A survey using questionnaires was carried out to determine the extent of awareness and acceptability of the Nigerian Essential Drugs’ List and its effect on drug procurement and prescription pattern in some health institutions. Analysis of the responses showed that there was a 100% awareness on the part of the health professionals involved in the survey. Acceptability of the list was low: 96% of the sample group were of the opinion that the essential drugs’ list should be abrogated. Medical doctors prescribe drugs without due consideration for the list while pharmacists stock and dispense drugs on a similar basis. The concept of the essential drugs’ list has not been included in the curricula of the universities and other teaching institutions studied. It was also found that essential drug supply by manufacturers in Nigeria is inadequate.
Social Science & Medicine 02/1991; 33(9):1005-10. DOI:10.1016/0277-9536(91)90005-W