Details of selected publications by staff of University of Nigeria for the year 2013 Continued

1 – 200,201 – 400,401 – 600,601 – 800,801 – 1000,1001 – 1162

- Sonographic biometry of liver size among Igbo school age children of South east, Nigeria
CU Eze, KK Agwu, DN Ezeasor, AE Aronu
Radiography 19 (3), 228-233

- A survey of quality of sonographic practice
CU Eze, CC Asogwa, CU Eze
British Journal of Healthcare Management 19 (3), 124-128

- Ultrasonographic kidney sizes among children in Benin, Nigeria: correlation with age and BMI
CU Eze, CU Eze, TT Marchie
Radiologic technology 84 (4), 341-347

FU Egwuda-Ugbeda, MA Ezeh
Nigerian Theatre Journal 13 (1), 74

- Undergraduate Students’ Awareness and Use of the Multi-media Facilities in the University of Nigeria Nsukka Virtual Library
MO Ukonu, JO Wogu, AC Ekwueme
life (Yusuf, 2005) 11

CJ Mbah

- Propylene glycol, polysorbate-80 and sodium lauryl sulfate as potential dermal absorption enhancers of celecoxib
CJ Mbah, L Okekearu
Standard Scientific Research and Essays 1, 32-35

- The Role of Surveying and Mapping in Erosion Management and Control: Case of Omagba Erosion Site, Onitsha Anambra State, Nigeria
N Chiemelu, F Okeke, K Nwosu, C Ibe, R Ndukwu, A Ugwuoti
Journal of Environment and Earth Science 3 (11), 129-137

- Feasibility of a Filtration-Adsorption Grey Water Treatment System for Developing Countries
CC Nnaji, CN Mama, A Ekwueme, T Utsev
Hydrology: Current Research 2014

- Feasibility of a Filtration-Adsorption Grey Water Treatment System for Developing Countries. Hydrol Current Res S1: 006. doi: 10.4172/2157-7587. S1-00 6 Page 2 of 6 Hydrol Current Res ISSN: 2157-7587 HYCR, an open access journal Water Resources Research and North America by a variety of manufacturers [6]
CC Nnaji, CN Mama, A Ekwueme, T Utsev
Berlin, Germany, a 60

- Library software products in Nigeria: A survey of uses and assessment
AS Obajemu, JN Osagie, HOJ Akinade, FC Ekere
International Journal of Library and Information Science 5 (5), 113-125

EJ Kanu, BD Umoh

- The Impact of Telecommunication Expenditure on Economic Growth in Nigeria
FO Asogwa, KK Ohaleme, RO Ugwuanyi
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4 (13), 40-44

- Policy implications of the spatial and structural relationships of the informal and formal business sectors in urban Nigeria: the case of Enugu (1990-2010)
VU Onyebueke
Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University

- Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence As A Correlate Of Students’ Self-efficacy Belief And Achievement Motivation
IN Akaneme, UN Eze, EC Umeano

IN Akaneme, EN Nwosu, GS Enyi
Journal of Educational Review 6 (3)

- Social commitment in female song: a functionalist study of Agbachaa-Ekuru-Nwa oral performance of Mbaise Igbo.
MC Onyejekwe, ES Ikeokwu
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (10), 66-75

- Communicating gender differences through the paralinguistic mode of drama as evidenced in selected Igbo plays.
ES Ikeokwu
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (11), 38-47

Stable and/or Changing?, 161

- Challenges of Using Information Technology To Combat Economic Crime
MN Agu
African Journal of Computing & ICT 6 (4)

- Mass Connectivity based Digital Nervous System for Nigeria
MN Agu
African Journal of Computing & ICT 6 (1)

- Need to empower Nigerian children and youths through information technology
MN Agu
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) 2 (6), 61-64

- Application of ICT in agricultural sector: Women’s perspective
MN Agu
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering 2 (6), 58-60

- Gender, floods and mental health: The way forward
LI Ugwu, DI Ugwu
International Journal of Asian Social Science 3 (4), 1030-1042

- Regional Integration and Foreign Investment: The Case of Asean Countries
EO Nwosu, A Orji, NE Urama, J Amuka
Asian Economic and Financial Review 3 (12), 1670-1680

- The impact of Tax Policies on Sustainable Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Developing Countries
IOIJOE 12. Richardson Kojo Edeme
ISDRC Journal of Social Science and Public Affairs 2 (1), 20-40

- Prospects of using community directed intervention strategy in delivering health services among Fulani Nomads in Enugu State, Nigeria
JC Okeibunor, NG Onyeneho, OC Nwaorgu, N I’Aronu, I Okoye, …
International journal for equity in health 12 (1), 1-17

