO Iheonu, HE Ichoku
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression
- Estimating the effect of democracy, governance and militarisation on peace in Africa
CO Iheonu, KO Odo, DO Ekeocha
Journal of Public Affairs 21 (3), e2253
- Poverty and terrorism in Africa: understanding the nexus based on existing levels of terrorism
CO Iheonu, HE Ichoku
Poverty & Public Policy 13 (3), 254-272
- COVID-19 in Nigeria
T Obiakor, CO Iheonu, E Ihezie

- Determinants of fiscal effort in sub-Saharan African countries: does conflict matter?
P Okwoche, CO Iheonu
Economics and Business Review 7 (2), 26-49
- Remaining service life prediction based on gray model and empirical Bayesian with applications to compressors and pumps
X Li, D Mba, E Okoroigwe, T Lin
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 37 (2), 681-693
- Characterization of Palm Oil as Base Feedstock for Bio-lubricant Production
RS Ugye, B Batidzirai, EC Okoroigwe
- Major Sorghum production constraints and coping mechanisms: The case of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum sublineolum)
KD Lemu, P Ogbonna, C Agbo, D Lule
Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 9 (8), 1333-1343
- Open surgery for urinary stones in a resource poor setting: a look at Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital, Lafia, Nigeria
C Agbo
Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal 2 (2), 79–81-79–81
- Spatial pattern of climate change and farmer–herder conflict vulnerabilities in Nigeria
IA Madu, CF Nwankwo
GeoJournal 86 (6), 2691-2707
- Women, intelligence gathering and countering violent extremism in Nigeria: A postcolonial feminist discourse
C Nwangwu, FC Onuoha, GE Ezirim, KC Iwuamadi
Democracy and Security 17 (3), 278-295
- Exiles in their region: pastoralist-farmer conflict and population displacements in North Central, Nigeria
PO Mbah, KC Iwuamadi, E Udeoji, M Eze, CC Ezeibe
African Population Studies 35 (1)
- State Failure and Clash of Civilisations in Somalia: Explaining the Interests and Interventions of External Actors.
RC Okoli, KC Iwuamadi
Journal of Somali Studies (JoSS) 8 (1)
- Governance, COVID-19 and Youth Uprising in Nigeria: From Peaceful to Violent Engagement
RC Okoli, KC Iwuamadi, S Ugwuozor
University of Nigeria Journal of Political Economy 11 (3)
- Design, Fabrication and Testing of Prototype Microcontroller Based Power Logger Coupled to Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Air Heater
AI Obi, OC Iloeje, CO Anyaoha, PA Okonkwo
January: 0–7
- Research paradigms and methodological choices in the research process
CI Ugwu, JN Ekere, C Onoh
Journal of Applied Information Science and Technology 14 (2), 116-124
- Prospects and Challenges of Web 3.0 Technologies Application in the Provision of Library Services
PI Ilo, C Nkiko, CI Ugwu, JN Ekere, R Izuagbe, MO Fagbohun
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fifth Edition, 1767-1781
- New chalcone derivatives as potential antimicrobial and antioxidant agent
EN Okolo, DI Ugwu, BE Ezema, JC Ndefo, FU Eze, CG Ezema, …
Scientific reports 11 (1), 21781
- Antibiotic Adsorption by Acid Enhanced Dialium guineenseSeed Waste
SI Eze, KG Akpomie, OM Ezekoye, CN Chukwujindu, FK Ojo, JU Ani, …
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 46, 309-324
- N’-(Pyridin-3-ylmethylene) benzenesulfonohydrazide: Crystal structure, DFT, Hirshfeld surface and in silico anticancer studies
IS Ozochukwu, OC Okpareke, DC Izuogu, A Ibezim, OT Ujam, …
Eur. J. Chem 12, 256-264
- Inhibition of Switch-on Fluorescence of Fluorochrome on Loading TiO2 with Gold
KI Dhanalekshmi, C Jiang, K Jayamoorthy, P Magesan, OT Ujam, …
- Inhibition of Switch-on Fluorescence of Fluorochrome on Loading TiO2 with Gold
D KI, C Jiang, OT Ujam, X Zhang
- European Journal of Chemistry View Journal Online
IS Ozochukwu, OC Okpareke, DC Izuogu, A Ibezim, OT Ujam, …
European Journal of Chemistry 12 (3), 256-264
- Visual media and learning: Effect of interactive television instruction as an intervention strategy for improving the critical thinking skills and disposition of out-of-school …
VC Gever, EA Tunca, AA Boluwatife, VC Nwogbo, …
Learning and Motivation 76, 101767
- The moderating role of colour in modelling the effectiveness of COVID-19 YouTube animated cartoons on the health behaviour of social media users in Nigeria
CV Okpara, AU Anselm, TO Felix, A Omowale, VC Gever
Health promotion international 36 (6), 1599-1609
- Modeling predictors of COVID-19 health behaviour adoption, sustenance and discontinuation among social media users in Nigeria
VC Gever, FO Talabi, O Adelabu, BO Sanusi, JM Talabi
Telematics and Informatics 60, 101584
- Expanding the boundaries of vaccine discourse: impact of visual illustrations communication intervention on intention towards COVID-19 vaccination among victims of insecurity …
