To: BENEFICIARIES                                        From: TETFUND COMMITTEE

  Our Ref: UN/RC.250/TFC/BR/01                       Date:      23rd April, 2024



  1. The under listed applicants (50 Nos.) whose research proposals were selected and recommended to TETFund for funding under Institution-Based Research (IBR) Intervention are hereby notified that their funds are ready for disbursement.


  1. Please note that the amount disbursed represent 60% first tranche of the total cost of the project. The second tranche payment of 40% will only be released when the Researcher must have published at least one article from the findings of the research in any referred Journal with impact factor of at least 3 (three) and above, evidence of which should be submitted to TETfund.


  1. TETFund should be acknowledged as the sponsor of the research in a footnote in the first page of a paper citing the research project no. (TETF/DR&D/CE/UNI/NSUKKA/BR/2024/VOL.I)


  1. The Lead Researcher to open an IBR Bank account into which the funds will be credited.


  1. Quarterly progress reports by the researchers be forwarded to the Fund for monitoring purposes. The quarterly reports should be regularly submitted until the entire intervention is completed and closed out.


  1. Upon completion of the Research Projects, you are expected to forward to TETFund a close out/completion report (including copies of the financial receipts obtained in respect of the Research Projects). You are also required to forward three (3 Nos.) bound copies of the Research Report for the Research Project within three (3) months of completion.


  1. You should please insert in the application for release of approved fund a statement of commitment to fully comply with the above stated conditions.




S/N Research Title/Topic(s) No. of Co-Researchers Duration of Research Lead Researcher Amount Approved for Research Project(s) First Tranche 60% Disbursement Department
1. Health-promoting lifestyle behaviours, its predictors, perceived social support and strategies for advancing health of retired civil servants in Imo state, Nigeria 1 8 Months Dr. Tochi Emmanuel Iwuagwu 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Human Kinetics and Health Education
2. Production of pro-vitamin A fortified complementary food from orange-fleshed sweet potato, malted and fermented yellow maize and soy coagulate 1 6 Months Dr Asogwa Ifeyinwa Sabina 1,800,000.00 1,080,000.00 Food Science and Technology
3. Igbo traditional beliefs on mystical causation of diseases and the Western Germ Theory: Towards a wholistic indigenous approach to healing 1 12 Months Dr. Emmanuel C. Anizoba 1,200.000.00 720,000.00 Religion and Cultural Studies
4. Digital resources and tools in Igbo language creation and dissemination in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka 1 10 Months Ukaegbu Nkechi Mgbodichinma 1,100.000.00 660,000.00 Linguistics, Igbo and Other Nigerian Language
5. In-silico and in-vitro evaluation of bioactive compounds from selected Nigerian plants for activity against vp4 and ns2 protein of African horse-sickness virus (AHSV) 1 12 Months Dr. Okolo Chukwuemeka Calistus 2,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 Veterinary Medicine Department
6. Pore pressure prediction: Implication for overpressure and mud program preparation in the “Eclipse” Field, Coastal Swamp, Niger Delta Basin 1 12 Months Prof. Okwudiri

A. Anyiam

1,200,000.00 720,000.00 Geology
7. A new protection philosophy for distribution grids in the presence of distributed generation 2 12 Months Okoli Chinweike Chukwudebelu 1,400,000.00 840,000.00 Electrical Engineering
8. Re-awakening the social consciousness of men towards overcoming violence against women in Enugu state: an Igbo traditional and Christian religious perspective 1 5 Months Ude Monday Samuel 1,464,000.00 878,400.00 Arts Education
9. Optimization of building construction design approaches for sustainable constructions: gains and demands 1 7 Months Okanya Arinzechukwu Victor 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Industrial Technical Education
10. Network modeling of circular data: A Bayesian approach 1 8 Months Dr. Chinonso Michael Eze 1,200,000.00 720,000.00 Statistics
11. Assessing the impact of think pair-share instructional strategy on dissociative disorder among primary school learners 1 10 Months Dr. Nnamani Ogechi 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Educational Foundations
12. Impact of incessant sit-at-home on psychosocial behaviour, interest and academic achievement of in-school adolescents in South-East, Nigeria 1 12 Months Dr. Amaka ikechu


1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Educational


13. Synergetic effect of hybrid starch-lignin-waste toner grafted aluminum phosphonate on the flammability and thermal properties of sawdust-anti-hill reinforced waste polystyrene composite for engineering application 1 6 Months Chinemeogo Christian Ozioko 1,984,000.00 1,190,400.00 Metallurgical and Material Engineering
14. The impact of digital storytelling on the achievement of curriculum goals and objectives in library and information science 2 6 Months Obim, Ifunanya Evangel 1,480,000.00 888,000.00 Library and Information Science
15. Information need on recreational screen time, leisure time management, sedentary behaviour and suicide ideation among undergraduates in South East Nigeria 3 10 Months Mr. Badaru Jimedu Umar 1,200,000.00 720,000.00 Human Kinetics and Health Education
16. Agronomic characteristics and adaptation pattern of ten (10) genotypes of carrot in South Eastern, Nigeria 2 12 Months Anozie, Chukwunyere Chineche 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Crop Science
17. Implications of bulk dry ports in Nigeria: Empirical evidence from the Southeast, Nigeria 4 12 Months Josiah Chukwuemeka Ogbuka 1,481,500.00 888,900.00 Institute of Maritime Studies
18. A cross-sectional survey of Nigerian Secondary school principals’ educational innovation and leadership for effective management of Schools 1 12 Months Dr. Bernadette Ngozi Nwafor 1,200,000.00 720,000.00 Educational Foundations
19. Towards flood disaster preparedness among rural dwellers in Southeast Nigeria: The role of information 2 6 Months Dr (Mrs) Promise Ifeoma Ilo 1,360.000.00 816,000.00 Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, UNN
20. Effects of pig manure-based compost and composting duration on the potential of cowpea (Vigina unguiculata) for phytoremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil 2 12 Months Dr. Chika Mike Jidere 1,600,000.00 960,000.00 Soil Science
21. Smart pipeline leakage detection system using multiple sensors enhancement 1 12 Months Ome Uchenna Kenneth 1,495,000.00 897,000.00 Computer Science
22. Social crime and social instability in Nigeria: A threat to national security and job opportunities. A study of the menace of kidnapping in South-South region 1 12 Months Ijeoma, Uchenna Camenus 1,499.900.00 899,940.00 Public Administration and Local Government
23. Psychoeducational intervention for childhood aggression among primary schools pupils in Enugu State 2 12 Months Dr. Elizabeth N. Ebizie 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Educational Foundations
24. Screening and molecular characterization for a novel antimicrobial production Actinomycete effective against multidrup resistance (MDR) bacterial strains from soil and water sediments 2 12 Months Agbo Martina


1,884,200.00 1,130,520.00 Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology
25. Effects of career training intervention model on electronics technology pre-service teachers’ motivation ana engagement on psychomotor skill acquisition in South-South, Nigeria 2 3 Months Akpokiniovo Duke Ejaika 1,541,500.00 924,900.00 Industrial Technical Education
26. Quality of life, psychological distress and coping strategies among infertile women accessing fertility treatment in tertiary healthcare facilities in Enugu state Nill 5 Months Happiness Anuli Elufidipe-olumide 1,665,400.00 999,240.00 Human Kinetics and Health Education
27. Wildlife crimes in Nigeria: A gendered and ethnic-based evaluations among major Ethnic-based groups in Nigeria 4 12


Dr. Helen Uchenna Agu 1,536,450.00 921,870.00 International


28. Accumulation of heavy metals in vegetables planted in soils from oil depot and mining centre in east and south east Nigeria and the health risk assessment Nill 12 Months Prof. (Mrs) Mabel Uchenna Ndubuaku 2,000.000.00 1,200,000.00 Crop Science
29. Leveraging on mobile therapy system to gain competitive advantage in depression treatment by mental health councellors in Enugu State, Nigeria 2 6 Months Dr. Mkpoikanke Sunday Otu 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Educational Foundations
30. Responses to media messages on exclusive breastfeeding among women in South-east Nigeria Nill 12 Months Mgboji Olanrewaju Abosede 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Mass Communication
31. Effects of infections with trypanosoma brucei and trypanosoma congolense on the reproductive performance of female West African Dwarf Sheep 2 12 Months Dr. Njoga Ugochinyere, Juliet 2,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 Veterinary Obstetricts and Reproductive Disseases
32.. The role of the media and entertainment industry in the prevalence of internet related financial fraud activities in Nigeria 1 9 Months Prof. Onyebuchi E. Ezeani 1,500.000.00 900,000.00 Political Science
33. Surveillance studies, isolation, molecular characterization and in-vitro control using commercial fungicides of pepper “ebola” in Nsukka, South-Eastern Nigeria 1 12 Months Dr. (Mrs) Ishieze Patience Ukamaka 2,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 Crop Science
34. Prevalence of tick-borne diseases (TBDs) in small ruminants in Enugu state, Nigeria 1 12 Months Dr. Ijeoma Chekwube Chukwudi 2,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 Veterinary Medicine
35. Development of automated lysimeter and comparative analysis of some evapotranspiration products over maize farm 2 12 Monts Engr, Dr, Gloria Ifeoma Ezenne 1,425.000.00 855,000.00 Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering
36. Judicious Phosphorus Management: Assessment of rice farmers’ knowledge and best practices 2 10 Months Dr. Uchechukwu Pascal Chukwudi 1,398,400.00 839,040.00 Crop Science
37. Assessment of digital library literacy skills of final year undergraduate students in library and information science for employment in Hi-tech industries in South-East Nigeria 1 6 Months Prof. Achebe Nancy 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Library and Information Science
38. Assessment of the impact of new map flood erosion control project in South-East Nigeria 3 10 Months Prof. NwaJesus Anthony Onyekwuru 1,650,000.00 990,000.00 Resources and Environmental Policy Research Centre, EfD Nigeria
39. Use of livestock manure improved with addition of biochar and microbial agent through composting for bioremediation of crude oil polluted soils in Niger-Delta, Nigeria 1 12 Months Dr. Nwoke, Oji Achuka 1,799,000.00 1,079,400.00 Agric and Bioresources Engineering
40. Interrogating the experiences of the girl child in internally displaced persons’ camps in Benue State and what faith-based organizations can do. 1 4 Months Dr. Favour Chukwuemeka Uroko 1,370,000.00 822,000.00 Religion and Cultural Studies
41 Modeling optimization and control of microgrid system for electrification in rural area using intelligent hybrid renewable energy source (IHRES) technique: case study of Agu-Amede village, Enugu State, Nigeria 1 12 Months Engr. Timothy Oluwaseun 1,700,000.00 1,020,000.00 Mechatronics Engineering
42 A model of a collaborative crime handling system for law enforcement agencies 2 12 Months Dr. Chikodili Helen Ugwuishiwu 1,440,000.00 864,000.00 Computer Science
43 A model of recommender system for digital libraries using machine learning 1 7 Months Asogwa Caroline Ngozi 1,364,000.00 818,400.00 Computer Science
44 The role of the media and entertainment industry in the prevalence of internet related financial activities in Nigeria Nill 10 Months Onu Paul Ani 1,704,000.00 1,022,400.00 Political Science
45 Unlocking the potentials of young school leavers through the promotion of makerspace library for entrepreneurial skills in Nigeria 1 5 Months Dr (Mrs) Anthonia Nwamaka Ejikeme 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Nnamdi Azikiwe Library
46 Development and validation of a project-based Arduino robot application for learning computer programming in Nigerian Universities 2 12 Months Dr. Saint O.R. Ngwoke 1,100,000.00 660,000.00 Health Kinetics and Health Education
47 Interaction effect of pattern drafting methods on the achievement, interest and retention of home economics students in universities in South-East, Nigeria Nill 6 Months Dr (Mrs) Ugwu Eunice Ifeyinwa 1,663,000.00 997,800.00 Home-economics and Hospitality Management Education
48 Health information need of the elderly people in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria 2 11 Months Dr (Mrs) Ngozi Justina Igwe 1,600,000.00 960,000.00 Adult Education and Extramural Studies
49 Integrating hydrogeological and second-order geo-electricity indices in groundwater vulnerability mapping within parts of Nsukka sedimentary basins 1 12 Months Dr. Johnson C. Ibout 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 Physics and Astronomy
50 Internet of things based advisory system for watermelon farming 2 12 Months Dr. Okoronkwo Mathew Chukwuemeka 1,325,500.00 795,300.00 Computer Science


Prof. Anene, B. M.

Chairman   TETFund Committee/TETFund Desk Officer