The short form of the journal’s name is NJSS
A new Editorial Board was inaugurated in October and the completion of the handover to the new Board is still being awaited. We plan to set up a website for the journal and ensure that it participates fully in the University’s internationalisation programme for such academic periodicals. Previously the journal did not have a website although it began publication in 1976. We are preparing contents from past editions to be made available online in the days ahead. Also the forthcoming number; Volume 11, Number 1, will be available in hard copy as well as online. We have contacted a number of nominees internationally and in other universities who will complement the team of internal Editorial Advisers and as soon as they indicate their acceptance we will post an updated Advisers’ panel.
Professor I.A. Madu
Dr P-J Ezeh
Editorial Board
Professor C. Ofuebe, Rev Fr Dr M.C. Chukwulobe, Dr C.C. Ezeibe, Dr Nathaniel Urama,
Rev Dr O.K. Ngele, Dr H.C. Nnamchi, Dr C.C. Iyiani, Dr J.E. Ezeh, Mr Okey Eme
The current address of the journal is Dean’s Office, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, N-410001, Nigeria.
The journal publishes articles from all the social-science and related disciplines. Articles may be in forms of research reports, formulation of theories, critiques of extant ones, application of the principles in the affected disciplines to current social needs, reviews or critiques of books and other relevant intellectual productions.
The publishers are the Faculty of the Social Sciences of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
The strength of the journal lies in its multi-disciplinary nature and the width of coverage. Its weakness is poor funding, which has resulted in its inability to keep up with the rapid developments in the high-tech-driven academic publishing. Neglect from unconducive policies of one of the University’s previous administrations on home-grown academic publishing has also discouraged progress of the journal.
Opportunities abound for the journal. Potential contributors of articles are numerous. The Faculty is the largest in the University. International readership can increase. The University is the first independent one in Nigeria and the international academic community take well-written publications from here seriously.
Threats are in the shape of the rather hostile policies originating from a previous University administration which ended up having the effect of discouraging home-based journals. Researchers shunned these journals in in the misguided belief that they were inferior to foreign ones. Lack of funds is also a major threat.
To enhance the capacity of the journal, we are expanding its editorial advisers to include reputable scholars in other countries and other universities, while not neglecting the expertise that can be sourced locally in the University. We have plans to collaborate with foreign publishers with comparable interests. With regard to funds, we intend to ask for financial assistance from the National Universities Commission (NUC), the University’s administration, and other credible sources. Beginning from the edition that is now being prepared, the journal will go online, in addition to the hard-copy version. Overall, readers should expect henceforth a highly improved journal that can compete more effectively internationally.