- Synergy in antibacterial activities of Ampicillin trihydrate, stabilized with a synthetic aluminum-magnesium silicate and immune-stimulants, on resistant Escherichia coli infection.
MCO Ezeibe, OK Ezeobele, ME Esen, AA Ngene, IJ Mbuko, IC Chukwudi, …
Health 5 (10), 1548-1552

- Data collection and assessment of commonly consumed foods and recipes in six geo-political zones in Nigeria: Important for the development of a National Food Composition Database and Dietary Assessment
HN Ene-Obong, RA Sanusi, EA Udenta, IO Williams, KM Anigo, …
Food chemistry 140 (3), 539-546

- Production of oleoresin from ginger (Zingiber officinale) peels and evaluation of its antimicrobial and antioxidative properties
IE Mbaeyi-Nwaoha, GI Okafor, OV Apochi

- Evaluation of phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) leaf
IE Mbaeyi-Nwaoha, VN Emejulu
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 12 (6), 575

- Functional properties of sorghum (S. bicolor L.)-pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) flour blends and storage stability of a flaked breakfast formulated from blends
IE Mbaeyi-Nwaoha, JC Onweluzo
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 12 (4), 382

- Methanolic crude leaf extract of Ocimum gratissimum reverses phenylhydrazine-induced anemia in albino wistar rats
N Thomas, UE Okem, NN Imelda, IE Eghosa, CC Pascal, UA Chisolu, …
Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Biosciences 1 (1), 23

- Effects of methanolic seed extract of Telfairia occidentalis on blood coagulation in Albino rats
N Thomas, UO Ernest, NI Nkoyo, SN Elvis, OU Chukwubuzor, …
Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Biosciences 1 (1), 10

- A Model of Intelligent Mobile Learning System using Multi-agents
OUO C.N.Udanor
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

- A study on the production and consumption pattern of Kunun-zaki: A cereal based ethnic fermented beverage of Northern Nigeria
O Akoma, OO Agarry, I Nkama
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 3 (4), 1220

- Effect of process variables on the hydration properties and acceptability of extruded millet-soybean blends for fura manufacture
KB Filli, I Nkama, VA Jideani, IU Ibok
British Food Journal 115 (6), 884-898

- The Effect of Extrusion Conditions on the Physical and Functional Properties of Millet–Bambara Groundnut Based Fura
KB Filli, I Nkama, VA Jideani
American Journal of Food Science and Technology 1 (4), 87-101

- Rheological properties of Danwake flour blends from sorghum, wheat and cassava bases
M Diarra, I Nkama, BR Hamaker
Agro-Science 12 (3), 9-14

- Physico-chemical, malting and biochemical properties of some improved Nigerian barley cultivars and their malts
MU Makeri, I Nkama, MH Badau
International Food Research Journal 20 (4), 1563-1568

- Contribution of musculocutaneous nerve in the formation of median nerve
GE Anyanwu, AU Agu, CO Maduka, EA Esom, OJ Ezugworie, …
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy 12 (2), 92

- Mechanisms of hip fracture in Owerri, Nigeria, and its associated variables
CK Onwukamuche, J Ekezie, GE Anyanwu, CO Nwaiwu, AU Agu
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (2), 229

- The value of international prostate symptom scoring system in the management of BPH in Jos, Nigeria
OC Amu, EI Udeh, AI Ugochukwu, NK Dakum, VM Ramyil
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (3), 273-278

- Problems with administration of international prostate symptom score in a developing community
EI Ogwuche, NK Dakum, CO Amu, ED Dung, E Udeh, VM Ramyil
Annals of African medicine 12 (3), 171

- The relationship between prostate volume and international prostate symptom score in Africans with benign prostatic hyperplasia
EI Udeh, OFN Ozoemena, E Ogwuche
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 21 (3), 290-295

- Doppler factor, Lorentz factor and viewing angle of superluminal quasars
CC Onuchukwu, AA Ubachukwu
Astrophysics and Space Science 348 (1), 193-198

- Linear size–extended radio luminosity (D–P E) correlation in BL Lacertae objects: evidence for large scale beaming?
FC Odo, AA Ubachukwu
Astrophysics and Space Science 347 (2), 357-364

- On the Lorentz factor of superluminal sources
CC Onuchukwu, AA Ubachukwu
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 13 (5), 509

- On the Absence of Core Luminosity–Core-Dominance Parameter (P C− R) Correlation in Radio Galaxies and BL Lacs
JA Alhassan, AA Ubachukwu, FC Odo
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 34 (1), 61-67

- Structural asymmetries, relativistic beaming and orientation effects in Lobe-Dominated Quasars
CC Onuchukwu, AA Ubachukwu
Astrophysics and Space Science 344 (1), 211-218

- Evaluation of anaemia in Nigerian goats using FAMACHA© eye colour chart: a preliminary study
IK Idika, CN Iheagwam, LG Nwobi, CO Nwosu
Comparative Clinical Pathology 22 (4), 627-630

