Details of selected Journal publications by staff of University of Nigeria for the year 2013 Continued

1 – 200, 201 – 400, 401 – 600, 601 – 800, 801 – 1000, 1001 – 1200, 1201-1400, 1401-1600, 1601-1800, 1801-2000

1801. Variability and Association Studies on Yield and Yield Characters in Aromatic Nsukka Yellow Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
TJ Maga, MI Uguru, PE Ogbonna
International Journal of Plant Breeding 7 (2), 90-95

1802. Cyber Crime Victimization among Internet active Nigerians: An Analysis of Socio-Demographic Correlates
PN Ndubueze, EUM Igbo, UO Okoye
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 8 (2), 225

1803. Crime and Crime Control in Traditional Igbo Society of Nigeria
EUM Igbo, CO Ugwuoke
Developing Country Studies 3 (13), 160-167

1804. Third Parties and Cyber-Crime Policing in Nigeria: Some Reflections
PN Ndubueze, EUM Igbo
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 8 (1), 59-68

1805. Abridged history and activities of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary in Nigeria (1924-2013).
RN Uchem
R. N. Uchem (ed.). Testimonies of Great Faith: Personal Memories of the …

1806. Eradicating Gender-Based Violence Against Women In West African Christian Societies: Educational Imperatives.
RN Uchem
R. Amenga-Etego and M. A. Oduyoye (eds.), Gender Based-Based Violence: West …
1807. Die Rolle der Frau in der afrikanischen Gesellschaft und Kirche (The Situation of Women in the African Society and Church).
RN Uchem
F. Gmainer-Pranzl and M. R. Naortangar SJ (eds.) Christlicher Glaube im …

1808. Haematological changes due to bovine fascioliasis
FMI Egbu, PO Ubachukwu, IC Okoye
African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (15)

1809. Dependency Theory and Africa’s Underdevelopment: a Paradigm Shift from Pseudo-Intellectualism: the Nigerian Perspective
IEJ Emeh
International Journal of African and Asian Studies. Vol 1

1810. Effect of processing methods on the chemical composition of Vitex doniana leaf and leaf products
FI Osum, TM Okonkwo, GI Okafor
Food Science & Nutrition 1 (3), 241-245

1811. Antidiabetic and biochemical effect of the different fractions of methanol extract of Detarium microcarpum (Fabaceae) Guill and Perr stem bark on normal and alloxan…
UE Odoh, CO Ezugwu, CS Ezea
Planta Medica 79 (13), PN71

1812. The phytochemical and anti-nociceptive evaluation of the methanol extract of Newbouldia laevis (Bignoniaceae) leaves using animal madels
UE Odoh, D Ani, CO Ezugwu, CC Ugwuoke, FN Mbaoji
PLANTA MEDICA 79 (13), 1148-1148

1813. Pharmacognosy Journal
R Singh, T Jawaid, A Sakulpanich, S Chewchinda, P Sithisarn, …
ACE 100 (100), 100

1814. Effect of Aspergillus flavus on the Liver of Experimental Rats Administered with Antiretroviral Drugs
TK Udeani, CN Okwuosa, EU Adiele
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics 1 (6), 443-456

1815. Synergy in antibacterial activities of Ampicillin trihydrate, stabilized with a synthetic aluminum-magnesium silicate and immune-stimulants, on resistant Escherichia c…
MCO Ezeibe, OK Ezeobele, ME Esen, AA Ngene, IJ Mbuko, IC Chukwudi, …
Health 5 (10), 1548

1816. Principles and Practice of Public Personnel Administration: A Nigerian Perspective
OM Ikeanyibe
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

1817. Public Policy in Nigeria: Perspectives on Social Policy
OM Ikeanyibe
Book, 397

1818. Socio-pragmatic analysis of Boko Haram’s language of insurgency in Nigeria: Implications for global peace and security
CU Agbedo, EC Krisagbedo, D Buluan
Developing Country Studies 3 (8), 45-63

1819. Socio–Psychological Deconstruction of Fear of Boko Haram in Nigeria: The Nigerian Media Perspective
CU Agbedo, D Buluan, EC Krisagbedo
New Media and Mass Communication 16

1820. Body temperature and haematological indices of boars exposed to direct solar radiation
CC Ogbu, FC Elile, NS Machebe, SOC Ugwu
Journal of Biology, Agriculture, and Healthcare 3, 72-79

1821. Effects of feeding locally processed blood meal diets on reproductive performance of pigs.
FO Abonyi, BCO Omeke
Indian Journal of Animal Research 47 (4)

1822. Intake of some biological seeds and root extracts of plants improves fertility and hatchability of turkey eggs
NS Machebe, SO Ugwu, CS Atu, NFH Mbunwen
Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 9, 538

1823. Unmet visual needs of children with Down syndrome in an African population: implications for visual and cognitive development
AE Aghaji, L Lawrence, I Ezegwui, E Onwasigwe, O Okoye, P Ebigbo
European journal of ophthalmology 23 (3), 394-398

1824. Patients’ Perception Of The Seriousness Of TB Scourge In Enugu State, Nigeria And The Knowledge Of Who May Be At Risk
OG Ochonma, CU Eze, I Maduakolam, SB Eze

1825. Social media and political participation in Nigeria during the 2011 general elections: The lapses and the lessons
N Okoro, KA Nwafor
Global Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences 1 (3), 29-46

