2015/2016 SESSION
Dr. G. H. Ezeah – HOD/Senior Lecturer
Dr. N.M. Okoro – Senior Lecturer
Prof. Ike S. Ndolo – Visiting Professor
Dr. L. I. Anorue – Senior Lecturer
Dr. N. M. Okoro – Senior Lecturer
Prof. Ike S. Ndolo – Visiting Professor
Dr. G. H. Ezeah – Senior Lecturer
Dr. L. I. Anorue – Senior Lecturer
The Department of Mass Communication offers a postgraduate programme leading to the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree in Mass Communication.
The Ph.D Programme in Mass Communication at the University of Nigeria is structured to enhance access to the broad issues represented in the study of Mass Communication. The programme integrates research and teaching expertise, and is committed to excellence in communication research.
The mission of the doctorate programme (Ph.D) in Mass Communication is to prepare professionals for skilled practice, to generate research and scholarship for advancing knowledge, and to contribute to the international, national, state, local and professional communities to improve the quality of practice in mass communication. Graduates of the programme are, therefore, expected to be capable of:
- Critical thinking about mass communication, incorporating scientific data and the differential use of theories;
- Demonstrating intellectual integrity through the application of communication values and ethics in increasingly complex practices situations;
- Translating knowledge and skills into effective practices;
- Practising from a multidisciplinary perspective including skills in team work;
- Moving toward increasing professional competence through life-long learning, self evaluation and self-renewal.
The programme covers basic areas in communication education such as electronic and print media, advertising and public relations. It also encompasses such communication sub-fields geared towards social transformation as development communication and population communication
For admission to the Ph.D programme in Mass Communication, candidates should be holders of a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication or Journalism from a recognized University . The candidate will be expected to have a minimum grade point average of 4.0 on a five point scale. Candidate must satisfy the University in the admission interview and aptitude test.
The mode of study for the doctoral degree programme in Mass Communication is by comprehensive research to be embodied in a thesis. Each Ph.D candidate is also required to present two seminars and the department may assign some advanced courses to be undertaken by candidates who were not well grounded in certain areas at the Master’s Degree level. The courses and seminars must be passed before candidates graduation. Candidate must do courses in Grant Writing and Synopsis Writing. Candidate must take and pass a minimum of 30 Units and Maximum of 38 Units as follows:
- Thesis – 12 units
- Course Work – 16 “
- Seminar/Workshops – 4 “
- Grant writing – 2 “
- Synopsis writing – 2 “
Total – 36 Units
Course work for the Ph.D degree shall be for a minimum of six semesters for the fulltime candidates and eight semesters for the part time candidates. Minimum pass grade for all courses at Ph.D level shall not be less than a B = 4.00 on a 5 points scale. The Ph.D applicant shall begin first as a Ph.D student, and after successfully passing all the course work at the 4.00 GPA, such a student now becomes a Ph.D candidate. Total period for the Ph.D programme in Mass Communication shall be a minimum of three (3) years postmaster degree work.
Extension of programme duration shall be granted for not more than four semesters on the recommendation of the Head of Department and approved by the Dean of school of postgraduate studies.
- Advertising
- Communication Advocacy
- Development Communication
- Electronic Media
- Media Management
- Population Communication
- Print Media
- Public Relations
Candidates admitted to the programme may be required to take at least two advanced courses and present two seminars and two workshops. The seminars should be given in the second year of study and should be selected from:
- A group of foundation courses in communication or rhetorical theory,
- Theoretical perspectives in Mass Communication;
- The core area of the candidate’s specialization.
Each candidate is also expected to present a thesis proposal to the appropriate committee and ,if approved will be required to finally defend the thesis on completion of the work, in accordance with the stipulated university requirement.