- Efficacy of Kelamidium® in the prevention and treatment of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in albino rats
RC Ezeokonkwo, IO Ezeh, CN Iheagwam, WE Agu, RIS Agbede
Comparative Clinical Pathology 22 (2), 219-226

- Gastrointestinal Nematodes and Body Condition Scores of Goats Slaughtered in Nsukka, Nigeria
IK Idika, CN Iheagwam, CN Ezemonye, CO Nwosu
Nigerian Veterinary Journal 33 (1)

- Awareness of the Expected Skills Sets and Development Required by New Era Librarians in Academic Libraries in South East Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria
UC Ferdinand, EA Nwamaka
International Journal of Library and Information Science (IJLIS) 2 (2), 26-38

- Effective communication in academic libraries: An imperative for knowledge delivery
EI Ifidon, RNC Ugwuanyi
International Journal of Library and Information Science. Retrieved from …

- Prayer for Good Governance: A Study of Psalm 72 in the Nigerian Context
OM Jerome
Journal of Religion and Human Relations 1 (4), 12-29

- Prayer for Good Governance: A Study of Psalm 72 in the Nigeria Context
MJ Obiorah
Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (01), 192

- Quality learning at tourist destinations: the nexus of tourism and adult education.
MU Agboeze, E Nwankwo
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (2), 100-107

TPD Ofoegbu, MU Agboeze
British Journal of Education 2 (1), 22-30

- Enhancement of critical thinking skills of vocational and adult education students for entrepreneurship development in Nigeria
MU Agboeze, FM Onu, EO Ugwoke
Journal of Education and Practice 4 (17), 116-123

- The profile of chest injuries in a southeastern Nigeria teaching hospital, a 10-year experience.
IA Nwafor, JC Eze, N Ezemba, OC Onyekwulu, A Brown, CH Anyanwu
Nigerian journal of medicine: journal of the National Association of …

- Synopsis of congenital cardiac disease among children attending University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku Ozalla, Enugu
JM Chinawa, JC Eze, I Obi, I Arodiwe, F Ujunwa, AK Daberechi, HA Obu
BMC research notes 6 (1), 475

- Pattern and clinical profile of children with complex cardiac anomaly at University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku‑Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria
JM Chinawa, HA Obu, CB Eke, JC Eze
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (4)

- Double Outlet Right Ventricle with Anatomical Associations of Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), Pulmonary Stenosis (PS) and Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Presenting as Inoperable Cardiac Disease: case series.
JM Chinawa, JC Eze, HA Obu, B Chukwu
Orient Journal of Medicine 25 (1-2), 62-66

- Open heart surgery: Comparative prosthetic valve utilization at two centres.
EJC Ezemba N., Nwafor I.A.
Chirurgia 26 (2), 69-72

- Retrospective survey of spatio-temporal spread of avian influenza in and around Maiduguri, Borno state northeastern Nigeria
YA Glaji, SM Abubakar, JU Umoh, MS Abdullahi, JA Nwanta
Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances 2 (7), 101-109

- Mortality rates from a Nigerian isolate of the Infectious Bursa Disease Virus and passive haemagglutination antibody titer that protects chicks against challenge with the virus isolate
MCO Ezeibe, JOA Okoye, TM Ogunniran, PC Animoke, IJ Mbuko, …
Health 2013

- Serologic evidence of avian influenza virus infections among Nigerian agricultural workers
J Okoye, D Eze, WS Krueger, GL Heil, JA Friary, GC Gray
Journal of medical virology 85 (4), 670-676

H Isah, JU Ibiam

- The efficacy of jolly phonics instructional strategy on the writing ability of junior primary pupils’ in Uyo senatorial district of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
OM Ifeoma, JU Ibiam

- Impact of Plasmodium falciparum and hookworm infections on the frequency of anaemia in pregnant women of rural communities in Enugu, South East Nigeria
PU Agu, JS Ogboi, K Akpoigbe, T Okeke, E Ezugwu
Pan African Medical Journal 14 (1)

- Parity‑related changes in body weight may influence the zinc and copper status of urban pregnant women: A report from south eastern Nigeria
UI Nwagha, EE Iyare, SO Ogbodo, PU Agu, TH Olubobokun, PO Ezeonu, …
Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences 2 (1), 32-37

- Reducing maternal deaths in a low resource setting in Nigeria
EC Ezugwu, PU Agu, MO Nwoke, FO Ezugwu
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 17 (1), 62-66

- An overview of menopause associated Vaso Motor Symptoms and options available in its management
TC Okeke, CCT Ezenyeaku, LG Ikeako, PU Agu
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 22 (1), 7-14

- Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences Teaching Approach in Drug Education of Pupils in Enugu State of Nigeria
E Nwagu, E Nwagu
Journal of Education Practice 4 (16), 46-54

