The focus of the Research Group is to develop strong researches on economic development issues. The group shall also be involved in extensive policy-oriented researches in areas such as economic growth, poverty and inequalities reduction strategies, population and migration issues, gender and related studies, environmental economics, trade and labour issues and other areas related to development economics.
The focus of the Research Group is to develop strong researches on economic development issues. The group shall also be involved in extensive policy-oriented researches in areas such as economic growth, poverty and inequalities reduction strategies, population and migration issues, gender and related studies, environmental economics, trade and labour issues and other areas related to development economics.
Coordinator: Dr. Ezebuilo R. Ukwueze
E-mail: Phone: +234-803 572 5779
E-mail: Phone: +234-803 572 5779
Members of the Group Department
1. Dr. Ezebuilo R. Ukwueze Economics
2. Dr. Emmanuel O. Nwosu Economics
3. Dr. Anthony Orji Economics
4. Chisom Emecheta Economics
5. Onyinye M. David-Wayas Economics
6. Ebere E. Azubuike Psychology
7. Ijeoma G. Ikejiofor Geography
The purposes of the Research Group are to:
1. Dr. Ezebuilo R. Ukwueze Economics
2. Dr. Emmanuel O. Nwosu Economics
3. Dr. Anthony Orji Economics
4. Chisom Emecheta Economics
5. Onyinye M. David-Wayas Economics
6. Ebere E. Azubuike Psychology
7. Ijeoma G. Ikejiofor Geography
The purposes of the Research Group are to:
i. Promote and facilitate collaborative and/or interdisciplinary research and enhancement of research networking capacity and infrastructure.
ii. Increase and effectively manage the resources and research support for its members and the Department.
iii. Be involved in human capital development programmes by providing education and training in research and related skills for our members, and other graduate/undergraduate students.
iv. Contribute to the university’s strategic educational and research missions and to support synergies between research, teaching and learning.
iv. Contribute to the university’s strategic educational and research missions and to support synergies between research, teaching and learning.
v. Transfer and mobilize knowledge gained through research for the benefit of society, via a variety of mechanisms as appropriate.
The Synopsis
The intent of this research group is to carry out evidence-based researches which cover a wide spectrum of economic development issues; develop grant writing skills to generate funds and subsequently be able to publish in leading journals. This group also has the capacity to develop human capital by organizing workshops/trainings on methodological issues for research writing.
The thematic areas of interest of this research group include, but not limited to, the following:
i. Poverty and inequality issues: these include any research topic that involves policies and advocacies to improve the welfare and reduce the harsh effects of poverty; nutrition problems and hunger; issues of inequality and the burning problems there on.
ii. Population and migration issues: population studies, dynamics of population, migration issues and problems, fertility issues, maternal and child mortality problems, child labour, life expectancy and longevity issues are part of the themes to be researched on.
iii. Gender issues and related researches: these include gender inequality, denials of women rights, violence against women (different types), accessibility of women to education, health and other facilities.
iv. Health economics: they include accessibility to health care services, demand for health services and health policies and how they affect the poor. Diseases and how the vulnerable and the poor are affected; pricing of health care services and how the poor and the vulnerable are affected.
v. Environmental economics: these include climatic change and adaptation issues, issues of environmental hazards, methodological issues like CVM, Hedonic pricing, Travel costs, Choice Experiment, Evaluation issues, and measurement problems.
vi. Trade and Labour Studies: they include globalization, trade policies and relations and how they affect the poor, labour mobility (occupational, geographical and other types), brain drain, labour discrimination issues, wage problems, labour problems and international labour issues, etc.
The intent of this research group is to carry out evidence-based researches which cover a wide spectrum of economic development issues; develop grant writing skills to generate funds and subsequently be able to publish in leading journals. This group also has the capacity to develop human capital by organizing workshops/trainings on methodological issues for research writing.
The thematic areas of interest of this research group include, but not limited to, the following:
i. Poverty and inequality issues: these include any research topic that involves policies and advocacies to improve the welfare and reduce the harsh effects of poverty; nutrition problems and hunger; issues of inequality and the burning problems there on.
ii. Population and migration issues: population studies, dynamics of population, migration issues and problems, fertility issues, maternal and child mortality problems, child labour, life expectancy and longevity issues are part of the themes to be researched on.
iii. Gender issues and related researches: these include gender inequality, denials of women rights, violence against women (different types), accessibility of women to education, health and other facilities.
iv. Health economics: they include accessibility to health care services, demand for health services and health policies and how they affect the poor. Diseases and how the vulnerable and the poor are affected; pricing of health care services and how the poor and the vulnerable are affected.
v. Environmental economics: these include climatic change and adaptation issues, issues of environmental hazards, methodological issues like CVM, Hedonic pricing, Travel costs, Choice Experiment, Evaluation issues, and measurement problems.
vi. Trade and Labour Studies: they include globalization, trade policies and relations and how they affect the poor, labour mobility (occupational, geographical and other types), brain drain, labour discrimination issues, wage problems, labour problems and international labour issues, etc.