1826. Print media framing of Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria: A content analytical study of The Guardian, Daily Sun, Vanguard and ThisDay newspapers
N Okoro, CC Odoemelam
Research on humanities and social sciences 3 (11), 86-94

N Okoro, B Chinweobo-Onuoha
Covenant Journal of Communication 1 (2)

1828. Citizen Journalism in Nigeria: Possibilities and Challenges
N Okoro, C Diri, C Odii
New Media and Mass Communication 11

1829. The Status And Challenges Of Mass Communication Education In Nigeria
N Okoro, PM Obayi, AC Onyebuchi
International Journal of Research in Arts and Social Sciences 5, 227

1830. Complementary local foods for infants in developing countries
PO Uvere, HN Ene-Obong
Nutrition in infancy, 75-93

1831. Performance characteristics and economic evaluation of laying birds fed graded levels of neem leaf meal.
AD Olabode, AE Onyimonyi, AG Ezekwe, OE Okelola
International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences 2 (5), 213-216

1832. Performance Characteristics and Economics Evaluation of laying bords fed graded levels of neem leaf meal.
OE Olabode,A.D, Onyimonyi,A.E,Ezekwe A.G and Okekola
International Journal of Agric Bio.sci 2, 213-216

1833. Making democracy safe: Policies tackling electoral violence in Africa
N Orji
South African Journal of International Affairs 20 (3), 393-410

1834. Synopsis of congenital cardiac disease among children attending University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku Ozalla, Enugu
JM Chinawa, JC Eze, I Obi, I Arodiwe, F Ujunwa, AK Daberechi, HA Obu
BMC research notes 6 (1), 475

1835. Use and/or misuse of antibiotics in management of diarrhea among children in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria
U Ekwochi, JM Chinawa, I Obi, HA Obu, S Agwu
Journal of tropical pediatrics 59 (4), 314-316

1836. Iron Deficiency Among Non‑Anemic Under‑Five Children in Enugu, South‑East, Nigeria
U Ekwochi, OI Odetunde, IC Maduka, JC Azubuike, IE Obi
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (3), 402-406

1837. Pediatrician wearing a white coat: A survey of preferences among children and their care givers
HA Obu, JM Chinawa, PC Manyike, I Obi, BC Eke, U Ekwochi, S Agwu
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 6 (5), 508

1838. Anti-malaria and hematological analyses of ethanol leaf extract of Moringa oleifera on malaria infected mice
OPC Ugwu, OFC Nwodo, PE Joshua, CE Odo, A Bawa, EC Ossai, …
International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science 3 (1), 360-371

1839. Anti-diarrhoeal activity of chloroform-ethanol extracts of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) kernel
DA Omoboyowa, OFC Nwodo, PE Joshua
Journal of Natural Products 6, 109-117

1840. Acute toxicity investigation and anti-diarrhoeal effect of the chloroform–methanol extract of the seeds of Persea americana in albino rats
CE Odo, OFC Nwodo, PE Joshua, OPC Ugwu, CC Okonkwo
Journal of Pharmacy Research 6 (3), 331-335

1841. Anti-motility and reductions in the concentrations of gut electrolytes: Mechanisms for the anti-spasmodic use of the seeds of avocado (Persea americana Mill) in folk…
CE Odo, OFC Nwodo, PE Joshua, YS Omeh, CC Okonkwo, AS Gometi, …
African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (37)

1842. Vulnerability to food poverty in Nigeria
UM Ozughalu, FO Ogwumike
African Development Review 25 (3), 243-255

1843. Can Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment and Exports Provide the Desired Panacea to the Problem of Unemployment in Nigeria?
UM Ozughalu, FO Ogwumike
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4 (1), 36-51

D Opata

1845. Whither higher education in Africa? Some Post-2015 questions
C Ugwu
The World Beyond 2015: Is Higher Education Ready?

1846. Beyond BIRGing and CORFing Tendencies: Effects of Identification with Foreign Football (Soccer) Teams on the Mental Health of Their Nigerian Supporters
FO Ugwu, C Ugwu
International Journal of Sports Science 3 (6), 233-240

1847. Making-up Malaria Data: A Nigerian Example
C Ugwu
IFRA-Nigeria Working Papers Series

1848. Getting on the Publication Ladder: DocLinks Early Career Scholars Share Experiences
J Remmington
Editors’ Bulletin 9 (1), 19-21

1849. Effects of dietary selenium supplementation on parasitemia, anemia and serum proteins of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected rats
JI Eze, MC Okeke, AA Ngene, JN Omeje, FO Abonyi
Experimental parasitology 135 (2), 331-336

1850. Effects of substituting soya bean meal (SBM) with blood meal (BM) on biochemical profile of pregnant pigs
FO Abonyi, NS Machebe, MS Ezea, JI Eze, BC Omeke, BN Marire
Tropical animal health and production 45 (4), 957-963

1851. Zinc Oxide as an Effective Mineral for Induced Moulting: Effects on Post Moult Performance of Laying Hens in the Humid Tropics. J Veterinar Sci Technol S11: 003. d…
NS Machebe, P Iweh, AE Onyimonyi, OS Ekere, F Abonyi
Teaching and Research Farm, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The birds were …