Doctorate students with an average of 50% without failed courses will be allowed to proceed to doctorate pros student with an average of 50% with outstanding course(s) will retake them and as well proceed to their Doctorate programme. Students with an average of less than 50% will retake the entire courses
MAC 681: Mass Communication Research Methods – (3 units)
This course is designed to update students’ knowledge on the techniques for the prosecution of Social Science research in general and Mass Communication research in particular. It will examine salient stages in the research process spanning choosing socially relevant topics to interpreting and presenting research findings. The course will expose students to current strides in research in various areas of Mass Communication with particular reference to the theoretical perspectives in the discipline.
MAC 682 Digital Technologies in Communication – (3 units)
This course is designed to update the knowledge of students with respect to the rapid developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the digital age. It is also expected to help students attain competence in the use of ICTs in acquiring, processing, storing, retrieving and distributing information as part of the mass communication process.
MAC 683: Seminar on Foundation Courses in Mass Communication – (3 units)
Seminar paper presentations on such core areas as print and broadcast journalism, film production, media and society, persuasion and Information and Communication Technologies
MAC 686 Ethnocommunicology ( 3 units)
A study of the early communication systems up to the birth of print as well as their import in the modern world. The problems of integration, the new world information and communication order and options for the future.
MAC 687 Advanced Communication Theory (3 units)
Seminar on contemporary theories of communication and reviews of application with particular reference to the African Situation.
MAC 685 The Social Matrix of Communication (3 units)
A study of factors governing the flow of information in society, including social values, communication media, institutional and organizational settings, roles, power status, etc.
MAC 689 Media Aesthetics (3 units)
The study of aesthetic principles and creative uses of media not simply as transmission devices but as art forms effectively communicating ideas and information.
MAC 690 Grant Writing (3 units)
A study in Grant writing, writing a good grant proposal, training skills through practice, systematic and diligent enquiry into identified problem and provide a solution to the problem so as to win academic grant awards. To be organized by school of Postgraduate Studi3es
MAC 691 Synopsis Writing (3 units)
A study in synopsis writing, title, abstract, background, aims and objectives, design, methodology, findings and recommendations. To be organized by school of Postgraduate Studies.
MAC 692 Thesis ( 12 units)
This is the outcome of a supervised study under an approved person/persons. It should meet faculty specifications and format as well as the School of Postgraduate Studies regulations.
2015/2016 SESSION
Dr. G. H. Ezeah – HOD/Senior Lecturer
Dr. N.M. Okoro – Senior Lecturer
Dr. L. I. Anorue – Senior Lecturer
Prof. Ike. S. Ndolo – Visiting Professor
Prof. Ike S. Ndolo – Visiting Professor
Dr. N.M. Okoro – Senior Lecturer
Dr. R. A Udeajah – Senior Lecturer
Dr. L.I. Anorue – Senior Lecturer
Mr. P.N. Nwokolo – Senior Lecturer
Dr. G. H. Ezeah – Senior Lecturer
Dr. M. O. Ukonu – Senior Lecturer
Dr. J. O. Wogu – Senior Lecturer
Dr. A.C. Ekwueme – Senior Lecturer
The Department of Mass Communication offers postgraduate Courses leading to the award of Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Mass Communication.
Considering the central position of communication in nation building especially in the developing countries, the University of Nigeria, Mass Communication Department, Nigeria’s pioneer in communication education, is committed to its leadership role in sustaining the growth and development of the Communication industry.
The broad objectives of the programme include the training of highly skilled communication practitioners in response to the demands of today’s complex and ever-expanding communication industry in particular and national needs in general.
The programme is designed to produce scholars and researchers for the sustenance of communication education. Accordingly, the curriculum is designed to encompass most of the broad contents in communication practices.
- In line with the university’s policy of offering a quality education, the department admits for the master’s degree programme candidates who possesses a good first degree of the University of Nigeria or of any recognized university in and beyond Nigeria in Mass Communication with at least second-class honours or its equivalent.
- Candidates with Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from an approved University with its CGPA of not below 3.0 on a 5 points scale shall be considered for admission.
- Candidates with a minimum of second class lower degree in relevant disciplines and a CGPA of 3.00 on a five point scale.