- Meaning and Thematic Roles in the Igbo Language
CO Okeke
UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities 13 (2), 164-183

SE Ukwueze, AN Aghanya, AA Mgbahurike, OA Shorinwa
World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2 (6), 4177-4189

- Bioassay-guided fractionation for the isolation of the antibacterial compounds from Loranthus species of the mistletoe plant
SE Ukwueze, PO Osadebe
Utilization and Management of Medicinal Plant 2, 421-430

Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 3 (4), 3316-3323

- Bioassayguided evaluation of the antibacterial activity of Loranthus species of the African mistletoe
SE Ukwueze, PO Osadebe, NO Ezenobi
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research 4 (2), 79-82

- Estimating the willingness to pay for water services in Nsukka area of south-eastern Nigeria using contingent valuation method (CVM): Implications for Sustainable Development
O Kanayo, U Ezebuilo, O Maurice
Journal of Human Ecology 41 (2), 93-106

- A Preliminary Study of Cave, Rock-Shelters and Waterfalls in Owerre-Ezukala, Orumba South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria
EI Itanyi, EE Okonkwo, AP Eyisi
Journal of Tourism and Heritage Studies 2 (1)

- Traditional Crafts and Tourism Development and Promotion in Etim Ekpo Local Government of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
EE Okonkwo, CC Oguamanam
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (6), 139-147

- The Career Prospects of Tourism in Nigeria
EE Okonkwo, IU Jacinta
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (12), 126-132

- Sand–shaliness evaluation of part of Bornu basin using well log data
J Ilozobhie, EE Okwueze, EU Egeh
Nigerian Journal of Physics 21 (1), 53-63

- Evaluating Compaction Quality Using Elastic Seismic P Wave
AO Ilori, EE Okwueze, VI Obianwu
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25 (6), 693-700

- Emotional intelligence, locus of control and self-efficacy as determinants of graduates’ self employment in agricultural occupations in South-East, Nigeria
FM Onu, VC Asogwa, EJ Obetta
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies 4 (6), 872

Journal of Educational Review 6 (2)

- Strategic Management of Climate Change Challenges to Crop and Livestock Productions in Southern Nigeria
FM Onu, UC Gertrude-Theresa, OU Enerst
Developing Country Studies 3 (6), 1-11

- Occupational competencies required by retirees in pawpaw production and marketing for sustainable livelihood in Enugu State, Nigeria
EO Ugweke, FM Onu, MU Agboege, VC Asogwa
IOSR J. Res. Method Educ 3 (4), 19-26

- The role of academic libraries and librarians in knowledge management and the realization of vision 20: 20: 20 in Nigeria
ED Chigbu, NA Idoko
International Journal of Library and Information Science 5 (10), 351-361

- Childhood tetanus from snakebite in Warri: a ten-year retrospective review
MGI Ugwu
International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research 2 (2), 157-160

- An isolated cleft of the anterior leaflet of mitral valve in an infant: a case report
MGI Ugwu, EM Umerie, BO Okperi
International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research 2 (1), 84-87

DU Ngwoke, EK Oyeoku, CL Obikwelu
Journal of Educational Review 6 (2)

- Influence of study skills on test anxiety of secondary school students in Nsukka Urban, Enugu State, Nigeria
D Ngwoke, O Ossai, C Obikwelu
Journal of Education and Practice 4 (17), 162-165

DU Ngwoke, D Numonde
Journal of Educational Review 6 (1)

- Women Entrepreneurship as a Cutting Edge for Rural Development in Nigeria
ABC Ezeibe, GO Diogu, JU Eze, GT Uzoamaka, ENN Chiaha
Developing Countries Studies 3 (5)

- Randomised evaluation of unconditional cash transfer scheme for the elderly in Ekiti State Nigeria
D Olajide, A Ezeibe, O Sotola, K Gold, O Olufemi, F Adebayo

- Religion in Nigeria from 1900-2013
RH Kitause, HC Achunike
Religion 3 (18)

- Influence of Gender Stereotype Threats on Undergraduate Students’ Achievement in Mathematics and Science
CS Ugwuanyi, CR Nwagbo
chemistry 4 (28)

- Natural Oesophagostomum columbianum infection of Sahel goats in northeastern Nigeria
CO Nwosu, ED Okon, SN Chiejina, IO Igbokwe, AW Mbaya, PK Columbus, …
Comparative Clinical Pathology 22 (4), 605-610

- Infection of Oesophagostomum columbianum in Small ruminants of the Nigerian Sahel Region and its Economic Importance
CO Nwosu, ED Okon, SN Chiejina, AW Mbaya, PK Columbus, …
Nigerian Veterinary Journal 32 (3)

- African Emerging Equity Markets Re‐examined: Testing the Weak Form Efficiency Theory
EO Nwosu, A Orji, O Anagwu
African Development Review 25 (4), 485-498