1852. Nutrient adequacy and organoleptic quality of complementary food mixes made from combinations of digitaria exilis, sesamum indicum and glycine max
V Ibeanu, N Ene-Obong, U Onyechi, G Peter-Ogba
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 63, 451

1853. Motivations and preferences of rural Nigerian women undergoing cervical cancer screening via visual inspection with acetic acid
CO Chigbu, AK Onyebuchi, LO Ajah, EN Onwudiwe
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 120 (3), 262-265

1854. Presence of chaperones during pelvic examinations in southeast Nigeria: Women’s opinions, attitude, and preferences
PO Nkwo, CO Chigbu, S Nweze, OS Okoro, LO Ajah
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (4)

1855. The perception and use of chaperones by Nigerian gynecologists
PO Nkwo, CO Chigbu, LO Ajah, OS Okoro
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 120 (1), 46-48

1856. Biodiesel production from Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus) oil and characterization of its blend with petro-diesel
AU Ofoefule, CN Ibeto, UC Okoro, OD Onukwuli
Phy. Rev. Res. Int. l 3, 145-153

1857. Biogas production from waste by-products of ethanol production: 3 modeling of gas yield with time
AU Ofoefule, UC Okoro, OD Onukwuli, CN Anyanwu
Physical Review and Research International 3 (1), 18-27

1858. Effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection and diminazene aceturate therapy on testicular morphology and function of Nigerian local dogs
CF Obi, RI Obidike, IO Ezeh, VU Omoja, CN Iheagwam, IK Idika, …
Veterinary parasitology 196 (3-4), 283-288

1859. Efficacy of Kelamidium® in the prevention and treatment of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in albino rats
RC Ezeokonkwo, IO Ezeh, CN Iheagwam, WE Agu, RIS Agbede
Comparative Clinical Pathology 22 (2), 219-226

1860. Antioxidative polyphenols from Nigerian mistletoe Loranthus micranthus (Linn.) parasitizing on Hevea brasiliensis
MO Agbo, D Lai, FBC Okoye, PO Osadebe, P Proksch
Fitoterapia 86, 78-83

1861. Phytochemical properties of Methanol Extract and Antimicrobial study of Less Polar Fractions of Loranthus micranthus (Linn.) parasitic on Alstonia boonei
JDN Ogbonna, BE Ezema, CP Obimma, MO Agbo
The Pharma Innovation 2 (8, Part A), 83

1862. Synergistic effect of Jatropha curcas root extract and ampicillin on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli isolated from clinical specimens
COB Okoye, FC Asogwa, MO Agbo
Int J Biol Pharm Res 4, 634-9

1863. Development of Differential Spectrophotometric Method for Assay of Paracetamol in Pure and Tablet Dosage Forms
CO Nnadi, MO Agbo, PF Uzor, LO Ugwu
Indian J Pharm Res 1 (1), 15-21

OG Ochonma, CU Eze, I Maduakolam, SB Eze
International Journal of Medicine and Health Development (Formerly Journal …

1865. Production and Partial Characterization of Cellulases from Apergillus fumigatus Using Two Distinct Parts of Corn Cob as Carbon Sources
IG Okoye, AL Ezugwu, DI Udenwobele, SOO Eze, CU Anyawu, …
Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 26 (1), 50-59

1866. Production and characterization of pectinases obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus in submerged fermentation system using pectin extracted from mango peels as c…
AL Ezugwu, SOO Eze, FC Chilaka, CU Anyanwu
Plant Products Research Journal 16 (1), 47–53

1867. Partial purification and characterization of cellulases from digestive tracts of the African giant snail (Achatina achatina)
PC Ozioko, SOO Eze, FC Chilaka
Turkish Journal of Biology 37 (2), 199-205

1868. Interaction of Normal and Sickle Hemoglobins for Sodium Dodecylsulphate and Hydrogen Peroxide at pH 5.0 and 7.2
FC Ezebuo, SOO Eze, CB Lukong, FC Chilaka
ISRN hematology 2013

1869. Production and properties of fungal cellulase from native isolates using orange bagasse as carbon source
VA Ogwuche, FC Chilaka, SOO Eze, CU Anyanwu
Plant Products Research Journal 16 (1), 22–28

1870. Impact of Plasmodium falciparum and hookworm infections on the frequency of anaemia in pregnant women of rural communities in Enugu, South East Nigeria
PU Agu, JS Ogboi, K Akpoigbe, T Okeke, E Ezugwu
Pan African Medical Journal 14 (1)

1871. Anti-malaria prescription in pregnancy among general practitioners in Enugu state, south east Nigeria
EO Ugwu, ES Iferikigwe, SN Obi, AO Ugwu, PU Agu, OA Okezie
Nigerian medical journal: journal of the Nigeria Medical Association 54 (2), 96

1872. An overview of menopause associated Vaso Motor Symptoms and options available in its management
TC Okeke, CCT Ezenyeaku, LG Ikeako, PU Agu
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 22 (1), 7-14

1873. An Audit of Medical Students’ Performance in 2nd MBBS Physiology Examination in a Medical School in Nigeria: A 7-Year Review
TC Okeke, BUS Anyaehie, EO Ugwu, PU Agu, I Orizu, C Adiri, …
American Journal of Clinical Medicine 1 (2), 28-31

