A few neutrino-induced tetramuon events have recently been reported by two experimental groups with a production rate of 10–6 for( – – + +)/ ( –). However, the rate for such events is not yet determined theoretically. In the present paper, we report on a detailed calculation of the rate in the framework of a heavy quark cascade mechanism, using the QCD-improved parton distribution functions parametrized by Buras and Gaemers, which have successfully fitted various experimental data. Our calculation for( – – + +)/ () accords well with the CDHS and FHPRW rate. The computed rate is also in accord with that obtained via the radiative charm model calculation, whereby the normal charm dimuon production is accompanied by a radiative + – pair.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 04/1980; 19(5):379-392. DOI:10.1007/BF00671990