- Candidates with a good Postgraduate Diploma (3.5 CGPA) in Mass Communication from accredited University shall be considered.
The mode of study is a combination of course work and independent research in which the former constitutes about two-third of the entire programme.
- A full Master’s programme should run for a minimum of 3 semesters and a maximum of 6 semesters.
- Part-time master’s programme should run for a minimum of 4 semesters and maximum of 8 semesters.
- Masters/Ph.D programme should run for a minimum of 8 semestersand maximum of 12 semesters.
- For extension beyond the specified maximum period, special permission of the Board of Postgraduate school shall be required.
Armed with skills in written and audio-visual communication as well as advertising and public relations, graduates are prepared for job opportunities in the print media, broadcasting, advertising public relations, news agencies, journalism and publishing organizations. Other areas that offer employment opportunities include marketing and research departments of business organizations and departments of communication in polytechnics and universities.
The external examiner system shall be used at the end of the Master programme to assess the course and the dissertation.
The dissertation shall be defended orally before a panel of internal and external examiners and scores awarded.
- Print-Journalism (News Editorial)
- Broadcast Journalism (Radio/Television)
- Advertising and
- Public Relations
To be awarded the Master of Arts degree in Mass Communication, candidate must take and pass a minimum 36 Units made up of the following:
15 units of compulsory courses.
6 units of elective courses in his/her minor area of specialization
3 units of Seminar
12 units of Dissertation.
Successfully defend his/her Dissertation before an approved panel of Examiners to be constituted by the School of Postgraduate Studies.
A minimum CGPA of 3.0 is required to have masters degree
A minimum CGPA of 3.5 or 60% of masters level will be required for Doctorate admission and for firm registration.
Core Courses –Compulsory
MAC 551 Communication Theories 3 Units
MAC 591 Applications of Research Methods in Mass
Communication 3 Units
MAC 531 Topical Seminar in Mass Communication 3 Units
MAC571 Communication for Development 3 Units
MAC 511 Advanced Reporting and writing 3Units
MAC 592 Research Project (Dissertation) 12 Units
MAC 532 Seminar in Mass Media and National Security 3 Units
Core Courses in Area of Specialization
- Print Journalism (New Editorial)
MAC 501 Newspaper/magazine organization Management
and production 3 Units
MAC 581 Communication and Public Health 3 Units
Electives in Area of Specialization (Print)
MAC 521 Public Affairs Reporting 3 Units
MAC 561 Specialized Publications 3 Units
MAC 513 Community Rural Journalism 3 Units
(Choose one out of the electives.)
- Radio/Televisions and Film Specialization
MAC 505 Station Operations and Management 3 Units
MAC 555 Radio/TV Film Production Techniques 3 Units
MAC 533Topical Seminar and Issues in Broadcasting 3 Units
MAC 523 News Electronic 3 Units
MAC 563 Announcing and Performance 3 Units
MAC 563 Docu-Drama Tech and Production 3 Units
- Advertising and Public Relations (PRAD.)
MAC 541 Advertising and Public Relation Practices 3 units
MAC 557 Advertising, Public Relations and Society 3 Units
MAC 507 Creative Workshop in Advertising and 3 Units
Public Relations
MAC 525 Management and Marketing Principles in Advertising
And Public Relations 3 Units
MAC 565 Environments of Public Relations 3 Units
MAC 575 Ethics and Social Responsibility in Advertising
And Public Relations 3 Units
MAC 585 Creative Visual Message Design 3 Units
MAC 595 International Public Relations 3 Units
(Choose one out of the electives)
Course Descriptions
Broadcast Media
Broadcast Management aims at familiarizing students with the technicalities involved in managing broadcast stations human and material resources, finding regulatory frameworks etc.
Documentary Production
A practical-oriented course. The planning and production of documentary will be discussed followed by a production exercise.
Broadcast Programming:
Acquaints students with factors and consideration that influence and affect programming. The effects of technology and society on this will be stressed.