1874. Parity‑related changes in body weight may influence the zinc and copper status of urban pregnant women: A report from south eastern Nigeria
UI Nwagha, EE Iyare, SO Ogbodo, PU Agu, TH Olubobokun, PO Ezeonu, …
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences 2 (1), 32-37

1875. Hypertension and prehypertension among adolescents in secondary schools in Enugu, South East Nigeria
FA Ujunwa, AN Ikefuna, ARC Nwokocha, JM Chinawa
Italian Journal of Pediatrics 39 (1), 70

1876. Evaluation of clinical and laboratory correlates of sickle leg ulcers
AJ Madu, A Ubesie, KA Madu, B Okwor, C Anigbo
Wound Repair and Regeneration 21 (6), 808-812

1878. Addition of multimodal therapy to standard management of steady state sickle cell disease
I Okpala, O Ezenwosu, A Ikefuna, A Duru, B Chukwu, A Madu, T Nwagha, …
ISRN hematology 2013

1879. Pattern of CD4 T‑lymphocyte Values in Cancer Patients on Cytotoxic Therapy
AJ Madu, S Ocheni, OG Ibegbulam, EN Aguwa, KA Madu
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (4), 198-503

1880. Pattern and Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Complications of Sickle Cell Anaemia in South-East Nigeria: A Retrospective Study.
KA Madu, AC Ubesie, AJ Madu, AN Duru

1881. Evaluation of anaemia in Nigerian goats using FAMACHA© eye colour chart: a preliminary study
IK Idika, CN Iheagwam, LG Nwobi, CO Nwosu
Comparative Clinical Pathology 22 (4), 627-630

1882. Effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection and diminazene aceturate therapy on testicular morphology and function of Nigerian local dogs
CF Obi, RI Obidike, IO Ezeh, VU Omoja, CN Iheagwam, IK Idika, …
Veterinary parasitology 196 (3-4), 283-288

1883. Effects of Trypanosoma brucei and Heligmosomoides bakeri infections on water consumption of lactating albino mice and the viability of their pre-weaned offspring
LA Ngongeh, IK Idika, CN Iheagwam, LI Mhomga, BB Fakae
Nigerian Veterinary Journal 34 (4)

1884. Single-phase 9-level hybridised cascaded multilevel inverter
CI Odeh, DBN Nnadi
IET Power Electronics 6 (3), 468-477

1885. Single-phase, 17-level hybridized cascaded multi-level inverter
CI Odeh, DBN Nnadi
Electric Power Components and Systems 41 (2), 182-196

1886. Analysis of Harmonic Injection to the Modulation of Multi-Level Diode Clamped Converter in a Normal and Over Modulation Mode
CO Omejea, DB Nnadib, CI Odeh
Nigerian Journal of Technology 32 (1), 67-80

CI Odeh, DBN Nnadi
NSE Technical Transactions 47 (1)

1888. Why Did He Do It? Chinua Achebe’s Spectacular Heroes
AN Akwanya
Okike: An African Journal of New Writing 50 (1), 104-123

1889. The power of the unknown in Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God
AN Akwanya
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 2 (8), 35-42

1890. Reading, Text, and the Metaphors of Perception
AN Akwanya
Philosophy Study 3 (1), 76

1891. Need that throbs at the heart: Solidarity in Chinua Achebes Anthills of the Savannah
AN Akwanya
International Journal of English and Literature 4 (10), 486-494

1892. Chinua Achebe memorial edition
A Akwanya
Okike: an African Journal of New Writing

1893. The father’s power in Breitbach’s Report on Bruno and Achebe’s A Man of the People
AN Akwanya
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15 (1), 12

1894. No Longer at Ease, The Crippled Dancer and the Labour of Sisyphus
AN Akwanya

1895. A Model for Predicting Rate and Volume of Oil Spill in Horizontal and Vertical Pipelines
AW Mode, JO Amobi, SO Salufu
Journal of Environment and Earth Science. 3 (9), 12-19

1896. Formation evaluation of X7 field in the Niger Delta: evidence from Petrophysical data. Niger Delta, Nigeria
MO Eze, AW Mode, CC Ugbor
IOSR Jour. of Appl. Geo. and Geoph 1 (4), 15-21

1897. Petrophysical effects of Clay Heterogeneity on Reservoir Properties: Case study of “Brown Field” , Niger Delta,Nigeria
AW Mode, EJ Adepehin, AO Anyiam
Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists Bulletin 25, 61-67

1898. Use of statistical parameters in the sedimentological study of conglomerate deposits in North Eastern part of Akwa Ibom State, Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria
IG Udo, AW Mode
IQSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics 5, 21-27

1899. Effects of Bioturbation on Reservoir Quality: An Integration in Reservoir Modeling of Selected Fields in the Niger Delta Petroleum Province
CA Jackson, AW Mode, MN Oti, K Adejinmi, B Ozumba, P Osterloff

AW Mode, OA Anyiam, EN Ngala
Global Journal of Geological Sciences 11 (1), 57

1901. Toxicity of the chlorpyrifos-based pesticide Termifos®: effects on behaviour and biochemical and haematological parameters of African catfish Clarias gariepinus
CD Nwani, DO Ugwu, OC Okeke, GC Onyishi, FN Ekeh, C Atama, …
African journal of aquatic science 38 (3), 255-262

