Our studies on the pollution chemistry of the lower reaches of the River Niger a distance of 41 km and its tributaries showed the extent to which the river is being polluted by human activities (agriculture, urbanization and industrialization) through the major tributaries which discharge their waters into the Niger after passing through villages, agricultural plains, and cities. A number of industries are located near the tributaries and discharge their waste effluents into them directly or through manmade channels. Indirectly during the rainly seasons, industrial wastes ultimately find their way into the River Niger and its tributaries during heavy flooding (Figure I). Pollution surveillance is an important program if mankind will be able to enjoy the fruits of his technological advancement because waste products of our industries, if not properly handled, constitute great health hazards. This study attempts to establish the nature and level of non-metallic pollutants which could be traced directly or indirectly to come from the industries situated near these tributaries, and those other industries whose waste effluents eventually get into the Niger. Waste effluents from the foll~r (Table I) breweries, paint industries, soft drink factories, a vegetable oil industry and a cotton mill, were analysed for important water quality parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples of effluents were collected between June and December 1989 duringproduction. In each case total effluent over a period of one hour was mixed thoroughly in the effluent system and representative samples were taken for analysis. The analytical samples were collected in clean sterillzedpolyethylenebottles and preserved at 4~ in the laboratory (APHA-A~ WPCF 1980: Lawal and Singh 1981). pH was determined with a Beckman direct reading pH meter, Model 23A (Central Scientific Co. Chicago, U.S.A.). The meter was Send reprint request to G A Obodo at above address.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 04/1992; 48(3):441-8. DOI:10.1007/BF00195645