JC Ugwuoke, FO Talabi, O Adelabu, BO Sanusi, VC Gever, C Onuora
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 17 (10), 3450-3456
- Effect of theatre for development as a communication intervention strategy on behavioural intentions towards painting, weaving and fashion and design among victims of conflict …
NT Obasi, CV Okpara, FT Okpara, VJ Itiav, CV Gever
African Security Review 30 (2), 139-151
- The media and displacements: News frames of victims of herders/farmers conflict in Nigeria
EK Oyeoku, VC Gever, NF Alu, EN Ukpai, C Obikwelu, CN Onuora
Journal of Refugee Studies 34 (4), 4428-4444
- Modeling journalists’ coping strategies to occupational hazards in their coverage of protests against police brutality (ENDSARS protests) in Nigeria
CO Blessing, EA Tunca, FO Talabi, AA Boluwatife, AV Oluwole, VC Gever
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics
- Associations of Dark Triad traits and problem gambling: Moderating role of age among university students
NG Onyedire, JBC Chukwuorji, TC Orjiakor, DU Onu, CI Aneke, …
Current Psychology 40, 2083-2094
- Experiential avoidance mediates the relations between mindfulness and PTSD symptoms severity in terrorist attack survivors
CJ Aliche, CM Ifeagwazi, PC Mefoh, JE Eze, JC Chukwuorji
Nordic psychology 73 (2), 191-207
- Does posttraumatic growth buffer the association between death anxiety and quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS?
DU Onu, CM Ifeagwazi, JBC Chukwuorji
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 28, 229-238
- Adverse childhood experiences and tramadol use in Nigeria: The mediating role of sociosexuality in a predominantly male student sample
DU Onu, CM Ifeagwazi, CT Orjiakor, SK Iorfa
Journal of Substance Use 26 (4), 427-433
- Rates of occurrence and influence of trauma exposure on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among survivors of terrorist attacks in Northeast Nigeria
EE Abiama, CM Ifeagwazi, JBC Chukwuorji
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-15
- Post‐traumatic stress disorder and depressive symptoms following a Herdsmen attack: The role of life meaning in mediating trait mindfulness
CJ Aliche, CM Ifeagwazi, A Yankouskaya, A Comoretto, A Wezyk, …
Stress and Health 37 (3), 528-537
- Enacted support matters in the relationship between psychological distress and health-related quality of life among type 2 diabetes patients in Nigeria
DU Onu, CM Ifeagwazi, MCC Onyedibe
Psychology, Health & Medicine 26 (8), 947-954
- Emotion dysregulation robustly predicts depressive symptoms above and beyond life events and social support in sub-saharan African pregnant women
CM Ifeagwazi, BM Obiajulu, JBC Chukwuorji, ILG Ndukaihe
Women’s Reproductive Health 8 (1), 29-43
- The efficacy of group cognitive behavioural therapy in improving adaptive cognitive emotion regulation in Nigerian breast cancer patients
MCC Onyedibe, CM Ifeagwazi, U Charles S
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 21 (4), 1021-103
- Caregiver characteristics, social support and psychological distress among informal caregiver
RC Muomah, PC Odinka, AC Ndukuba, KU Amad, CM Ifeagwazi, …
Nigerian Journal of Psychological Research 17 (1)
- Radiographic evaluation of the lower forelimbs of Nigerian horses presenting with lower forelimb lameness in Obollo-Afor horse lairage
KC Ogbanya, CA Eze, TO Nnaji
Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 48 (3), 41-49
- Assessment of changes in physiological parameters and immune marker levels in cattle presented for slaughter at Ikpa Nsukka slaughter abattoir
KC Ogbanya, CA Eze, NH Okereke, CK Chukwu
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- Geochemical evolution and quality assessment of groundwater resources at the downstream section of the Kano-Challawa River system, Northwest Nigeria
A Mustapha, BS Sagagi, MM Daura, A Idris Tanko, PO Phil-Eze, …
International Journal of River Basin Management 19 (2), 131-140
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- Geospatial Analysis of Soil Erosion Susceptibility and Causative Factors in Anambra State, South East, Nigeria
RU Ayadiuno, DC Ndulue, CC Ndichie, AT Mozie, PO Phil-Eze, …
- Implementation of EMP in EIA Follow-Up of Oil and Gas Projects in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A Case of Bayelsa and Rivers States
S Hemba, PO Phil-Eze
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 77 (1), 96-108
- Vegetation Change Detection in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques from 2000 to 2020
PO Phil-Eze, W Elekwachi, LC Bosco-Abiahu, HW Collins, A Muktar, …
Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology 16 (4), 181-188