Aesthetetics/Review/Criticisms of film/Video:
Aims at developing in the students a critical approach in appreciating the important of aesthetics in film and television production along with critical review of works of artist.
Advertising and Public Relations Communication
Public Relations Theory and Practice provides an overview of the historical development of public relations. It examines the evolution of various definitions, philosophy and role of public relations in different types of organization. It highlights the various models of public relations.
Advertising and Pubic Relations Practices
Deals with the origins, scope and purposes of advertising trade, product, responsibility of business to its environment, employees and community using lecture, seminars and case studies issue of ethics in public relations practices and regulations as well as government public relations in Nigeria.
Integrated Marketing Communication
Examines definitions and philosophy of the field. It explores how all marketing tools, corporate and brand messages are unified to communicate consistently with stakeholder audiences. The above are treated on the basis of in-depth analysis of marketing plan, including marketing objectives problems, opportunities, target market strategies, among others. Seminars and case studies will be used.
Political Public Relations
Explores government-citizens relationships and the use of public relations tools to monitor, respond to and promote public opinions, political campaign management and tactics. Guest lecturers/speakers as well as symposia and seminars will be used.
Organizational Communication Principles
Exposes students to the study of the typical communication problems in organization setting and a study of practical methods of dealing with the problems as well as the various models of organizational communication. Lectures, case studies and seminar will be used.
Print Media
Advanced news reporting
Exposes students to advanced concepts and practices in News Reporting, identification and sustenance of news sources, sourcing for background materials to news events and reports.
Print Media Planning (Magazine and Newspapers)
Deals with contemporary trends in page planning, application of the computer programmes in planning production and editing
Editing and Production
Aims at familiarizing students with contemporary trends in print media (newspaper and magazine) editing and production.
Advanced Specialized Reporting
Exposes students to the language and technicalities of specialised activities such as economy, sports, transport, health and environment and how to report such sapecialised field in a manner understandable/comprehensible to the average audiences.
Advanced Interpretative and Critical Writing
A more advanced form of writing which enhances the students’ ability to provide sound and logical interpretation of events being covered. It also aims at ensuring a more critical form of writing without losing sight of objectivity.
Media Management
Concepts and Principles of Media Management
Acquaints students with general principles of management with reference to the peculiarities and challenges of managing media establishments. The relationship between management and pattern of ownership and the interplays between the two will be stressed.
Utilization of Media Resources
Examine the present method of operation of media establishments and explores a more dynamic and effective utilization of resources in greater impact.
Human Resources Management
Aims at appreciating the significance of human resources in the operations and management of media organizations, the need for the identification and enhancement of competent personnel to man the operations of such organization, will be considered. The imperative of training and capacity building will be examined.
New Media (Changing Nature of Information Production)
Takes a look at the impact of the new media on management of media institutions, the nature of operations of the New media, the Internet, e-mail and the web and its implication for national global information production and management will be stressed.
Media Distribution and Production
Examines the existing mode of production and distribution of media products in terms of circulation (magazines and newspapers and exchange of production for radio and television). The relevance of collaboration in productions and distribution will be emphasized. The role of NPAN Newspapers Proprietors Association of Nigeria, and that of BON-Broadcasting Organization of Nigeria, will also be examined.
Development Communication
Advanced Principles of Development Communication
Aims at deeper appreciation and understanding of the principles that led development Communication as a concept. The present state of arts in the area of development communication will also be examined.
Classical and Contemporary Modes of Development Communication
Reviews the classical understanding of development, the contemporary reality in the era of globalization and the attendant changes in the modes of operating development communication.
Advanced Development Reporting
Exposes student to the challenges of reporting development issues. It aims at acquainting students to issues of development and how to competently and authoritatively write on issues.
Advanced Mass Media and National Development
The significance and expected role of the mass media to national development. The activities of United Nation Agencies and multinational corporations in selected development and newly industrializing countries will be examined along with the impact of national and international media in enhancing and facilitating development.