1902. Investigation on acute toxicity and behavioral changes in a freshwater African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), exposed to organophosphorous pesticide,…
CD Nwani, N Ivoke, DO Ugwu, C Atama, GC Onyishi, PC Echi, …
Pakistan Journal of Zoology 45 (4), 959-965

1903. Effectiveness of botanical powders against Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in some stored leguminous grains under laboratory conditions
FN Ekeh, IE Onah, CI Atama, N Ivoke, JE Eyo
African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (12)

1904. Effects of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi MACF)(Rutaceae) peel oil against developmental stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
N Ivoke, PC Ogbonna, FN Ekeh, NE Ezenwaji, CI Atama, VC Ejere, …
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 44 (6), 970

1905. Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Six Cichlid (Cichilidae: Perciformis) Species of Anambra River, Nigeria
CI Atama, OC Okeke, FN Ekeh, NE Ezenwaji, IE Onah, N Ivoke, US Onoja, …
Journal of fisheries and aquaculture 4 (2), 82

1906. Investigation on Acute toxicity and behavioral changes in Tilapia zillii due to glyphosate-based herbicide, forceup
CD Nwani, UA Ibiam, OU Ibiam, O Nworie, G Onyishi, C Atama
The journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 23 (3), 888-892

1907. Efficacy of a single dose albendazole chemotherapy on human intestinal helminthiasis among school children in selected rural tropical communities
EG Edelduok, FN Eke, NE Evelyn, CI Atama, JE Eyo
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 6 (4), 413

1908. Anemia prevalence and associated factors among women attending antenatal clinic in south western Ebonyi State, Nigeria
N Ivoke, EE Eyo, ON Ivoke, CD Nwani, EC Odu, CN Asogha
Int J Medicine and Medical Sci 46 (1), 1354-59

1909. Effects of the aqueous root extract of Vernonia amygdalina on the haematological profile of Rattus norvegicus
JE Eyo, LO Nwachukwu, IE Onah, CI Atama, FN Ekeh, NE Ezenwaji, …
Advances in Life Science and Technology 11, 19-24

1910. The Breeding Biology and Hematological Profile of Gymnarchus niloticus Cuvier 1829 (Osteoglossiformes: Gymnarchidae) in Semi-Intensively Managed Ponds in th…
GE Odo, E Dibua, FN Ekeh, N Ivoke, CN Asogwa, DA Avoaja, CI Atama
Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture 4 (2), 103

1911. Electronic theses and dissertations in Nigeria university libraries: status, challenges and strategies
IJ Ezema, CI Ugwu
The Electronic Library 31 (4), 493-507

1912. Ethno-veterinary health management practices amongst livestock producers in Africa–A review
HI Kubkomawa, DW Nafarnda, SM Adamu, MA Tizhe, TK Daniel, NJ Shua, …
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1 (8), 252-257

1913. Management problems of electronic information resources: A case study of UNN Library
CI Ugwu, DC Onyegiri
International Journal of Library and Information Science 5 (5), 126-133

1914. Current Approaches to the Determination of Feed Intake and Digestibility in Ruminant Animals-A Review
HI Kubkomawa, DW Nafarnda, SM Adamu, MA Tizhe, TK Daniel, NJ Shua, …
International Journal of Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology 5 (3), 15

1915. Newcastle disease in layers: Preliminary studies on the stress associated with onset of lay and initiation of clinical disease
EC Okwor, DC Eze
African Journal of Microbiology Research 7 (11), 960-965

1916. Effects of mixed vaccinations against Newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease on immune response feed consumption and weight gain in broilers
EC Okwor, DC Eze, MU Anyanwu, CB Okpe, PC Eze
Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 6 (3), 63-68

1917. Comparative studies on the oral and intraocular routes of administration of Newcastle disease vaccine, La Sota in adult chickens
EC Okwor, DC Eze, OM Uzuegbu
IOSR J. Agr. Vet. Sci. 3, 48-51

1918. Immunologic effects of Moringa oleifera methanolic leaf extract in chickens infected with Newcastle disease virus (kudu 113) strain
DC Eze, EC Okwor, JOA Okoye, DN Onah
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7 (31), 2231-2237

1919. Isolation time of brooding chicks play an important role in the control of Mareks disease
EC Okwor, DC Eze, IC Agbo
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 5 (12), 353-357

1920. The Avian Immune System.
NM Ismail, AH El-Deeb, MM Emara, HI Tawfik, NA Wanis, HA Hussein, …
International Journal of Poultry Science 17 (4), 83-89

1921. Epidemiological and treatment profiles of spinal cord injury in southeast Nigeria
OE Nwankwo, EO Uche
Spinal Cord 51 (6), 448

1922. Enterprise type, size and allocative efficiency of broiler production in Imo State, Nigeria
GC Onubuogo, S Chidebelu, EC Eboh
International Journal of Applied Resources and Technologies 2 (6), 10-19

1923. A canonical correlation analysis of the impact of social capital on market performance of Sesame in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
TAK Anzaku, S Chidebelu, AI Achike
Sky Journal of Agricultural Research 2 (10), 132-137

1924. Determinants of federal government expenditure policy on agriculture in Nigeria
AA Coker, S Chidebelu, CJ Arene
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences 3 (8), 82

