Management/ Staff Profile

Departmental Information

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Management is four-year Degree Programme. The degree is acquired through Course Work and Project/Research report.

Philosophy, Objectives and Scope
General Philosophy

The Departmental academic programme has been developed on the fundamental assumption that the student is entitled to acquire profound theoretical and practical knowledge to equip him to face the challenges of self-reliance, contribute to national development and be a person able to cope with problems of the environment, the wider society and relate successfully and co-operatively with the other persons. The curriculum is designed to encourage high integrity, self-reliance, competence, excellence and depth in knowledge. To this end, emphasis is being placed upon professional education of the entire individuals and also providing him with the background requisite to effective performance in his career.


Education in Management offered by the department has the following specific objectives:

  • The provision of basic knowledge needed for an understanding and analysis of problems related to the management or administration of industrial, business, commercial, public, and private organisations. The fundamental issues required for the successful administration or management of human organizations are offered in the course in management.
  • Students of Management or Administration will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required for identifying and defining problems and taking appropriate decisions, using the techniques and tools of the Administrative Science and related disciplines. The students will acquire a thorough knowledge of research processes and procedres for investigating issues and problems in Management and Administration of Economics, Social and Business Problems, scientifically.
  • The course aims at inculcating in students an awareness of and sensitivity to environmental factors and conditions; how to use administrative or management knowledge to make appropriate decisions and propose solutions to problems. The course aims at helping students acquire leadership skills, human relations, analytical, evaluative, synthetic and communicative skills needed for managing human organisations. The course aims at exposing students to the integrative, interdisciplinary and eclectic nature of management or administrative education.
  • Through its rigorous programme, the Department of Management aims to prepare students for careers in business and general management: multinational organisations, governmental agencies, academic institutions and social services. These aims and objectives have shaped the academic contents of this programme.


Staff Profile