Traditional Modern Communication and Rural Development
Takes a look at the traditional modes of communication in rural societies and how these modes are evolving in the face of modern techniques and technologies of communication. The significance of these modes of communication in promoting rural development will also be examined.
Advanced Research Methods
Social science Research
Students will be exposed to the science and technologies of research in the social sciences and to the scope and diversity of social science research.
Types of Social Research
To acquaint students with the variety and types of social science research
General research Design
Deals with techniques of research design
Data Analysis
The last stage of the courses in research method and it is aimed at exposing students to the different approaches to data analysis. In particular, it will familiarize student with the different application of the social sciences packages (SPSS).
Theories of Mass Communication
The course will expose students general normative theories of communication.
Advanced Theories in Mass Communication
The course is a build-up on theories of mass communication. It takes a deeper and critical look at the new emerging theories of mass communication in the context of the information society.
All students on the programme must undertake a dissertation of about 40-45,000 words in their areas of speciality. A student is also at liberty to write a dissertation of not less than 20,000 words accompanied with a production work.
Industrial Attachment.
Every student is exposed to working in Media industry for not less than 2 months under supervision and expected to submit a log book report, exhibit of production etc.
International Communication
A review of world news agencies roles, New World Information and Communication Order Debate revisited, Media Cultural Imperialism, International Economic Communication and other Actors in International Communication system
Political Communication
Politics, democracy and the Media, effects of Political communication and Media as Political actors, communicating politics by Political parties, pressure groups and performance of politics in democratic process.
Health Communication
An examination or overview of health reporting, planning and execution of publicity campaign on health and related issues.
Environmental Communication
An examination or overview of environmental reporting, planning and execution of publicity campaign on environmental and energy related issues.
Every Masters Student must present one seminar paper and attend two workshops before graduation.
First Semester
Course No.
Title |
Units |
MAC 551 MAC 591
MAC 531 MAC 503 MAC 571 MAC 511 MAC 501
MAC 521 MAC 561 MAC 581 MAC 513
MAC 582 MAC532 MAC 592
Communication Theories
Application for Research Methods in Mss Communication
Topical Seminar in Mass Communication Information and Communication Technologies Communication for Development Advanced Reporting and Writing Newspaper/Magazine Organization Management and Production
Electives Public Affairs Reporting Specialized Publications Communication and Public Health Community/Rural Journalism (Choose One out of the electives ) Total
Second Semester Media, Government and Law Seminar in Mass Media and National Security Dissertation
Total |
3 3
3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2
2 2 12
18 |
First Semester
Course Code.
Title |
Units |
MAC 551
MAC 591 MAC 533 MAC 503 MAC 571 MAC 555 MAC 505
MAC 523 MAC 563 MAC 583
MAC 582 MAC 532 MAC 592
Communication Theories Application of Research Methods in Mass Communication Topical Seminar in Broadcasting Information and communication Technologies Communication for Development Radio/TV /Film Production Techniques Station Operations and Management
News Electronic Announcing and Performance Docu-Dram Techniques and Production (Choose one out of the electives)
Second Semester
Media, Government and Law Seminar in Mass Media and National Security Dissertation.
Total |
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 30
3 3 1
First Semester
Course Code
Title |
Units |
MAC 541 MAC 551 MAC 531 MAC 503 MAC 571 MAC 557 MAC 507
MAC 525 MAC 565 MAC 575 MAC 585 MAC 595
MAC 582 MAC 532 MAC 592
Advertising and Public Relations Practices Communication Theories Topical Seminars in Mass Communication Information and Communication Technologies Communication for Development Advertising, Public Relations and society Creative Workshop in Advertising and Public Relations
Electives Management and Marketing Principles in Advertising and Public Relations Environments of Public Relations Ethics and Social Responsibility in Advertising and Public Relations Creative Visual Message Design International Public Relations and Advertising (Choose one out of the electives)
Second Semester Media, Government & Law Seminar in Mass Media and National Security Dissertation.