- Price Rigidity and Monetary Non-Neutrality in Developing Countries: Evidence from Nigeria
NE Urama, MO Oduh, EO Nwosu, AC Odo
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 3 (2), 525-536

- Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)
EO Nwosu

- State, Civil Society and Political Change: The Dialectics of Democratisation in Nigeria
BU Nwosu
University of Waikato

- Morphological assessment of genetic variability among accessions of Amaranthus hybrids
FI Akaneme, GO Ani
World Applied Science Journal 28, 568-577

- Influence of concept maps on achievement retention of senior secondary school students in Organic Chemistry
FO Ezeudu
Journal of Education and Practice 4 (19), 35-43

- Effects of Language of Instruction on Junior Secondary School (JSS) Students’ Academic Achievement in Basic Science
FO Ezeudu
Journal of Education and Practice 4 (19), 44-60

- Application of Laboratory Management Skills by Chemistry Teachers in Enugu State
organization 4 (18)

- Content Analysis of the Effect of Audit Committee Characteristics on Earnings per Share of Quoted Companies on the Nigerian Stock Exchange 2006-2012
U Modum, RO Ugwoke, EO Onyeanu
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 4 (16), 125-139

- Education tax law and administration in Nigeria
R Ugwoke
Wudpecker Journal of Public Administration 1 (2), 028-036

- An Examination of the Unit Trust Scheme/Mutual Fund as a Veritable Vehicle of Investment in the Nigerian Stock Market.
RO Ugwoke, EO Onyeanu
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 4 (6), 176-184

- Inadequacies And Redundancies In The Principal Financial Authorities That Guide Public Sector Accounting And Financial Management In Nigeria
RO Ugwoke, EO Onyeanu
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 4 (1), 16-25

- Content Analysis of The Effect of CEO Duality On The Corporate Performance of Quoted Companies On The Nigerian Stock Exchance 2006-2012
U Modum, RO Ugwoke, EO Onyeanu
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences 2 (6), 61-77

- Audit Committees and Corporate Performance of Selected Companies Quoted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange: a Perception Analysis.
U Modum, RO Ugwoke, EO Onyeanu
corporate governance 4 (16)

- The prevalence and control of hypertension among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Nigeria
RC Anakwue, EB Arodiwe, EN Ofoegbu
International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 17 (2), 11-24

- Pattern of cancer deaths in the medical wards of a teaching hospital in South East Nigeria
EB Arodiwe, SO Ike, SC Nwokediuko, CK Ijoma, II Ulasi
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (4)

- High population frequencies of APOL1 risk variants are associated with increased prevalence of non-diabetic chronic kidney disease in the Igbo people from south-eastern Nigeria
II Ulasi, S Tzur, WG Wasser, R Shemer, E Kruzel, E Feigin, CK Ijoma, …
Nephron Clinical Practice 123 (1-2), 123-128

- Towards prevention of chronic kidney disease in Nigeria: a community-based study in Southeast Nigeria
II Ulasi, CK Ijoma, OD Onodugo, EB Arodiwe, NA Ifebunandu, JU Okoye
Kidney International Supplements 3 (2), 195-201

- Case report: clinical and radiographic features of partial fusion of the last lumbar vertebra with the sacrum involving a German shepherd-cross bitch
CA Eze, ROC Kene
Comparative Clinical Pathology 22 (3), 335-337

- Structure–Activity Relationships of Synthetic Cordycepin Analogues as Experimental Therapeutics for African Trypanosomiasis
SK Vodnala, T Lundbäck, E Yeheskieli, B Sjöberg, AL Gustavsson, …Med. Chem 56 (24), 9861-9873

523. Trypanosoma brucei aquaglyceroporin 2 is a high-affinity transporter for pentamidine and melaminophenyl arsenic drugs and the main genetic determinant of resistance to these drugs
JC Munday, AA Eze, N Baker, L Glover, C Clucas, DA Andrés, MJ Natto, …
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, dkt442

- Mechanism of resistance to isometamidium in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei brucei
SAKHP Eze AA, Gould MK, Donnelly N, Stelmanis V
EMBO Young Scientists’ Forum, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon, Portugal

- Isometamidium transport and resistance in Trypanosoma brucei
AA Eze
University of Glasgow

- Prevalence of malaria and typhoid co-infections in University of Nigeria, Nsukka District of Enugu State, Nigeria
EA Eze, BN Ukwah, PC Okafor, KO Ugwu
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (11), 2135-2143

- Conversational Competence as a Criterion for Marital Peace and Harmony: A Speech Act Analysis of Ola Rotimi’s Our Husband Has Gone Mad Again
VO Eze, CU Agbedo, OA Chinonso
Framework 3 (15)