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Wetlands Ecosystem in the Niger Delta Region
W Elekwachi, PO Phil-Eze, EA Etuk, CH Wizor, CJ Onyishi
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 9 (12), 244-264
- Flood Vulnerability Assessment on Selected Communities in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria, Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
LC Bosco-Abiahu, I Eze, OO Afolabi, M Abdullahi, CH Wizor, PO Phil-Eze, …
Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International 25 (9), 46-57
- Water Resource Management in Nigeria: Acceptability of Treated Municipal Wastewater Reuse in Federal Capital City, Abuja
SO Iheukwumere, PO Phil-Eze, KF Nkwocha
British Journal of Environmental Sciences 9 (3), 26-39
- COVID-19 pandemic and small-scale industries in a local geographic space of Nigeria: An assessment of the impact of strategic interfirm alliance
VC Nwokocha, OC Anyanwu, IA Madu, CE Nwankwo
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- Effects of non-farm activities on the economy of rural communities in Enugu State, Nigeria
GS Nnadi, IA Madu, OG Ossai, C Ihinegbu
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 31 (5), 642-660
- From a Religious Sect to a Terrorist Group: The Military and Boko Haram in Northeast Nigeria.
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- Evaluating the effect of agro-based admixture on lime-treated expansive soil for subgrade material
DC Nwonu, CC Ikeagwuani
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 22 (12), 1541-1555
- Additives optimization for expansive soil subgrade modification based on Taguchi grey relational analysis
CC Ikeagwuani, JC Agunwamba, CM Nwankwo, M Eneh
International journal of pavement research and technology 14, 138-152
- Estimation of modified expansive soil CBR with multivariate adaptive regression splines, random forest and gradient boosting machine
CC Ikeagwuani
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- Microdust effect on the physical condition and microstructure of tropical black clay
DC Nwonu, CC Ikeagwuani
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 14 (1), 73-84
- Min‐max fuzzy goal programming‐Taguchi model for multiple additives optimization in expansive soil improvement
CC Ikeagwuani, DC Nwonu, HN Onah
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …
- Influence of dilatancy behavior on the numerical modeling and prediction of slope stability of stabilized expansive soil slope
CC Ikeagwuani, DC Nwonu
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 46 (11), 11387-11413
- Model performance assessment in resilient modulus modelling: a multimodel approach
CC Ikeagwuani, DC Nwonu
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- Exploring employer–employee relationship: A psychological contract breach-exit voice and loyalty effect mediated by the dark triad
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South African Journal of Business Management 52 (1), 13
- Accounting practices and its effects on the growth of micro and small scale enterprises: Analysis from Nigeria
UP Nsoke, NM Okolo, GN Ofoegbu
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 9 (4), 574-587
- Government Accountability and Tax Revenue: Evidence from Nigeria
OD Chukwunwike, GN Ofoegbu, FM Amara, RG Okafor
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- Empirical assessment of public sector reform in Nigeria: A trend analysis between 2000 and 2015
African Journal of Business and Economic Development| ISSN 2782, 7658
OC Nwafor, II Ogbu, GN Ofoegbu
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- Timing of surgery following SARS‐CoV‐2 infection: an international prospective cohort study
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Anaesthesia 76 (6), 748-758
- Obstructed right upper moiety in a bilateral partial duplex renal system in an adult
SK Anyimba, II Nnabugwu, CA Nnabugwu
Annals of African Surgery 18 (2), 119-122
- Effects of pre‐operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study
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Anaesthesia 76 (11), 1454-1464
- Fournier’s gangrene: a retrospective review of management outcomes and seasonal variations of clinical presentation
II Nnabugwu, OO Onumaegbu, LT Okolie
African Journal of Urology 27 (1), 1-6
- Partial Inferior Pubectomy in the Delayed Repair of Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury: Adopting a Bone-nibbling Technique
II Nnabugwu, FO Ugwumba, AA Ilukwe
Annals of African Surgery 18 (2), 69-74
- Evaluation of lambda-cyhalothrin oxidative stress and gonad histoarchitecture toxicity potency in Clarias gariepinus
SU Ezenwosu, EI Nnamonu, GE Odo, BC Ikele, OC Ani