Total |
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3
3 3 12
18 |
2015/2016 SESSION
- G. H. Ezeah – Ag. HOD/Senior Lecturer
- N. M. Okoro – Senior Lecturer
- L. I. Anorue – Senior Lecturer
- Ike S. Ndolo – Professor
- Ike S. Ndolo – Visiting Professor
- N. M. Okoro – Senior Lecturer
- R. A. Udeajah – Senior Lecturer
- L. I. Anorue – Senior Lecturer
- N. Nwokolo – Senior Lecturer
- G. H. Ezeah – Senior Lecturer
- M.O. Ukonu – Senior Lecturer
- J.O. Wogu – Senior Lecturer
- A.C. Ekwueme – Senior Lecturer
As a pioneer in the training of mass communicators in Nigeria, the Department of Mass Communication of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, has a duty to elevate journalistic standards and provide leadership in the achievement of media roles.
The aim of the postgraduate programme is to provide ‘conversion’ to mainstream mass communication for graduates of other disciplines who aspire to study mass communication at a higher degree level. Furthermore, it is designed to provide a remedy
for graduates of mass communication who do not qualify for admission into the master’s degree programme.
The postgraduate diploma courses in Mass Communication cover the broad areas of the principles of Mass Communication and techniques in written and audio-visual communication.
The programme is open to candidates with:
- Honours degree in any discipline other than mass communication
- HND pass at the credit level in any discipline
- First degree in Mass Communication that is below Second Class Lower.
The mode of study for the postgraduate diploma in Mass Communication is by course work to be examinations in written examinations together with research work to be presented as a project report.
The programme is expected to last a minimum of two semesters for full-time students and four semesters for part-time.
The External Examiner system shall be used at the end of the Postgraaduate Diploma Programme to assess and award grades for the project reports.
The External Examiner must be a Senior Lecturer with a Ph.D in the discipline. Project reports require no oral examination.
The postgraduate diploma programme equips candidates with knowledge and skills to work in newspaper, magazine, radio and television, news agencies, public relations, advertising and book publishing houses as well as in the public service.
Stress Areas Code
Basic foundation courses 0
Writing 1
Broadcasting 2
Print courses 3
Persuasion 4
Theories 5
History 6
Development Communication 7
Law and Ethics 8
Research 9
First Semester Courses (full-Time) Units
MAC 0501 Introduction to Mass Communication 3
MAC 0511 News Reporting & Writing 3
MAC 0521 Principles of Broadcasting 3
MAC 0581 Mass Communication Law & Ethics 3
MAC 0591 Techniques of Social Science Research 3
And any MAC 0513 Feature and Magazine Article
one of Writing MAC 0523 Radio TV Script Writing 3
Total 18 Units
Second Semester Courses (Full-Time) Units
MAC 0522 Radio/TV Production 3
MAC 0532 Print Production 3
MAC 0542 Principle of Advertising
and Public Relations 3
MAC 0592 Seminar Presentation 3
MAC 0593 Research Project 4
And any MAC 0512 Editorial Writing and Specialized
one of Reporting 3
these MAC 0524 Documentary Film Production
Total 18 units
First Semester (Part-time) Units
MAC 0501 Introduction to Mass Communication 3
MAC 0511 News Reporting & Writing 3
MAC 0521 Principles of Broadcasting 3
And any MAC 0513 Features and Magazine Article
one of Writing 3
these MAC 0523 Radio/TV Script writing
course s
Total 12 units
Second Semester (Part-time)
MAC 0581 Mass Communication Law & Ethics 3
MAC 0591 Techniques of Social Science Research 3
And any MAC 0512 Editorial Writing and Specialised
One of Reporting 3
these MAC 0524 Documentary Film Production
Total 9 Units
Third Semester (Part-time)
MAC 0522 Radio/TV Production 3
MAC 0532 Print Production 3
MAC 0542 Principles of Advertising and Public Relations 3
Total 9 units
Fourth Semester (Part-Time) Units
MAC 0592 Seminar Presentation 3
MAC 0593 Research Project 4
Total 7
MAC 0501: Introduction to Mass Communication
It is designed to initiate (convert) students into the discipline and reinforce the fundamental ideas of those candidates whose understanding of the dynamics of mass communication during their earlier encounter is inadequate. It is a survey and analysis of major concepts and principles of mass communication and their application to contemporary social problems. Briefly, it evaluates media operations, professionals, practitioners and their use of the mass media for varied purposes in contemporary society. (3 units)
MAC. 0511: New Reporting and Writing
It provides a “conversion” to mainstream mass communication for graduates of other disciplines. It introduces candidates to the principles and skills of effective news reporting and journalistic writing.. Students are led to understand and appreciate the nature of news and develop writing skills and confidence in news reporting.