- Collapsing the Borderline: A Deep Semantic Study of Rilke’s “Elegy II”
VO Eze, MO Chukwu

- “Empowering Rural Women through Information Provision: The Strategic Roles of the Library”.
EO Ukwoma, Scholastica C. and Njoku
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of …

- Empowering Rural Women through Information Provision: The Strategic Roles of the Library.
U Miss, C Scholastica, E Njoku

- Trends of tuberculosis prevalence and treatment outcome in an under-resourced setting: the case of Enugu state, South East Nigeria
CC Dim, NR Dim
Nigerian medical journal: journal of the Nigeria Medical Association 54 (6), 392

- Choriocarcinoma in Enugu, South east Nigeria: A Need for a Shift From Mortality to Survival
CC Dim, HU Ezegwui
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 22 (3), 252-256

- Case Report: Placenta Percreta in a Booked Multiparous Woman with Minimal Risk Factors and Challenges of Management in a Low Resource Setting
LO Ajah, MI Eze, CC Dim, HU Ezegwui, PO Nkwo, CC Eluke, OS Okoro, …
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 21 (3), 359-360

- Duration and determinants of inter-birth interval among women in Enugu, south-eastern Nigeria
CC Dim, EO Ugwu, EI Iloghalu
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 33 (2), 175-179

- Tuberculosis: A Review of a current concepts and control programme in Nigeria
CC Dim, NR Dim, O Morkve
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 20 (2), 191-197

- Asymptomatic bacteriuria among pregnant women with sickle cell trait in Enugu, South Eastern Nigeria
CC Obiora, CC Dim, HU Ezegwui, EE Nwogu‑Ikojo, C Okeudo
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 17 (1), 95-99

- HIV sero-prevalence among pregnant women in a resource constrained setting, South East Nigeria
EC Ezugwu, SAM Ohayi, TC Okeke, CC Dim
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 21 (3), 338-342

- Weekend versus weekday hospital deaths: Analysis of in‑patient data in a Nigerian tertiary healthcare center
BO Nwosu, NO Eke, A Obi‑Nwosu, OJ Osakwe, CO Eke, NP Obi
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 16 (4)

- Cervical Cancer Screening by Female Workers in South East Nigeria
NO Eke, CO Eke, BO Nwosu, JC Akabuike, CO Ezeigwe, SC Okoye
Afrimedic Journal 3 (2), 11-15

- Barriers to postnatal care and exclusive breastfeeding among urbanwomen in southeastern Nigeria
JO Ugboaja, NO Berthrand, AO Igwegbe, AL OBI-Nwosu
Nigerian Medical Journal 54 (1), 45

- Thermal analysis of a novel fibre-reinforced plastic solar hot water storage tank
PN Nwosu, D Agbiogwu
Energy 60, 109-115

- Reducing Gender Disparity in Vocational Education in Lagos State through ODL
F Anene, I Oyakhiromen

N Akano, I Oyakhiromen

- Industrial Property II
JA Sokefun, I Oyakhiromen
National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

- Gender equality in skills development: how to find a balance
I Oyakhiromen, N Akano
[Vancouver, British Columbia]; Commonwealth of Learning

- Pattern and Outcome of Infertility in Enugu: The Need to Improve Diagnostic
EO Ugwu, CI Onwuka, OA Okezie
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 21 (2), 180-184

- Trends and determinants of episiotomy at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (Unth), Enugu, Nigeria
TC Okeke, EOV Ugwu, OA Okezie, JO Enwereji, CCK Ezenyeaku, …
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 21 (3), 304-307

- Postpartum practices of parturient women in enugu, South East Nigeria
TC Okeke, EO Ugwu, CCT Ezenyeaku, LC Ikeako, OA Okezie
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (1), 47-50

- A five-year survey of caesarean delivery at a Nigerian tertiary hospital
EOV Ugwu, KCE Obioha, OA Okezie, AO Ugwu
Annals of medical and health sciences research 1 (1), 77-84

- Anti-malaria prescription in pregnancy among general practitioners in Enugu state, south east Nigeria
EO Ugwu, ES Iferikigwe, SN Obi, AO Ugwu, PU Agu, OA Okezie
Nigerian medical journal: journal of the Nigeria Medical Association 54 (2), 96

- Attitude of Nigerian gynaecologists to bilateral oophorectomy during hysterectomy for benigh diseases
LI Chukwuali, OA Okezie
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 23 (2), 123-125

- Fertility enhancing effects of methanolic leaf extract of Dracaena arborea in albino rats (Rattus norvegicus)
SO Ekere, CN Okoye, AF Udoumoh
Czech Journal of Animal Science 58 (11), 520-524

- Aggregate-associated soil organic carbon and total nitrogen following amendment of puddled and sawah-managed rice soils in southeastern Nigeria
CA Igwe, JC Nwite, KU Agharanya, Y Watanabe, SE Obalum, …
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 59 (6), 859-874