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- Proximate composition and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in edible Achatina spp in some rural agro-settlements, south-east Nigeria
EI Nnamonu, GE Odo, IO Ajuzie, CD Nwani
The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology 82, 1-8
- Neuronal Control of Pituitary Function
MO Nwokike, AU Mbah, AO Ogbonna, SI Ghasi
Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Endocrinology 4 (2), 16-24
- Post-operative fever (POF) after cardiac surgery in a low-and middle-income-country: 7-year institutional experience
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- Surgical Treatment of Valvular Heart Disease in Nigeria: A 6-Year Experience
IA Nwafor, JC Eze, MN Nwafor
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- Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Pregnancy in a Low‑Income Country during COVID‑19 Pandemic
BA Akanni, I Gold, IA Nwafor, JC Eze
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 30 (3), 342-345
- Management of ruptured pseudoaneurysm of the right common carotid artery in a resource-limited setting (Case report)
IA Nwafor, CC Onwura, CC Obi, BA Akanni, I Gold, JC Eze
African Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 20 (11), 151-155
- African Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
IA Nwafor, CC Onwura, CC Obi, BA Akanni, I Gold, JC Eze
- The Role of Early Amniotomy and The Risk of Vertical Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus
UA Umeh, CC Agunwa, IJ Ilo
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- The Status of Congenital Heart Defects in Nigeria and Challenges of Surgical Treatment: 6 Year Review
I Nwafor, JC Eze, K Osemobor
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- Fisheries performance in Africa: An analysis based on data from 14 countries
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Marine Policy 125, 104263
- Factors affecting climate change coping strategies used by smallholder farmers under root crop farming systems in derived savannah ecology zone of Nigeria
NA Chukwuone, EC Amaechina
Environmental Development 39, 100627
- Awareness and management of bleeding disorders amongst dental practitioners in Enugu, South East Nigeria
HC Okoye, CC Efobi, KL Korubo, FN Chukwuneke
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- Substrate specificity of a new laccase from Trametes polyzona WRF03
TC Ezike, JO Udeh, PE Joshua, AL Ezugwu, CV Isiwu, SOO Eze, …
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- Assessment of Kinetic Parameters of Peroxidase Isolated from Maturing Solanum lycopersicum Fruits for Analytical and Biotechnological Applications: doi. org/10.26538/tjnpr …
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Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) 5 (12), 2149-2153
- Kinetics And Thermodynamic Properties of Trametes Polyzona WRF03 Laccase
TC Ezike, AL Ezugwu, JO Udeh, KC Ugwuoke, SOO Eze, FC Chilaka
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- Studies on the Thermal Stability of Peroxidase from Leaf of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis)
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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 25 (7), 1163-1166
- Studies on Different Concentrations of Alcohol-Alkaline and Acid-Alcohol Methods of Modification on some Functional Properties of Starch from Selected Underutilized Legumes …
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Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) 5 (1), 140-144
- Countering insurgency in Nigeria with Terrorist Resource Model; a focus on Boko Haram sect.
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MC Aneke, CJ Chukwu, NP Onyemaechi, SA Boh, BC Nwankwo, IE Emeh, …
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- Foreign Direct Investment and Growth Nexus: Further Evidence from Africa’s Largest Economy
A Orji, GU Nwagu, JE Ogbuabor, OI Anthony-Orji
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- Agricultural financing, agricultural output growth and employment generation in Nigeria
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- Pilot assessment of omega-3 fatty acids and potassium thiocyanate in sickle cell anemia patients with conditional peak systolic cerebral artery blood velocity
A Ugwu, N Iloanusi, N Ugwu, B Chukwu, O Ezenwosu, E Modebe, A Duru, …
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- Clinical screening for menorrhagia and other bleeding symptoms in Nigerian women
TU Nwagha, HC Okoye, AO Ugwu, EO Ugwu
Annals of African Medicine 20 (2), 111-115
- Financial inclusion and financial stability In Nigeria: A new empirical evidence
OI Anthony-Orji, A Orji, JE Ogbuabor, PN Mba, IE Onwe
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