(3 units
MAC 0512: Editorial Writing & Specialized Reporting
Designed to provide instruction in the techniques of reporting such specialised subjects as agriculture, government and politics, medicine, religion, sports, labour, the courts and the arts. It exposes students to the fundamental strategies of editorial writing and it stresses a combination of analysis and practice in writing on specialised themes. (3 units)
MAC 0513: Feature and Magazine Article Writing
This course exposes students to writing beyond the straight news pattern. It involves intensive writing exercises covering various types of features and such article types as essays, reviews, personal opinion and fiction. (3 units)
MAC 0521: Principles of Broadcasting
This is a focus on developmental phases of broadcasting as well as survey of scientists involved in the evolution. It also involves description of some individual equipment used in broadcasting and how broadcasting relates with other aspects of life.
(3 units)
MAC 0522: Radio/TV Production
This is a systematic analysis of basic technological elements of radio and television studio/control room and the nature of sound. It involves practical exercises in standard operating procedures and use of studio facilities, analysis of the techniques of managing a broadcasting studio, outside broadcasting, and practical daily management of broadcast stations, involving programme planning/scheduling, traffic control, and personnel management. (3 units)
MAC 0523: Radio/TV Script Writing
This is an introductory course in the pre-production and actual production of radio and television programmes utilizing the full facilities of the university studios. Students will acquire knowledge and skills required to produce programmes for both radio and television. Practical demonstrations characterise this course in orientation in broadcast programme productions.
(3 units)
MAC 0524: Documentary Film Production
It is an analytical approach to documentary film production. It examines various forms of documentaries with emphasis on film. Students combine analysis with practical workshop in producing documentary films in specific areas of life.
(3 units)
MAC 0532: Print Production
This introduces students to the publishing process, from editing of copy to the production of the printed page. It analyses publishing as a mass industry organised in divisions. Students acquired knowledge and skills in publishing newspapers, journals, magazines and books. (3 units)
MAC 0542 Principles of Advertising and Public Relations
This course is designed to acquaint students with basic advertising and public relations principles. It teaches copy design and layout for print advertisements and special techniques for radio/TV commercials. The course also analyses social problems commonly found in industrial society and possible public relations strategies for handling them. It equally examines the media plus law and ethics related to advertising and public relations.
(3 units)
MAC. 0581: Mass Communication Law & Ethics
This is a study of communication laws, constitutional guarantees, libel, privacy, contempt, censorship and pornography, privilege and Copyright Act. This course analyses the responsibilities of the journalist in the media and evaluates news material and programme content with respect to freedom of the press (3 units)
MAC 0591: Techniques of Social Science Research
This course teaches core social science research methods. The course will also train students to identify researchable problems and develop research questions or hypotheses. It will involve detailed treatment of methods of collecting relevant research data, the format for presenting research results (from designing the table of contents to referencing, bibliography and appendix). (3 units)
MAC 0592: Seminar (relevant area)
The student is expected to present a seminar in relevant area of his or her study (3 units)
MAC 0593: Research Project
This provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of theoretical, empirical and practical instructions in various sectors of mass communication through supervised execution of research projects.
(4 units)