- Uterine packing in the management of complete placenta praeuvia.
I Okafori, EO Ugwu, N Obis, EE Nwogu-Ikojo
Nigerian journal of medicine: journal of the National Association of …

- Avascular necrosis in sickle cell (homozygous S) patients: Predictive clinical and laboratory indices
AJ Madu, AK Madu, GK Umar, K Ibekwe, A Duru, AO Ugwu
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 17 (1), 86-89

- Electronic theses and dissertations in Nigeria university libraries: status, challenges and strategies
IJ Ezema, CI Ugwu
The Electronic Library 31 (4), 493-507

- Management problems of electronic information resources: A case study of UNN Library
CI Ugwu, DC Onyegiri
International Journal of Library and Information Science 5 (5), 126-133

- Current Approaches to the Determination of Feed Intake and Digestibility in Ruminant Animals-A Review
HI Kubkomawa, DW Nafarnda, SM Adamu, MA Tizhe, TK Daniel, NJ Shua, …
International Journal of Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology 5 (3), 15

- Implementation of A Collaborative E-Learning Environment On A Linux Thin-Client System
LN Onyejegbu, C Ugwu
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research 4 (1), 163-167

- Learning Enhancement in Tertiary Institutions Using Mobile Technologies
CI Ugwu
West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research 5 (1), 10-21

- Is Solar Wind Turbulence a Driver of Geomagnetic Activity at Mid-Low Latitudes?
EBI Ugwu, FN Okeke, OJ Ugonabo

- Larvicidal activity of Picralima nitida, an environmental approach in malaria vector control
UME Dibua, GE Odo, OF Nwabor, GI Ngwu
Am J Res Comm

- Synthesis, structural and optical characterizations of cadmium oxide (CdO) thin films by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique
BA Ezekoye, VA Ezekoye, PO Offor, SC Utazi
International Journal of Physical Sciences 8 (31), 1597-1601

- A comparative study of biogas production using plantain/almond leaves and pig dung, and its applications
VA Ezekoye
International Journal of Physical Sciences 8 (23), 1291-1297

TO Oforka, A Nwosu, AN Okolo
Journal of Educational Review 6 (3)

- Prognostic Values of Albumin and Iron in Symptomatic HIV/Malaria Co-infected subjects on ART in Nnewi, South Eastern Nigeria
NR Ukibe, CC Onyenekwe, JE Ahaneku, SN Ukibe, A Ilika, M Ifeanyi, …
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology 32 (1)

- Evaluation of nutritional status of HIV infected females during menstrual cycle in Nnewi, Anambra state, Nigeria
NR Ukibe, CC Onyenekwe, JE Ahaneku, SN Ukibe, SC Meludu, …
Scientific Journal of Medical Science 2 (9), 169-181

- Birth preparedness and emergency readiness of Pregnant women in Amaku General Hospital Awka, Nigeria
POU Adogu, IA Njelita, AL Ilika
Tropical Journal of Medical Research 16 (2), 42-45

- Determinants of subjective health status of HIV positive mothers in NAUTH Nnewi
SA Nwabueze, POU Adogu, ED Adinma, CO Ifaedike, CC Nnebue, …
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 21 (4), 381-386

- Infant Feeding Choices and Practices as Risk Factors of Mother-to-Child-Transmission of HIV among Exposed Infants in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi
PO Adogu, SA Nwabueze, ED Adinma, AL Ilika, JI Ikechebelu
Afrimedic Journal 3 (1), 7-12

- Comparative Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels in HIV/AIDS Care in Secondary and Tertiary Health Care Facilities in Nigeria
SA Nwabueze, POU Adogu, AL Ilika, MC Asuzu
Afrimedic Journal 1 (2), 1-9

- How do health workers perceive and practice monitoring and evaluation of malaria control interventions in South-east Nigeria?
CO Mbachu, BSC Uzochukwu, OE Onwujekwe, AL Ilika, J Oranuba
BMC health services research 13 (1), 1

- Niger Delta Crisis: A Study of Evwerem and Otu Jeremi Communities: Implications for Nigeria’s Sustainable Development
E Chukwuemeka, NC Ewuim, DSC Amobi, L Okechukwu
International Journal of Accounting Research 1 (4), 1-18

- Democratic Regression in Nigeria: A Critical Discourse on the Character and Tendencies of the Political Parties as Explanatory Factors
EEO Chukwuemeka, DS Amobi, BI Ugwuanyi
International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge 1 (8), 254

- enhancing rural development in Nigeria: periscoping the impediments and explooring the imperative actions
d.s.c chukwuemeka, e.o & amobi
international journal of management sciences and business research 2 (7)