1925. The level of knowledge of the advanced trauma life support protocol among nonspecialist doctors involved in trauma care in Enugu metropolis
PI Amaraegbulam, OE Nwankwo
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (1), 67-70

1926. Proficiency of resuscitation skills among non-specialist doctors involved in trauma care
API Nwankwo OE
Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma 12 (2), 90-93

1927. Effect of reaction temperature and time on neem methyl ester yield in a batch reactor
CN Anyanwu, CC Mbajiorgu, CN Ibeto, PM Ejikeme
Energy conversion and management 74, 81-87

1928. Present and prospective energy use potentials of selected agricultural wastes in Nigeria
CN Anyanwu, CN Ibeto, IS Eze, SL Ezeoha
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5 (3), 032703

1929. Evaluation of bacterial and fungal contamination in hairdressing and beauty salons
SC Enemuor, MI Ojih, S Isah, OO Oguntibeju
African Journal of Microbiology Research 7 (14), 1222-1225

1930. Demiclosedness principle and approximation theorems for certain classes of multivalued mappings in Hilbert spaces
FO Isiogugu
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013 (1), 61

MO Osilike, FO Isiogugu, FU Attah
Journal of applied mathematics & informatics 31 (3_4), 565-575

1931. Physical properties of seeds of African walnut (Plukenetia conophorum Muell Arg.) From South eastern Nigeria, and the effect of boiling on the proximate qualities
OA Udeonyia, FD Ugese, SC Aba, KP Baiyeri
Agro-Science 12 (3), 43-48

1932. Physicochemical Characteristics of Nursery Media Formulated from Organic Wastes Influenced Growth and Dry Matter Yield of Banana (Musa AA var. Pisang lilin) Pl…
KP Baiyeri, SC Aba
Nigeria Journal of Horticultural Science 17, 135-145

1933. Boko Haram and national security challenges in Nigeria; causes and solutions
NO Anyadike, O Nkechi
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4 (5), 12-23

1934. Human resource planning and employee productivity in nigeria public organization
NO Anyadike
Global Journal of Human Resource Management 1 (4), 56-68

1935. Assessment of the implication of full scale deregulation of the downstream oil sector of the Nigerian economy: The neoliberalism approach
NO Anyadike
Global Journal of Political Science and Administration 1 (2), 23-48

1936. Security challenges and security votes in Nigeria, 2008-2013
EI Okechukwu, N Anyadike
Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 2 (8 …
1937. Security Challenges and Security Votes in Nigeria
OI Eme, N Anyadike
American University

1938. Correlation of stipe length, pileus width and stipe girth of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) grown in different farm substrates
NF Chukwurah, SC Eze, NV Chiejina, CC Onyeonagu, CEA Okezie, …
Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development 5 (3), 54

1939. Efficacy of Afromomum melegueta and Zingiber officinale extracts on fungal pathogens of tomato fruit
NV Chiejina, JA Ukeh
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 4 (6), 13-16

1940. In vitro fungicidal activity of two plant extracts against five phytopathogenic fungi of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fruit
NV Chiejina, CN Onaebi
Int. J. Appl. Natural Sci 2 (3), 61-68

1941. Effects of Different substrates on the yield and nutritional value of Pleurotus tubberregium (FR.) Sing
JO Olufokunbi, NV Chiejina
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 13 (2)

1942. Incidence of phytophthora leaf blight disease of cocoyam in Nsukka area of South-Eastern Nigeria
NV Chiejina, FN Ugwuja
Journal of Botanical Research 4 (1), 21-24

1943. Effects of Fishing Activities on the Academic Performance of Teenagers in Riverine Areas of Nigeria: Implications for Educational Development Policy in Nigeria
MT Udoh, AI Achike, M Mkpado
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences 2 (2)

1944. Effects of Economic Growth, Trade Openness, Deforestation and Agricultural Trade on African Environmental Quality (1960-2008): A 2SLS Approach
AO Onoja, AI Achike
2013 AAAE Fourth International Conference, September 22-25, 2013, Hammamet …

1945. Field Actions Science Reports
UU Okoroafor, AI Achike, M Mkpado

1946. Effects of Fishing Activities on the Academic Performance of Teenagers in Riverine Areas of Nigeria: Implications for Educational Development Policy in Nigeria
MT Udoh, AI Achike, M Mkpado
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences 2 (2)

1947. Effects of Economic Growth, Trade Openness, Deforestation and Agricultural Trade on African Environmental Quality (1960-2008): A 2SLS Approach
AO Onoja, AI Achike
2013 AAAE Fourth International Conference, September 22-25, 2013, Hammamet …

1948. Field Actions Science Reports
UU Okoroafor, AI Achike, M Mkpado

1949. Production of oleoresin from ginger (Zingiber officinale) peels and evaluation of its antimicrobial and antioxidative properties
I Elizabeth, G Ifeanyi, O Veronica
African Journal of Microbiology Research 7 (42), 4981-4989

1950. Power System Contingency Analysis: A Study of Nigeria’s 330KV Transmission Grid
CJ Nnonyelu, TC Madueme, BO Anyaka
Proceedings of the 4 th Electrical Engineering National Conference on Energy …

1951. Recycled micro hydropower generation using hydraulic ram pumpn (HYDRAM)
CA Nwosu, TC Madueme
IMPACT Int J Res Eng Technol (IMPACT IJRET) 1, 1-10

