The Real Estate and Land Policy Research Group investigate a wide range of issues relating to the operation of land and property markets, real estate development appraisal and land and housing policy. A major part of research is on the impact of land and housing markets or policy on broader development processes particularly for enhancing urban and rural land use sustainability. This research group examines themes which cover market-based fundamentals such as valuation, land administration and emerging areas of research in real estate finance and investment appraisal. There are several individuals, firms and government who are keen to receive   advises on how to achieving good land governance, attain sustainable real estate (residential, commercial, industrial etc), land market, housing and land policy analysis. The research group would be responsible for providing real estate initiatives and up to date and practical recommendations on land policy and reform legislations and new policy initiatives for government. The research group have experienced researchers who have a strong track record of research and expertise on local and national topics.


  • Sustainable real estate (residential and commercial sectors)
  • Property markets analysis
  • Housing and land policy
  • Valuation
  • Access to land
  • Land administration
  • Facility management
  • Investment Appraisal


Prof Joseph U Ogbuefi

Department of Estate Management

University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus and

+234 08063468767


Composition of the Group and Brief CV


  1. Prof J U Ogbuefi is a professor of Estate Management, has been the Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Studies for several years and headed the Department of Estate Management for several years. He has published several articles on high rate local, national and international journals. His research interest is in the area of Investment appraisal, Land policy and urban land management.


  1. I W Ozigho is a Senior Lecturer and the current head of the Department of Estate Management. He holds Ph.D in Estate Management with research interest in Land policy, urban planning and legal issues in real estate. He has published several articles on both national and international journals.



  1. I R Egbenta is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Estate Management and has head the Department for Several years. He holds a Ph.D in Estate Management. His area of specialization is in Urban Land Economics, Sustainable land use and valuation. He has several publications to his credit in high rated national and international journals.
  2. D U Ifeanacho is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Estate Management. He is currently a Ph.D student in the Department work in area of Land Policy. He has several Journal publications to his credits.



  1. (Mrs) U R B Emeasosba is a Lecturer in the department of Estate Management. She holds a Ph.D in Estate Management with particular interest on Land Policy. She has several journal article publications to her credit.


  1. Mrs C N Nwokolo is a Lecturer in the Department of Estate Management. she is currently a Ph.D student working on Sustainable land use management. She has several articles to her credit.



  1. Mrs A C Ozigbo is a Lecturer in the department and she is currently on work in Real Estate with emphasis on Facility management. She has several journal article to her credit.


  1. P C Ogbuefi is a lecturer is the department. He is Ph.D student with department and currently working in area of Land Policy with emphasis on Customary Land Tenure System in Nigeria. He has several publications in reputable journals.



  1. Miss J O Akalemeaku is a lecturer in the department. She is currently a Ph.D student in the department working on Land Policy with particular emphasis on Access to Land.


  1. D N Ehimere is a lecturer in the Department. He is Currently Ph.D student in the department. His area of research is in Housing with emphasis on Social Housing.