Nutri-Intervention Research Group (NUTIRG)

. Nutri-intervention Research Group

Name of Research Group: Nutri-intervention Research Group

Main Research Focus and other areas of research interest of the RG: The Nutri-Intervention Research Group seeks to identify the underlying and basic causes of triple burden of malnutrition among the different age-groups in different communities, identify their risk factors and assess prevalence of NCDs and metabolic syndrome among the adolescents, adults and the aged. The Research Group will also provide intervention through behavioural change communication, capacity building of health workers, local support groups, volunteers, community leaders and women groups. The Group will in addition establish Nutrition Intervention Centre for the management of children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). This will involve among other activities, the development of nutrient dense therapeutic diets based on local staples.


Title of most recent research project: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome screening among professionals in Nigeria.


Other current or completed research projects:
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome screening among Nutritionists in Nigeria.

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome screening among Police officers in Nigeria.

Name of the Coordinator: Prof. V. N. Ibeanu

UNN email address of the RG: n

UNN email address of the Coordinator:

Current webpage of the RG:

Phone number of the RG:

Phone number of the Coordinator: 08034831195

Base Faculty/Institute/Center of the RG: Faculty of Agriculture

Department of the Coordinator: Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Headshot of the Coordinator: N/A

List of members and brief intro: