Linguistics and Nigerian Languages


The Department started as a sub-Department under the Department of Foreign Languages and
Literatures in 1974. In 1978, it produced its first set of graduates. In 1981, it gained its autonomy
as a fully fledged Department. Dr. P.A. Nwachukwu (as he then was) was its pioneer Head of
Department. The Department was until 2005 called and referred to as Department of Linguistics
and Nigerian Languages. In 2005, Senate approved a new name for it (as above entitled). The
Department has since its inception graduated over 20 doctoral candidates, hundreds of Masters
and thousands of bachelors who are well placed and developing the society.
The Department has progressively designed and redesigned its programmes to meet the
challenges of the society. Hence, it runs three degree programmes, namely, B.A. Linguistics,
B.A. Igbo Studies and B.A. Linguistics and Igbo Studies. These programmes are designed to suit
candidates with School Certificates and General Certificates in Education and those with
Certificates in Education and Diplomas in relevant areas as approved by the University Senate.
Each of the above programmes can therefore be run in three years or four years depending on the
qualification of the applicant. Consequently, the Department runs a four year and three year B.A
programme in Linguistics, Linguistics and Igbo, and Igbo Studies. The three year programme
starts with the second year programme of the standard four year programme.


In keeping with the motto of the University of Nigeria, the philosophy of the Department is to
enable man to know and understand himself and his environment through the study of linguistics
and language. The discipline exposes the students to the multi-disciplinary and interlocking
nature of the human society in their use of language. The programme furnishes the students with
a live-long education that they can adapt in infinite ways to their chosen careers in life. It lays
emphases on linguistics and the Nigerian Language. Consequently, the objectives of the various
programmes are as follows:

Objectives of the Programmes

The three programmes of the Department with the ultimate aim of becoming full fledged
Departments are established with the following aims and objectives:
B.A. Igbo Studies
a) To expose students to various aspects of the study of Igbo linguistics, Igbo literature and
culture with a view to helping them to achieve greater competence and sophistication in
their understanding and appreciation of the values inherent in these aspects.
b) To train them to be able to apply their knowledge for the advancement of their society.
c) To prepare them for further studies in the discipline and for other relevant careers
d) To be able to engage in simultaneous broadcasting and translation and interpreting in
e) To be efficient Igbo editors and publishers with the skills acquired through the study of
the Igbo grammar B.A. Linguistics.
a) To equip students with a sound knowledge of the principles and current theories and
practices of linguistics.
b) To train them to be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in solving language
related tasks and problems, particularly in their environments.
c) To prepare them for further studies in teaching, media, speech and hearing remediation
and language engineering.
d) To prepare them for further studies in the discipline and for other relevant careers.
e) To be able to engage in simultaneous broadcasting and translation and interpreting.
f) To be efficient editors and publishers with the skills acquired through linguistics
B.A. Linguistics and Igbo Studies.
The programme is designed to effectively combine the objectives of the B.A. Linguistics listed
above and Igbo Studies programme outlined below B.A. Linguistics and Igbo Studies.
The programme is designed to effectively combine the objectives of the B.A. Linguistics listed
above and Ibibio Studies programme outlined below B.A. Linguistics and Hausa Studies.
The programme is designed to effectively combine the objectives of the B.A. Linguistics listed
above and Yoruba Studies programme outlined below
B.A. Linguistics and Yoruba Studies
The programme is designed to effectively combine the objectives of the B.A. Linguistics listed
above and Yoruba Studies programme outlined below


The programmes lead to the award of B.A. Igbo Studies, B.A. Linguistics, B.A. Linguistics and
Igbo Studies, B.A. Linguistics and Ibibio Studies, B.A. Linguistics and Hausa Studies and
Linguistics and Yoruba Studies. For the standard four year programme, the students are first
introduced to the general principles and concerns of linguistics before they are introduced into
the many areas of specialisation where linguistics is practised theoretically or where it forms the
superstructure of the areas of specialisation. Participation of students in field work and laboratory
practice is mandatory.
Introductory courses in Linguistics are available as service courses in the first year for students
of English, Languages, Mass Communication and other departments which need them.


The Department offers two kinds of programme
The 4-year programme by entrance examination: Candidates for the 4-year programme in
Linguistics, Igbo Studies, Linguistics and Igbo Studies, Linguistics and Ibibio Studies,
Linguistics and Hausa, and Linguistics and Yoruba, in addition to the University minimum entry
requirements, must obtain a credit pass in English. Candidates for Linguistics must have in
addition a credit pass in Literature in English. Candidates for Igbo Studies or Linguistics and
Igbo Studies must obtain a credit pass in Igbo. Candidates for Linguistics and Hausa, Ibibio or
Yoruba Studies must obtain a credit pass in English, and Hausa, Ibibio or Yoruba respectively. In
special circumstances, candidates with OND may be offered admission for a four year
programme in Linguistics, Igbo Studies, Linguistics and Igbo Studies, Linguistics and Hausa
Studies, Linguistics and Ibibio Studies or Linguistics and Yoruba Studies
The 3-year programme by direct entry: Candidates for the 3-year programme must have obtained
passes in relevant Nigerian languages or any other language and at least one other subject at HSC
NCE or GCE/A Level or its equivalence.

Job Opportunities

The programmes are designed to produce the following categories of suitably qualified
manpower needed for national development:
a) Teachers of Igbo, Hausa, Ibibio, Yoruba and Linguistics (with professional teaching
b) Translators and Interpreters
c) Media Practitioners
d) Creative Writers;
e) Cultural, Information and Ethnographic officers
f) Editors and Publishers
g) Language Planners and Engineers
h) Lexicographers


0 Language
1 Literature
2 History and Culture
3 Publishing
4 Linguistics
5 Broadcasting
6 Contrastive Studies
7 Translation
8 Semiotic and Writing System
9 Project and Field work.