- Public Policy and SMEs’ Adoption of Environmental Sustainability Orientation in Enugu, Nigeria.
EC Idoko, AD Nkamnebe, DSC Amobi
African Journal of Business & Economic Research 8 (1)

- Diurnal Effects on Serum Testosterone and Spermiogram of the West African Dwarf (WAD) Sheep During the Early Rainy Season
KO Anya, GC Okpe, EC Nweze
Nigerian Veterinary Journal 32 (4)

- The Effect of Nigerian Qua-Iboe Brent Crude Oil on the Reproductive Performance of Female Wistar Albino Rats
AN Nwaigwe, KO Anya, CO Nwaigwe, CU Nwaigwe
Nigerian Veterinary Journal 32 (3)

Nigerian Juridical Review 11, 83-114

- The Dynamics of Land Ownership by Deities in Anambra State Nigeria.
URB Emeasoba, JU Ogbuefi
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (7), 61-67

- Sustainable socio-economic development in Nigeria: a case for road infrastructure maintenance
URB Emeasoba, JU Ogbuefi
Journal of Environment and Earth Science 3 (5), 129-137

- Using GPS-TEC data to calibrate VTEC computed with the IRI model over Nigeria
D Okoh, LA McKinnell, P Cilliers, P Okeke
Advances in Space Research 52 (10), 1791-1797

- A Machine Learning Approach for Investigating Spatial Structures between Spectral line Sources: Formaldehyde Absorptions versus Methanol Masers
D Okoh, J Esimbek, J Zhou, T Xindi, A Chukwude, J Urama, P Okeke
Research & Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology 2 (2), 1-11

- Bioremediation of Oil Polluted Arable Soil by Enhanced Natural Attenuation.
PN Okeke, AC Egbo
Universal Journal of Environmental Research & Technology 3 (4)

- Radiowave propagation measurements in Nigeria (preliminary reports)
SE Falodun, PN Okeke
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 113 (1-2), 127-135

- Photometric Study of Three Short-Period Eclipsing Binaries from the ASAS Catalogue
JA Obu, PN Okeke
Scientific Research Publishing

- GIS-based production of digital soil map for Nigeria
UC Nkwunonwo, FI Okeke
Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 6 (5), 498-506

- Peripartum cardiomyopathy
TC Okeke, CCT Ezenyeaku, LC Ikeako
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (3), 313-319

- The frequency and pattern of female genital tract malignancies at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria
TC Okeke, N Onah, LC Ikeako, CCT Ezenyeaku
Annals of medical and health sciences research 3 (3), 345-348

- An overview of female genital mutilation in Nigeria
TC Okeke, USB Anyaehie, CCK Ezenyeaku
Annals of medical and health sciences research 2 (1), 70-73

- Impact of evidence-based innovative interventions on students’ performance in a Nigerian medical school
UB Anyaehie, T Okeke
The FASEB Journal 27 (1_MeetingAbstracts), 741.17

- Survey of women’s opinions on female genital mutilation (FGM) in Southeast Nigeria: study of patients attending antenatal clinic
CC Ezenyeaku, TC Okeke, CO Chigbu, LC Ikeako
Annals of medical and health sciences research 1 (1), 15-20

- Knowledge and perception of menopause and climacteric symptoms among a population of women in Enugu, South East, Nigeria
ACC Ikeme, TC Okeke, SPO Akogu, N Chinwuba
Annals of medical and health sciences research 1 (1), 31-36

- An overview of menopause associated Vaso Motor Symptoms and options available in its management
TC Okeke, CCT Ezenyeaku, LG Ikeako, PU Agu
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 22 (1), 7-14

- The prevalence of Rhesus negativity among pregnant women in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria
TC Okeke, S Ocheni, UI Nwagha, OG Ibegbulam
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 15 (4), 400-402

- HIV Co-Infection with Hepatotropic Viruses and Mycobacterial Tuberculosis. J AIDS Clin Res 4: 229. doi: 10.4172/2155-6113.1000 229 Page 2 of 8 Volume 4• Issue 8• 1000229 J AIDS Clin Res ISSN: 2155-6113 JAR an open access journal Co-infections: HIV and TB were selected. Selected references
TC Okeke, BU Anyaehie
conference papers, technical reports, journal articles, abstracts, relevant …

- HIV co-infection with hepatotropic viruses and mycobacterial tuberculosis.
TC Okeke, BU Anyaehie
Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research 4 (8)

- Caesarean hysterectomy
TC Okeke, CC Ezenyeaku, LC Ikeako
Nigerian Journal of Medicine 22 (2), 83-88

- Ecological Impact of Paper Production: A Case for the Abolition of Print Media
RA Udeajah, NG Christian
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (13), 139

- Investigation of the impact in variation of secondary radioclimatic variables on microwave at the lower atmosphere
AU Jonas, UD Okechukwu
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 120 (1-2), 83-86