1952. An improved voltage regulation of a distribution network using facts-devices
OT Onyia, TC Madueme, CO Omeje
Nigerian Journal of Technology 32 (2), 304-317

1953. prediction of voltage instability in Nigeria interconnected Electric Power System using VQ sensitivity method
FO Enemuoh, TC Madueme, JC Onuegbu, AE Anazia
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research 3 (9), 99-100

1954. Effects of bonny light crude oil contamination on the germination, shoot growth and rhizobacterial flora of Vigna unguiculata and Arachis hypogea grown in sandy lo…
CN Eze, JN Maduka, JC Ogbonna, EA Eze
Scientific Research and Essays 8 (2), 99-107

1955. Antibacterial screening of crude ethanolic leaf extracts of four medicinal plants
EA Eze, NE Oruche, VC Onuora, CN Eze
Journal of Asian Scientific Research 3 (5), 431

1956. Determination of the relative abundance and distribution of bacteria and fungi in Bonny light crude oil-contaminated sandy loam soil
CN Eze, JC Ogbonna, CU Anyanwu, EA Eze
Scientific Research and Essays 8 (9), 375-381

1957. Interaction of the extracts of three medicinal plants with antibiotics against some antibiotic resistant bacteria
EA Eze, NE Oruche, CN Eze
Scientific Research and Essays 8 (28), 1360-1367

1958. Fishes and smoked meat delicacies as sources of multidrug resistant bacteria and parasitic worms
N Chijioke, N Chibuzor
African Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (22), 2799-2805

1959. Empowering Rural Women through Information Provision: The Strategic Roles of the Library.
SC Ukwoma, EO Njoku
Library Philosophy & Practice

1960. Use of Social Networking Sites by Academic and Research Libraries: An exploratory study
VO Ekwelem, VN Okafor, SC Ukwoma
International Journal of Research in Arts and Social Sciences (IJRASS) Vol 6

1961. Electronic Publishing And Open Access to Information: The Nigerian Situation
TI Obaseki, USCU B.N
Brazilian Journal of Library and Information Science 7 (1)

1962. Empowering Rural Women through Information Provision: The Strategic Roles of the Library.
U Miss, C Scholastica, E Njoku

1963. Determinants of academic performance in children with sickle cell anaemia
OU Ezenwosu, IJ Emodi, AN Ikefuna, BF Chukwu, CD Osuorah
BMC pediatrics 13 (1), 189

1964. Pattern and outcome of paediatric medical admissions at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu: A five year retrospective review (2…
BF Chukwu, JM Chinawa, AN Ikefuna, IJ Emodi
Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 40 (4), 354-359

1965. Academic performance and intelligence scores of primary school-aged children with sickle cell anemia
O Ezenwosu, I Emodi, A Ikefuna, B Chukwu
Pediatric hematology and oncology 30 (8), 733-741

1966. Musculoskeletal Complications Among Children with Sickle Cell Anemia Admitted in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku‑Ozalla Enugu: A 58 Month Review
JM Chinawa, BF Chukwu, AN Ikefuna, IJ Emodi
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (4), 564-567

1967. Addition of multimodal therapy to standard management of steady state sickle cell disease
I Okpala, O Ezenwosu, A Ikefuna, A Duru, B Chukwu, A Madu, T Nwagha, …
ISRN hematology 2013

1967. Prevalence of hypoxemia among children with sickle cell anemia during steady state and crises: A cross. sectional study
JM Chinawa, AC Ubesie, BF Chukwu, AN Ikefuna, IJ Emodi
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (1), 91-95

1968. Double Outlet Right Ventricle with Anatomical Associations of Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), Pulmonary Stenosis (PS) and Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Presenting a…
JM Chinawa, JC Eze, HA Obu, B Chukwu
Orient Journal of Medicine 25 (1-2), 62-66

1969. Centralized Smart Card-Based Access Control System
CA Mosanya, JO Mbunwe, IO Okeke, SO Edeagu, ON Iloanusi
International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP) 3 …

1970. Evolutionary analysis of hydrophobin gene family in two wood-degrading basidiomycetes, Phlebia brevispora and Heterobasidion annosum sl
AC Mgbeahuruike, A Kovalchuk, H Chen, W Ubhayasekera, FO Asiegbu
BMC evolutionary biology 13 (1), 240

1971. Comparative genomics and evolutionary analysis of hydrophobins from three species of wood-degrading fungi
AC Mgbeahuruike, A Kovalchuk, FO Asiegbu
Mycologia 105 (6), 1471-1478

1972.Expression analysis of the impact of culture filtrates from the biocontrol agent, Phlebiopsis gigantea on the conifer pathogen, Heterobasidion annosum ss transcripto…
AC Mgbeahuruike, A Kohler, FO Asiegbu
Microbial ecology 66 (3), 669-681

1973. Religion in Nigeria from 1900-2013
RH Kitause, HC Achunike
Religion 3 (18), 45-57

1974. Electricity Supply, Fossil fuel Consumption, Co2 Emissions and Economic Growth: Implications and Policy Options for Sustainable Development in Nigeria.
CE Nnaji, JO Chukwu, M Nnaji
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 3 (3), 262

1975. Does Domestic Energy Consumption Contribute to Exports? Empirical Evidence From Nigeria.
CE Nnaji, JO Chukwu, M Nnaji
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 3 (3), 297

