Animal Research International



Animal Research International

ISSN: 5197-3115

Animal Research International is associated and indexed in EBSCO, USA,
African Journal Online (AJOL), Zoological Record (Thomson Routers),
CABI, Google Scholar, Global Impact Factor, Canada, Research Bible,
Contemporary Research Index, OPEN J-GATE, Academic Papers Database,
Scientific Publications Index, Digital Journals Database, Scientific
Resources Database, Current Index to Scholarly Journals, Recent
Science Index, Elite Scientific Journals Archive, Scholarly Journals
Index and Directory of Academic Resources, ProQuest

Names of editors:  Prof. Joseph E Eyo
Prof.  Fabian C Okafor

Editorial board members:

Prof. M. C. Eluwa       Prof. A. O. Anya
Prof. N. M. Inyang      Prof. E. I. Braide
Prof. B. O. Mgbenka     Prof. G. T. Ndifon
Prof. Bato Okolo        Prof. P O. Ubachukwu
Prof. I B Igbinosa      Prof. N. Umechue
Prof. A. A. Olatunde    Prof. B. E. B. Nwoke
Prof. O. A. Fabenro     Prof. F. J. Udeh
Prof. R. P. king                Prof. A. A. Adebisi
Prof. E. Obiekezie      Prof. W. S. Richards
Prof. J. A. Adegoke     Prof. W. A. Muse
Prof. D. N. Onah        Prof. O. U. Njoku

The current address of the journal:
Animal Research International, Department of Zoology and Environmental
Biology, P. O. Box 3146, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State,

The scope of the journal:
Animal Research International is an online Journal inaugurated in
University of Nigeria to meet the growing need for an indigenous and
authoritative organ for the dissemination of the results of scientific
research into the fauna of Africa and the world at large. Concise
contributions on investigations on faunistics, zoogeography, wildlife
management, genetics, animal breeding, entomology, parasitology, pest
control, ecology, malacology, phytonematology, physiology,
histopathology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, microbiology, pharmacy,
veterinary medicine, aquaculture, hydrobiology, fisheries biology,
nutrition, immunology, pathology, anatomy, morphometrics, biometrics
and any other research involving the use of animals are invited for
publication. While the main objective is to provide a forum for papers
describing the results of original research, review articles are also
welcomed.  Articles submitted to the journal is peer reviewed to
ensure a high standard.

Previous and current issues of the journals – Table of contents with
abstracts and/or full texts:
All table of contents and articles published from 2004 to date are
online in the journal site, you can place a link to the journal site
or download and publish same in unn site.

Current websites of the journals:

Current publishers of the journals:
Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, P. O. Box 3146,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the journals:
The journal publishes three issues per volume since 2004. Currently
the journal is an open access journal with global impact factor of
0.562 and is under assessment by Thomson Reuters for journal ranking.
No available grant for running the journal

Opportunities and Threats of the journals:
The university can partner with the Department to print hard copies of
the journal for sales

Strategies to enhance the capacity of the journals
Advertise the journal in unn site, get the journal indexed in Thomson
Reuters science expanded index and Scopus.

Any other information
Please visit the journal website and establish a link to unn journal


Prof. JE Eyo