1976. Feasibility and technical studies of two water recirculating systems using two different power sources, solar photovoltaic and fuel generator
NF Oparaku, CE Nnaji
International journal of physical sciences 8 (43), 2000-2010

M NNAJI, CC Uzoma, CE Nnaji, GO Unachukwu
Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy 24, 126-131

1978. An Econometric Study of Co2 Emissions, Energy Consumption, Foreign Trade and Economic Growth in Nigeria
CE Nnaji, JO Chukwu, CC Uzoma
Conference proceedings of the 5th Annual NAEE/IAEE International Conference …

1979. Artemisinin and biomolecules: The continuing search for mechanism of action
N Edikpo, S Ghasi, A Elias, N Oguanobi
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology 5 (2), 75-89

1980. Pattern of cardiovascular disease amongst medical admissions in a regional teaching hospital in Southeastern Nigeria
NI Oguanobi, EC Ejim, BJC Onwubere, SO Ike, BC Anisiuba, VO Ikeh, …
Nigerian Journal of Cardiology 10 (2), 77

1981. Intra‑cardiac masses in adults: A review of echocardiogram records at two echocardiographic laboratories in Enugu, South‑East Nigeria
EC Ejim, BC Anisiuba, SO Ike, NI Oguanobi, C Ubani-Ukoma, I Essien, …
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (4)

1982. Diet, Alcohol Consumption and Serum Lipid Levels of Elderly Men and Women of Ibo Extraction in the Delta State of Nigeria
UC Okonkwo, OC Oguejiofor, CU Odenigbo, UM Odenigbo, NI Oguanobi
Orient Journal of Medicine 25 (1-2), 1-7

1983. Biodigestion of cassava peels blended with pig dung for methane generation
NF Oparaku, AC Ofomatah, EC Okoroigwe
African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (40)

1984. Production and evaluation of activated carbon from palm kernel shells (PKS) for economic and environmental sustainability
EC Okoroigwe, AC Ofomatah, NF Oparaku, GO Unachukwu
International Journal of Physical Sciences 8 (19), 1036-1041

1985. Feasibility and technical studies of two water recirculating systems using two different power sources, solar photovoltaic and fuel generator
NF Oparaku, CE Nnaji
International journal of physical sciences 8 (43), 2000-2010

1986. Evaluation of different biological waste for use in plankton productions
NF Oparaku
Agriculture and biology journal of North America 4 (5), 527-531

1987. Iron Deficiency Among Non‑Anemic Under‑Five Children in Enugu, South‑East, Nigeria
U Ekwochi, OI Odetunde, IC Maduka, JC Azubuike, IE Obi
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (3), 402-406

1988. Clinicopathology of Mesangioproliferative Primary Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome in Red Cross Children Hospital, Cape Town.
OI Odetunde, P Nourse, P Gajjar, K Pillay
PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY 28 (8), 1573-1574

1989. Towards Commercialization of irrigated agriculture in Nigeria: Lessons from the lower Anambra irrigation project South-east Nigeria
EC Amaechina, EC Eboh, EC Nwagbo
Invited Paper Presented at the 4th International Conference of the African …

1990. Analyzing the impact of remittances on poverty in Nigeria
N Chukwuone, EC Amaechina, SE Enebeli-Uzor, E Iyoko, B Okpukpara
PEP Policy Briefs

1991. Isolation and Identification of Fungal Pathogens associated with tomato genotypes/lines in Nsukka south-eastern Nigeria
CF Amuji, MI Uguru, PE Ogbonna, KI Ugwuoke, IE Eze, JI Mbadianya
microscope 2 (6)

1992. Coefficient and path analyses of the impact of root galls caused by Meloidogyne javanica on some growth and yield parameters of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
SI Ogwulumba, KI Ugwuoke
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 2 (2), 222-229

1993. Varietal response of African yam bean, Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst Ex. A. Rich) Harms to infection with Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid White) Chitwood under fi…
CC Onyeke, CO Akueshi, KI Ugwuoke, CC Onyeonagu, SC Eze
African Journal of Microbiology Research 7 (30), 3968-3975

1994. Alternative planning approaches and the sustainable cities programme in Nigeria
JU Ogbazi
Habitat International 40, 109-118

1995. Morphological assessment of genetic variability among accessions of Amaranthus hybridus
FI Akaneme, GO Ani
World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (4), 568-577

1996. Treatment of postanesthetic shivering in children: A randomized control study comparing tramadol to pethidine
H Ezike, O Ajuzieogu, A Amucheazi, R Ewah, JI Ajuzieogu
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7 (20), 1208-1212

1997. A prospective study of drug consumption and wastage during anaesthesia in a tertiary hospital
CE Onuora, HA Ezike, C Moghalu
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7 (34), 2423-2427

1998. An audit of drug consumption and wastage during subarachnoid block
AA Obianuju, HA Ezike, CE Onuora
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7 (30), 2210-22013

1999. Quality improvement through interdisciplinary collaboration
V Ajuzieogu, A Adaobi, S Ekenze, H Ezike, J Achi
Cmaj Canadian Medical Association Journal 56 (4 Suppl 1), S48

2000. African emerging equity markets re‐examined: Testing the weak form efficiency theory
EO Nwosu, A Orji, O Anagwu
African Development Review 25 (4), 485-498